Guinea Pigs in the Wild: Lifestyle, Behavior, and Habitat

Guinea pigs are cute fluffy animals. Domesticated animal native to South America. All varieties are united in one genus - Cavia. In another way they are called Guinean. In South America they are also called gui or aperea.

The main difference between domesticated and wild guinea pigs is that animals living in the wild are much more mobile and slimmer.

A bit of history

These animals were domesticated 5 thousand years ago BC. This happened in the modern territories of Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador. Then they were bred for consumption. Incredibly, camels were tamed only after a few millennia.

But not in South America, guinea pigs were eaten. For example, the Mochik tribes worshiped these animals, which is confirmed by artifacts that were found during excavations.

The first written mention of guinea pigs in the wild is in the records of royal officials who participated in campaigns with Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada (1539) in Colombia. Already in 1550, Quesada himself writes about animals in his reports.

In the future, several other European researchers mention guinea pigs, for example, Pedro Ciez de Leon (1554) in records of trips around Peru.

Guinea pigs

Animal for the inhabitants of the Andes

For the first time, Europeans met a guinea pig in the wild in Peru. There, the animal was largely used for food and sacrifices. Juan Polo de Ondero, who studied local religious rites, has a description that for the 9th month sheep and kuyevs (guinea pigs) were burned so that the earth would bring a good harvest. At the same time, no wild animals were used for the rituals, since it was believed that only a creature that was grown by hand could be sacrificed.

After the discovery of new overseas countries, pigs came to Europe and became pets.

species diversity

Origin name

Translated from Latin, the word Cavia means - a little pig. The same term exists in the language of the tribes of Galibi (South America). All over the world, the name Guinea pig is better known, but in Russia the prefix "sea" is used. It is believed that this term came to us from the Polish language “swinka morska”, which was once transformed from the German word Meerschweinchen.

The prefix "Guinean" is generally unclear where it came from. They suggest that it is a purely common noun epithet, meaning that the animal was brought from distant lands.

dinner at animals


Where do guinea pigs live in the wild? The birthplace of this animal is South and Central America. There Europeans saw these animals gathering in groups of 5 to 10 individuals. Animals mostly hid in minks or between stones.

Already in those days in the modern territories of Argentina and Peru they were bred at home, like rabbits.

Guinea pig today lives in almost all countries of Latin America. In each state, the animal has its own name.

colorful animal


If you look at the photo of a guinea pig in the wild, then at first it may seem that this is an ordinary hare. It has the same gray color, with a slight touch of red, characteristic of our long-eared cowardly behavior.

Although cowardice is not a bad trait, after all, many wild animals hunt from pigs, from large birds of prey to wolves.

Red and gray due to living conditions. Indeed, in the area of ​​grass and rock. Pigs have the fur to match the color of the landscape to make it easier to hide. The animal has a very interesting coat structure. The hair itself is gray in color, has a red tint in the middle, and black on the tip.

The dimensions of the guinea pig in the wild do not exceed 35 centimeters in length, and the weight does not exceed 3 kilograms. The body of the animals is elongated, in contrast to domesticated ones. Therefore, external differences between domestic and wild animals are much greater than similar features.

Animals living in the natural environment are strong and hardy, weigh less and are very playful. Another cardinal difference is the color; in wild animals it is not so bright.

The life of guinea pigs in the wild proceeds predominantly at dusk. In the afternoon, they usually hide. And the "houses" are completely dependent on the environment. In mountainous areas this can be a crevice. On the plains, the animal digs minks, but often occupies the housing of other rodents, or creates a shelter from grasses and shrubs.

Guinea pigs tolerate sudden changes in temperature. They are not afraid of cooling to +5 degrees and extreme heat when the air temperature rises to +45 degrees. In severe frosts, animals can die, which happens mainly with weak or too young individuals.

These are very clean representatives of wild fauna, they are almost completely odorless. They devote all their free time to cleaning their fur coats. Although this quality is associated not only with cleanliness, because the lack of smell makes it possible once again not to attract enemies.

breeding pigs

How many live

The life span of a guinea pig in the wild is very short, no more than 5 years. This is due to a huge number of natural enemies. In some regions, it is difficult for animals to get food, they go out for food during the day and often die. Animals are also susceptible to many diseases from which they die.

Behavior and Reproduction

Animals prefer to group in small flocks from 5 to 10 individuals, sometimes families with up to 20 members are found, but very rarely. In large packs, peace is rarely enough, since in such groups there are many males who often “sort out relationships”. If the group is large, then this indicates that it has a strong leader.

While part of the flock feeds or sleeps, another part watches and warns of danger. The animals do not live alone, as they will not be able to survive without the help of their relatives.

Unlike domestic counterparts, wild pigs swim well. If required, they can cross a small stream or river.

A guinea pig can sleep for only 10 minutes for several hours, while not always with its eyes closed. In such a period of short sleep in animals, the brain is awake in order to instantly respond to danger.

Females bring offspring 2 times a year. Children acquire independence on the 6th or 7th day of age. Therefore, they leave their mother very quickly.

mother feeds the baby

What do guinea pigs eat in the wild?

In natural living conditions, animals prefer cereals. In their absence, other herbaceous plants and seeds are used. Water is obtained mainly from dew and vegetation. Animals eat in small portions, but often.

Individuals living on riverbanks consume aquatic vegetation. If there is not enough food, they can gnaw the bark from the trees, eat the stems of the bushes.

Naturally, the diet of pets is more diverse. This is not only hay, but also fruits and vegetables.

Talking animals

Both pets and guinea pigs make a wide variety of sounds in the wild, depending on the environment. They communicate with each other, expressing their disposition to a particular individual, dissatisfaction with something.

The animals squeak if the danger is approaching. A sound similar to brrr can speak not only of fright, but also of irritation. Hissing can speak of discontent.

If the male is trying to attract a partner, then he grumbles and rumbles, as if beating off a drum roll.

An animal ready to attack makes clicks and tapping with its teeth.

guinea pig kids

Interesting Facts

Do guinea pigs live in the wild? Yes, they live, but not with us, but in distant South America. There, they are still caught for food.

Ancient Indians considered these animals a panacea for all diseases. In some villages, even now, pigs are being diagnosed. For this, only individuals with black fur are used. The diagnostic method is quite unique - for 2 hours, the patient is rubbed with the body of the animal. After that, the mumps are killed and the viscera are examined, determining by organs of the unfortunate which organs are sick in a person.

For guinea pig, ordinary penicillin is a poison, necessarily leading the animal to death.

To get a unique coat color, you can cross guinea pigs only inside the breed. Inheritance of color in animals occurs randomly. To get an individual even with white color, you will have to reduce about 10 pairs. Only one of the offspring will have a snow-white color. Note that tortie white guinea pigs at home survive to 100 years.

In countries where guinea pigs live in the wild, the population is declining. This is due to the fact that their habitat is becoming smaller, because every year people are exploring new territories without thinking about the fact that they are invading someone’s home.


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