Ventilated facade - what is it? Installation of facades

The installation technology of ventilated facades took root in Russia at the end of the last century. The first users praised the operational advantages of the design, its aesthetic appearance and versatility of use. The main advantage of the ventilation façade is its ability to provide condensate removal in the free space between the cladding and the wall. Despite the popularity of this design, the question remains: "Ventilated facade - what is it?" Of course, this is not only a hinged frame and panels fixed on it. A whole range of additional fasteners is involved in the installation. At the same time, there are various installation schemes and approaches to the selection of materials for component parts.

Ventilated facade design

ventilated facade what is it

The design of the ventilation system is focused on providing reliability, an attractive appearance and optimal humidity conditions. All of these qualities are achieved thanks to the outer cladding, the base in the form of a frame, as well as layers of insulation. It turns out a reliable, effective in use and undemanding in care "pie", the components of which may vary.

And cladding, and metal for the frame, and thermal insulation are selected from a wide range of materials with the expectation of the requirements of a particular building. One way or another, this set of components allows you to better understand the answer to the question: "Ventilated facade - what is it?" This is a structure designed to protect the walls through high-strength decorative cladding and a metal frame. Moreover, the layout configuration of these layers may be different and depend on climatic conditions and technical requirements of the project. For example, if you need to increase the facade resistance to vapor permeation, technologists reduce the presence of heat transfer elements.

ventilated facades Price

Ventilation Facade Subsystems

The subsystem in the design of the ventilation façade is the basis that the brackets and profiles form. This component provides direct fixation to the building and acts as the basis for the mechanical fastening of decorative panels. The profile for ventilated facades takes on the greatest load, which can be represented by aluminum alloy, galvanized or stainless steel. For private cottages, as a rule, an aluminum subsystem is used. It is an inexpensive and easy-to-install material with optimal strength characteristics for small houses. Galvanized steel is also beneficial at a price, but its durability leaves much to be desired. Under the influence of corrosion, such profiles become unusable after 6-7 years, requiring replacement. Aluminum and stainless steel in this sense are more profitable.

installation of facades

Not the last place in the frame is occupied by fasteners, among which rivets, anchor dowels and various clamps. In this case, hardware cannot be considered as universal methods of fastening, since each subsystem requires an analysis of the compatibility of components - including the calculation of the profile-fastener combination. In addition, the subsystem of ventilated facades is responsible for the formation of an air gap between the facing panels and the heat insulator layer. The gap is a prerequisite in the installation of ventilation facades, ignoring which you can get a finish with characteristics that run counter to the project.

Ventilated facade units

For each system, the corresponding architectural and structural nodal points are developed. They also involve the use of fasteners, the technical performance of which may vary. Due to the presence of such elements, a high strength subsystem is achieved. At the same time, the choice of technology for its implementation depends on the installation method, according to which a particular ventilated facade is realized. Nodes for standard designs can be of the following types:

  • The fastener assembly to the supporting base. It is carried out using the bracket fixing the profiles to the wall of the building.
  • Assembly of profiles to brackets.
  • Node for attaching slopes of the ventilation façade - this system can be represented as a frame of the door and window openings of the house.
  • Fixation nodes for the corners of the building. Such fastening of ventilated facades involves the use of special corner hardware and racks.
  • Basement nodes - located in the lower and upper parts of the walls.

Cladding material

subsystem of ventilated facades

In terms of decorative properties, this is the main part of the facade, which represents the shell of the house. The fastening of the facing elements to the profiles is carried out so that an air niche remains between the panels and the insulation layer. Once again, we can return to the question of whether the ventilated facade is what it is. Of course, in the eyes of ordinary users of the building, this is just the external design. Designers and installers think about the technical device and fastening systems, and at the output, the aesthetic advantages of the facing material are primarily evaluated. Metal panels, stone slabs, siding, and even glass and wood cope with this function.

The most popular still won porcelain tiles with composite materials. The mechanical strength of ceramic granite determined its organic place in ventilation systems. It protects the surface of the building from atmospheric influences and is itself wear-resistant, and the variety of textures makes it the best solution for such tasks. Composite fiber cement panels, which are based on lightweight concrete and synthetic fiber, make serious competition to porcelain stoneware. In addition to high strength, ventilated composite facades based on fiber cement provide a decorative effect. With their help, they imitate rocky and stone surfaces, as well as recreate the texture of traditional cladding - for example, tiles, bricks, plaster and other coatings.

ventilated composite facades

Wooden ventilation facades

In such a responsible enterprise as installing a ventilated facade, the use of metal structures is justified. However, ultrahigh strength does not always become the main requirement for the exterior design of a house. So, the cost of a structure, the ease of its implementation and environmental properties may come to the fore. For example, for frame-panel buildings, engineers are increasingly recommending the use of a wooden ventilated facade. What it is from the point of view of economy is an understandable answer (cost reduction on profiles and brackets), but conflicting opinions still arise regarding strength. The basis of the design is a beam, which, undoubtedly, is inferior in many respects to the same aluminum. Nevertheless, the wooden crate is subjected to special processing before use, which brings it closer to the optimal characteristics required for ventilated facades.

Ventilation installation

ventilated facade units

Work begins with the marking of the mounting points of the brackets on the wall surface. Then follows the direct installation of supporting fasteners for the subsystem: creating holes, introducing anchor dowels and fixing brackets. After that, they begin to install a wind-protective film and a heater. Insulating panels are hung on the surface through slots for brackets. Thermal insulation boards are mounted in combination with the film using dowels. At the next stage, the installation of facades involves the installation of guides. To do this, the profiles are installed in the grooves of the brackets and finally fixed with rivets. Work is being completed by installing facing plates to the guide profiles - this is done with clamps or self-tapping screws.

Vent façade and solar energy

The arrangement of the panels is advantageous for processing solar energy. This innovative solution is being implemented using photovoltaic batteries. Already today there are many projects for private use, which provide for “solar” cladding. Despite the apparent complexity of such technologies, the installation of facades with photovoltaic cells is quite simple. The only difference from traditional technology is the integration of solar cells, including a photovoltaic system. According to the developers of such models, the facades will be able to generate up to 200% of the energy required to maintain the house.

Price issue

Many factors influence the cost of construction, but the main ones are the material for the subsystem and the cladding, with the help of which ventilated facades are formed. The price of systems based on aluminum is 500-600 rubles. for 1 m 2 . Porcelain stoneware for the facade itself can cost 300-400 rubles. Structures made of galvanized subsystems are more affordable - the payment of 1 m 2 rarely exceeds 200 rubles. But it is important to take into account that the cost decreases quite justifiably, since a less strong and durable galvanized steel frame may require reconstruction or a complete renovation of the facade.


fastening ventilated facades

Among the technologies for decorating facades, ventilated structures rightly occupy leading positions. In many respects this is facilitated by the set of materials from which such systems are mounted. High-strength fasteners, aluminum and stainless steel, reliable and aesthetic porcelain stoneware - these are just some of the advantages that ventilated facades have. The price of a quality design is 500 rubles. for 1 m 2 , of course, is not a plus, but it is almost impossible to get a facade that is similar in characteristics with lower costs. Ventilation facades have gone far from competitors not only in terms of strength and decorativeness, but also in terms of ease of maintenance, which reduces operating costs.


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