How to pass the SDA exam? Instructions and recommendations

An examination for knowledge of traffic rules should be taken by every person who plans to get a driverā€™s license that allows him to legally drive a car. The procedure is additionally required for citizens who have been deprived of a driverā€™s license for a long time. To get the document back, you will have to confirm your knowledge of the rules. Therefore, for beginners and experienced drivers, the question arises of how to pass the test for traffic rules. If you correctly prepare for such a test, itā€™s good to learn all the rules and decide tickets in advance, then there will be no difficulties with passing the exam.

compilation traffic

When should I take the test?

It is necessary to pass the SDA exam in different situations:

  • the procedure is mandatory for citizens who plan to get a driverā€™s license for the first time, so after the theoretical part is handed over, you will have to prove your skills in driving a car on the race track and in the city;
  • when an experienced driver plans to open a new driver category, it is important to pass the theory, and also often need to show their skills in the city and on the circuit;
  • an exam is taken after the driver was deprived of his license for various traffic violations.

In all the above situations, a citizen must confirm that he has studied traffic rules well, so he can drive a car without difficulties. It is especially important to quickly pass the SDA exam after the deprivation of rights, since without confirming knowledge of the theory it will not be possible to return the certificate. Additionally, in the above situations, you will have to undergo a physical examination to confirm that the citizen does not have medical contraindications for driving the machine.

pass the SDA exam after disqualification

New rules

Regularly, numerous amendments are made to the legislation that concern even the passing of a theoretical exam. Such innovations include the following:

  • the exam is taken in any region of the country, so now it does not matter where the citizen is registered;
  • if a person already has driving experience and a license, but he passed the exam in a car with a manual gearbox, he is not allowed to drive a car with a manual gearbox, so if such a need arises, you will have to retake the exam;
  • during the test of knowledge of traffic rules it is necessary to answer 20 questions in 20 minutes;
  • it is allowed to make a maximum of 2 errors, but for each incorrect answer the number of questions increases by 5, but the time allotted for passing the theory remains unchanged.

Only if you understand these nuances, you can easily pass the traffic test in the traffic police. Usually, citizens rarely have difficulties with the theory, so most of the examinees who are responsibly approaching this issue will easily proceed to the next part of the exam.

Other nuances

If you want to pass an exam on traffic rules, a citizen should study all the nuances of this process. These include the following:

  • requirements for traffic police inspectors taking examinations have changed, as they must be over 25 years old, and they must have driving license and experience of 5 years;
  • if for the first time a citizen receives rights, then he will first have to undergo training in a specialized driving school, since without a document from this institution it is impossible to pass exams;
  • the application on the basis of which the test date is set can be submitted not only during a personal visit to the traffic police department, but also using a special online service, for which the State Service portal or the official website of the car inspection are used;
  • citizens from 16 years of age can take the theory, but for this, minor applicants must have written consent to complete this process from their parents or official representatives.

All these rules are aimed at improving the process of obtaining a driverā€™s license. Can I pass the SDA exam for a minor? This process is allowed for citizens from 16 years old, but it will be possible to operate the machine only after 18 years.

pass the SDA exam

What documents are required?

To obtain a driverā€™s license, you need to undergo training at a driving school, sign up for the theoretical part of the exam, and also transfer the necessary documentation to the selected traffic police unit. Papers are required both at the initial receipt of the certificate, and when opening a new category or confirming knowledge of traffic rules after deprivation of rights. Therefore, in order to pass the SDA exam for the SD category or another, you need to prepare the documentation:

  • passport of a citizen;
  • if a new category is opened, then the existing driverā€™s license is prepared;
  • correctly prepared application, which can be formed by hand or filled out on the site of the traffic police in electronic form;
  • since obtaining a medical examination is required in advance to obtain rights, a medical certificate is additionally required, which indicates whether the citizen has any contraindications to driving;
  • certificate that the applicant had previously completed training at a driving school;
  • if the applicant is not yet 18 years old, then in addition he must have written permission for the test from the parents.

It is not required to bring along a receipt for the payment of a fee, since the information on depositing funds is available in a special database, so the traffic police will find this information without difficulty. The prepared package of documents is handed over to the examiner, therefore only under such conditions it is possible to pass the exam on traffic rules in the traffic police.

need to pass an exam

What knowledge is tested?

To get a driverā€™s license, each citizen must confirm with a special test his knowledge indicating that he is well versed in traffic rules. To do this, pass a theoretical exam. It consists of special cards with 4 answer options, so it is important to choose the right option. Only with knowledge can one be sure that a citizen will not violate fundamental rules while driving a car.

To pass the SDA exam online (for the SD category or another, it does not matter), it is important to understand the following points:

  • it is necessary to carefully study the traffic rules applicable in the Russian Federation;
  • RF standards relevant to road safety are being studied;
  • the applicant for a driverā€™s license should be well versed in the rules for providing assistance to victims of road accidents;
  • the provisions relating to the approval of the vehicle for use are being studied;
  • the entire legislative framework is examined, which contains information on the penalties applicable to drivers violating traffic rules, and it is taken into account that liability can be not only administrative, but also civil or criminal;
  • Learn the basics of safe driving.

All of the above aspects have questions on the exam. You can answer different questions in random order. If the wrong option is selected, then it can be changed until all answers are checked.

When is an exam considered passed?

Passing the SDA exam after deprivation of rights or upon initial receipt of the certificate is quite simple. Testing will be completed if the following conditions are met:

  • in 20 minutes the correct answers to all questions were given;
  • a maximum of 2 errors were made, but the examiner answered correctly for the additional 10 questions;
  • the citizen did not use any means allowing him to get a hint, therefore the traffic inspector should not record the use of the phone or other technical means;
  • a citizen must not leave the exam until the results are announced.

If the theory was passed the first time, then the citizen who plans to get rights for the first time will have to take the rest of the exam. If a person who had previously been deprived of his certificate was tested, then he can be contacted by the traffic police department to return the document.

pass the traffic police exam in traffic police

How to behave?

Often, drivers with rights of a certain category want to open additional categories. Most often, SD is selected for this. Under these conditions, you will have to pass the SDA exam without fail. The questions include information relevant to the selected category. Additionally, you will have to demonstrate transport management skills at the circuit and in the city.

Surrender of the theory is considered a simple process, but in order to answer all the questions correctly the first time, it is recommended to take into account some recommendations. These include:

  • no need to rush, as there is usually enough time not only to answer all questions, but also to check the correctness of the chosen options;
  • do not immediately answer the first question, since it is advisable to initially run through all the questions to make sure that you have the knowledge to answer all the questions;
  • no need to worry, as this can be confusing;
  • it is not recommended to take any sedatives before testing, as they negatively affect concentration and confidence;
  • questions where drawings are more quickly perceived; therefore, it is advisable to answer them initially;
  • it is important to carefully read the question;
  • if there are difficulties with the answer to any question, then you should wait and skip it;
  • if there is no picture, then the question relates to the duties of the driver, to his responsibility or to the admission of the machine to use, as well as issues related to medical topics and road safety measures;
  • it is not allowed to use the telephone, the help of neighbors or other technical means to obtain information, since if such actions are detected, the traffic inspector will stop testing, so you will have to come for a retake anyway.

If you are well versed in how to pass the SDA exam, then you can answer all the questions correctly the first time.

The basis for successful testing is preliminary thorough preparation. To do this, it is advisable to regularly attend classes in a driving school, as well as independently engage in. Good knowledge will not only make it easy to cope with the test, but also come in handy in the process of driving.

pass exam SDD

Reasons for failure

In practice, the failures associated with passing the theoretical exam are due to the following reasons:

  • poor pre-training of citizens;
  • after passing the theory in a driving school, cadets stop preparing, therefore, before testing, which takes place at the traffic police, they do not update their knowledge, which often leads to errors;
  • due to extreme excitement, the examinees choose answers hastily and thoughtlessly, which leads to the need for retake.

After the first test, you can sign up for a retake only after a week.

Where is the test taken?

Different citizens may need to pass a theoretical exam, even those who already have an impressive driving experience, but they must pass the test, as they have no rights after deprivation. Where to pass the SDA exam? The procedure is performed in the traffic police department, equipped with the necessary equipment.

First you need to sign up for an exam, and the process can be performed not only with a personal visit to the unit of car inspection, but also through the State Services.

where to pass the exam SDA after deprivation

The nuances of taking the test after disqualification

Deprivation of rights is represented by a certain measure of punishment for drivers who violate serious traffic regulations. This includes driving while intoxicated, driving into an oncoming lane while crossing a solid line, or other serious road situations.

Rights are given to the traffic police unit until the term of deprivation ends. In addition, you will have to pass an exam on traffic rules after the deprivation of rights, so that a driverā€™s license is issued to a citizen. The process can be completed only after at least half of the time period set by the court has passed. You can take the theory in absolutely any unit of the traffic police regardless of which city the examiner is registered in.

Do I have to pay a state fee?

If you need to pass the exam on traffic rules, it is important to correctly prepare for testing. If a citizen receives rights for the first time, then he will have to pay a state duty for the creation of a document equal to 2 thousand rubles. If payment is made through State services, then a discount of 30% is provided. The state duty is paid for the creation of a new certificate if exams are taken to obtain a new category.

If the theory surrenders after the deprivation of rights, then the state duty does not need to be paid.

Can I pass the exam

The nuances of retake

If it is not possible to pass the theory the first time, then a retake is made. The procedure is carried out in a week. If the second time you fail to pass the test, then the next retake is appointed again after 7 days.

The sequence is additionally taken into account, since in many units there is a significant queue of examinees, so the intervals between retakes can be longer.


An examination for knowledge of traffic rules has to be passed to all citizens who wish to obtain a driverā€™s license. Additionally, the process is carried out by people who add a new category to their rights or receive a document after its deprivation.

To pass the test successfully the first time, it is recommended that you carefully prepare for this process. To pass the exam, it is important to prepare certain documents and study traffic rules well.


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