Where to put a cat: an overview of animal shelters, conditions and terms of detention, reviews

In this article, we propose to consider options where to put the cat: forever (there may be different reasons), for a while, or extension options for the homeless. We will consider each of the proposed options carefully to avoid errors. When you think about where to put a cat, whether it’s your animal or a street one, you should understand that it needs to find the best house, where they will not offend, leave you hungry and certainly will not throw them out into the street. First, let's figure out where you can attach a purr, completely devoid of home.

Keep yourself

homeless kittens

If you have not passed by a poor, homeless animal, then you can probably keep it with you. Though not for good, but only for a while, until the best owner in the world is found for a cat. Perhaps you will love the purr and will no longer be wondering where to put a homeless cat, washed and fattened personally. Many people do so, especially if the child brings the poor fellow from the street, and you think - "only for a while."

If there is no way to keep the animal on, we suggest considering other options:

  • animal shelters;
  • paid and free overexposure;
  • social media ad about finding a host.

No problems should arise with homeless people. But how to attach your cat, which has become unnecessary?

Give to relatives or friends

This is the first thing that comes to mind when you start to wonder where to put the cat, if it is not needed. Ask your closest people, and just acquaintances, whether they have a desire to attach your animal to themselves. In most cases, the answer will be negative, but you never know, suddenly there are people who really like your cat?

If a friend is afraid to take an animal, since he already has a cat, then tell him that keeping two is easier than one. Cats love companies, and they will be much more interesting and more fun together. Offer your help in buying feed, a tray, a sleeping house and toys. But remember that if a friend has a pet of a different sex, then one animal, or both, will need to be sterilized in order to avoid the birth of offspring, which will also need to be attached.

Usually friends and relatives know the reason why you want to get rid of the animal. Deciding where to put the cat, if the child has an allergy, is much easier than to attach an animal that is dirty. And what if the problem is really that?

Attach to a private house

house for cats on the street

Probably everyone has acquaintances living in a private house. Such people very rarely refuse to attach disadvantaged animals only if they themselves do not have allergies to the coat.

Honestly tell us that you are giving the pet away for the reason that it cannot or does not want to learn how to use the tray, and this smell is simply unacceptable in the apartment. Animals that do not go to the tray often become ideal pets for keeping in a private house, where you can go out on demand, hunt mice, and just walk.

As in the previous case, it will be easier to attach with the "dowry". Say that you buy everything you need, you will supply food and all other necessary accessories.

Again, make sure that the future children of your pet are not on the street. Both cats and cats that have free access to walks must be sterilized. Therefore, before you think about where to put the cat, take care to take it to the veterinarian for a routine operation.

Ad with social networks and newspapers

temporary overexposure for cats

The newspaper is the last option, but you cannot refuse it, because there are people who do not use the Internet - the older generation. But it’s precisely the grandparents who most often want to take the cat into the house, and perhaps they will be ready to take the one that turned out to be unnecessary to you, or the street one that you want to attach to a warm house.

In social networks, it’s easier to track an ad, give comments, answer questions to interested people. Where to get a cat if allergic? Of course, attach through an ad, but it should be honest. Today, every second one has this very “allergy”, due to which they give away the animal. Most often, the real reason lies in the fact that the animal simply got tired, played enough with it, or it started (or didn’t finish) spoiling at home (walking past the tray, or generally beyond its limits, carrying things and so on). And now, the new owners will still learn about these leprosy, and may not leave the most pleasant reviews about you in the same social networks. But this is the mildest outcome of the matter, because they can simply throw away the animal that you did not dare to abandon, and for so long built in new hands!

In the ad, honestly describe the reason why you think about where to put the cat. Write: yes, it’s dirty, therefore it is attached to people who can teach to use a tray, or in a private house. If you steal things, then also describe the problem, and future owners will be ready to clean up everything valuable in places, and not leave it on the pier, from where the thief purr will be able to steal it.


cat with kittens

You absolutely can't hold the animal anymore? Is it really about health (just everything else can be endured until you find a permanent home)? Then pay attention to the fact that there are many overexposures in cities - these are kind people who are ready to shelter a temporary animal in their apartments. There are two types of such temporary shelters: free and paid, let's talk about those and about others in more detail.

Free overexposure

Where can I put the cat that you found on the street, and could not pass by? Of course, seek help from volunteers. These people in their own apartments accept stray cats and dogs for temporary residence. It's easy to find them, from them there are always a lot of ads on social networks about the extension of the wards (with a photo, description of a terrible fate). How to approach them?

Write that you have found the animal, it’s not possible to keep it, since you already have five dogs, two pythons and an owl, or you just have unpleasant consequences from communicating with our smaller brothers in the form of itching, rhinitis and other signs of allergies. For the most part, free overexposures help. Even if they themselves do not have places, they will run through the whole city, ring up all the same animal lovers, but find at least a temporary, but still a haven. What is required of you?

You must understand that it is simply impossible to throw off responsibility on others: you could not keep it, but you didn’t pass by, but they leave, and will look for a permanent home. You will need basic help in the form of transporting a cat to a place of overexposure, buying food and the most necessary - overexposure is free, private, and lives only on its hard-earned and at the mercy of caring. Further, it will be possible to help search for a house: leave comments under the animal’s photo in ads, make reposts, and post such announcements yourself.

Paid Overexposure

cat plays with a mouse

Where to put a cat if she is not needed? Of course, if conscience allows, you can send it under the guise of a homeless person for free overexposure, but still it is very embarrassing, like just throwing an animal away and giving it to a place that a really needy creature could take. It happens that it’s impossible to attach a really stray cat to a free overexposure, what to do in this case? Find a paid one!

Usually paid overexposure is the same as free overexposure: people in their apartment also accept animals for the period of searching for new owners, but with the condition of full support from the one who gives the pet + a small monetary reward for caring. Of these overexposures, announcements are also laid out that such an animal is betrayed and abandoned, and now it is looking for a new home.

But you can’t just entrust your (or street) animal and money to completely strangers. It happens that cats are simply seated in cages, they forget not only to feed, but also to pour water! That is why it is recommended to conclude a service agreement with overexposure, and from time to time to visit guests to make sure that the money goes to maintain the cat, and she does not need anything, is well-groomed and busy.

Paid overexposure keeps the animal until they pay for it, or until there is a permanent home for it. But even such animals take animals for survival (this is a number of poor fellow with injuries incompatible with life, disability, old, in general, all those who already definitely cannot be attached), and you will have to pay for the existence until the end of days, but, as a rule, such individuals they don’t need much, and it’s not expensive to maintain them.

"Murzik's House" - a good paid overexposure in Moscow

Check-in must be booked in advance. Pet accommodation here is inexpensive - from three hundred rubles a day. But this price does not include food, only accommodation and care. If you need a cat to be fed with food from overexposure, then the surcharge will be one hundred rubles per day - the food is only premium.

When you check in at Murzik’s House, you need to bring food, a tray, toys with you, as the policy of overexposure is as follows: the more animals the animal has, the easier it is to adapt!

The cat will live in a personal "room" - this enclosure is very spacious, three-level, the animal will be able to move quietly in it, and relatives will not pester.

Upon check-in, a service agreement is concluded, accommodation is paid (the animal stays for as long as necessary). Overexposure provides video and photo reports for free.

Reviews about "Murzik's House" are the warmest. Everyone who entrusted the animal to this overexposure was satisfied. They write that the conditions are "resort", experienced staff helps cats adapt. The enclosures are always clean, the animals are fed and well-groomed.


In many cities, there are places like kotokafe, and you can spend time with several animals in them! In kotokafe animals are given a lot of attention, they are looked after, fed tasty and competently. But it’s very difficult to attach a purr to such an institution, since there are almost never free places. If it succeeds, then we can assume that the animal was very lucky in life.

How to make sure that your animal is accepted in the kotokafe? Get ready! Many carry foundlings in the kotokafe, not knowing that it is necessary to treat the cat from all parasites, to give vaccinations. If you bring an animal already ready for extension, that his chances increase at times!

Kotokafe Moscow

There are several cafes with cats in the capital, but the most popular are Cotissimo, Black Cat and Cats and People.

These cafes almost never refuse to shelter a homeless animal; volunteers pick them up on the streets themselves. Further, the animal is vaccinated, sterilized, laundered, treated, rid of parasites. In the future, the cat is looking for a permanent home, and for a long time the animals in the cafe do not linger, as visitors to the institution choose them.

Even old animals with disabilities are accepted in the kotokafe, but they can refuse an aggressive animal, contagious, and with a color, of which there are already a lot of animals.

Reviews about all three kotokafe are good. People write that in institutions it does not smell like cats, all animals are clean, well-fed, affectionate. The only thing here is not to find a kitten, as animals are accepted from six months of age.


cat shelter

Many believe that a shelter is the best place for animals that are left unattended or that you simply don’t need. A shelter is a good option only if it is really good: with spacious enclosures, competent staff who will feed on time, play, and in the cage, take care of parasites, vaccinate and send for sterilization. But usually all such shelters are packed to capacity, and they will not be able to accept a new animal, no matter how much they would like.

But bad shelters - these are bad ones. They have cramped cages in which cats sit without walks, toys, sometimes without food, as there are few personnel, and they simply do not have time to look after all the pets. Imagine what a nightmare for an animal - sitting around the clock in a cage meter to meter, when before it was possible, even if not jumping on sofas, but freely through the trees and the street! That is why you will think about what is better: leave the foundling on the street or turn in a bad shelter. The only thing - in the shelter the cat will not freeze, will not die of hunger or in the teeth of the same hungry street dogs. But here the chances of dying from the disease increase significantly.

Shelters, whether good or bad, always need help! If you decide to send your animal there or what you found on the street, prepare some gifts: food, bedding, toys, trays and so on. Not a single shelter also refuses all possible assistance in cleaning, feeding animals, and walking with them.

Review of good shelters in Moscow

“Forest Shelter”, “Gift of Fate”, “Affectionate Beast”, “Murkosh” are shelters for all homeless cats and those that the current owners simply refuse. Before you bring an animal here, you need to contact the volunteers of the fund and agree on an extension. You won’t need anything, you can carry a cat in any condition. Here she will be washed, fed, vaccinated, sterilized when she reaches 8 months of age.

Next, animals will be photographed, posting ads on social networks about the extension in good hands. As soon as the owner is located for the cat, an animal transfer contract is concluded with him. The fate of the cat is not left without observation, volunteers will ask for photo reports.

You can bring an old and sick animal to the shelter, here everyone finds their warm corner and a bowl of food. All cats that cannot be attached due to age or illness survive their short feline age in the shelter, in good conditions.

Everything is clear with this, sorted out. But often on the net there are screams of help, such as "Help, I'm leaving, where to put the cat on time?". We will deal with this further.

Add temporarily to friends

cat in a box

If possible, just leave the keys to the house to a loved one who will feed the cat, change the filler in the tray. It will be easier for a cat, because she will stay at home, even if alone.

If there are no such people who can come to you every day, then maybe there are those who can temporarily host the animal? If there are any, then along with the cat bring her toys, a tray, your favorite litter - so the pussy adapts faster to the new environment.

Hotel for animals

hotel for cats

Where to put a cat on vacation or business trip if none of my friends can help? Two options can be considered:

  1. Paid overexposure. It’s cheap, but look only for good reviews, because you won’t be able to check the conditions in which the pet is kept.
  2. Hotel for animals. This is more expensive than overexposure, but here they will definitely feed and play, and caress, you can relax peacefully! Reviews for pet hotels are mostly good, so don’t worry about your pet.

In both cases, a service contract is drawn up. Consider the nicest hotels.

Review of hotels for cats in Moscow

  1. “Goldie Cat” - there are only 11 rooms, all “Comfort” and “Suite”, accommodation from five hundred rubles a day. Living conditions: spacious enclosures with toys, a tray (fodder with oneself). The staff takes care of the cats: games, petting, cleaning, haircuts and so on. Video surveillance is carried out, a report at any time and for free.
  2. "Bucking Cat" - from 300 rubles per day, depending on the comfort of the aviary (from 1 to 2.1 meters in height). Video and photo reports at the request of the owner of the animal, haircut, feeding, full care (including games and petting).
  3. "Koshkino" is an even cheaper, but comfortable pet-hotel. The price of accommodation is from 250 rubles per day, food is not included, as in previous versions. The price includes full care, care, living in a clean enclosure separately from other cats.

Rules for the reception of animals in all hotels:

  • cats under 4 months old, unsterilized after 9 months, without a passport for vaccinations, untreated from parasites are not accepted;
  • you can bring the animal either on your own or transfer it from the apartment to a hotel employee (for a fee);
  • cats should only be carried in carrying;
  • failure by aggressive animals;
  • conclusion of a service agreement;
  • payment upon admission + possible surcharge (unforeseen expenses) upon delivery of the animal back home.

The best way

Where to put the cat on vacation? ! , . , , !

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overexposure for cats

In no case do not throw away an objectionable animal if it can no longer live with you. Domestic cats have low immunity and will die with the first virus. These animals cannot protect themselves from relatives and dogs, they die under the wheels of cars, from hunger (because they do not know how to get food themselves), frost. We have offered many options, and at least one, but definitely suitable for you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4202/

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