Medical care for animals in St. Petersburg. Sotnikov Clinic

Many will agree that a positive treatment outcome depends on the experience of qualified medical facilities and competent personnel. This is especially true for areas related to accurate diagnosis, such as endocrinology, cardiology, ophthalmology. The guarantee of quality will be the unshakable authority of the hospital and the doctor. It is these principles that the doctor Sotnikov follows in his work. The veterinary clinic under his leadership has extensive experience in providing any kind of assistance to animals.

Sotnikova Clinic for Repischeva

General information

The activity of the round-the-clock veterinary clinic of neurology, traumatology and intensive care of Dr. Sotnikov began in 2007. She provides animals with standard medical services. It differs from other institutions of this type in equipping with high-tech devices.


Thanks to a magnetic resonance imaging scanner, a modern digital X-ray, and the latest anesthetic setting, Dr. Sotnikov’s clinic is popular not only in St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia. Also there are departments of neurology, orthopedics, an equipped ophthalmological and two endoscopic operating rooms, a dental office. Sotnikov Clinic at Repishcheva 13 uses highly effective healing methods that have a beneficial effect on patients who are considered incurable for several years. The work of the three hospitals operating at the hospital is very effective. Under the supervision of doctors around the clock are those animals whose condition is extremely critical or requiring prompt medical attention. The clinic staff is sufficiently qualified and competent in various aspects of veterinary practice. In this regard, all other hospitals in St. Petersburg maintain close contact with her and turn to resolve issues related to the diagnosis and recovery of patients.

clinic of centurions


The doctors of this hospital highlight several important points for their work:

1. It is possible to treat an animal only when an accurate and correct diagnosis is made. Only on this will depend on the patient's adequate response to the healing process. In order to cope with his difficult work, the doctor must know a lot and be able to. Only his experience and the right restorative methods will avoid the negative results of treatment.

2. The necessary rule is the desire for personal growth, advanced training, the use of modern techniques in their work.

3. The practical application of modern equipment is important. Sotnikov’s Clinic at Repishchev acquires new medical devices that allow complex operations on the joints, spine, brain and spinal cord.

Sotnikov Veterinary Clinic
4. The development of their professional skills in a narrow specialization is another important point for the work of the hospital. Currently, there are very few veterinarians working in a particular direction. Universal doctors who undertake everything are not able to provide effective help. Sotnikov Clinic offers only those services for the implementation of which there is knowledge and skills. In the absence of a qualified specialist, the patient will be sent to another hospital.

5. Unacceptable for personnel action is the euthanasia of the animal. The doctors of this institution will make every effort to save the patient, because death is a tragedy that you can try to prevent.

Activities outside the hospital

Sotnikov Clinic practices cooperation with other hospitals, exchange of experience, internships of staff and students. All these are necessary points that contribute to the development of this field of medicine throughout the country. The doctors of this hospital are active participants in congresses, conferences held around the world. They consider their main task not only the healing of patients, but also the desire for professional growth.

Veterinary clinic Sotnikova


Constantly developing veterinary medicine began to pay more attention to the treatment of domestic animals that received damage to one or more parts of the body. Modern traumatology pays all its attention to the study of the process of changes in tissues and organs after wounds or bruises. She is engaged in practicing conservative and surgical healing techniques and preventing complications after an illness. In this regard, the Sotnikovs Clinic is actively introducing metal fixators for osteosynthesis into practice. In many countries, a veterinarian orthopedist is dealing with a similar problem. Specialists of this kind are now appearing in Russia. The treatment of complex injuries requires an operating room and a team of doctors: an anesthesiologist, resuscitator, traumatologist, and assistants.

Applicable Methods

Sotnikov Clinic uses modern implants to treat fractures in animals. They allow you to perform a stable operative connection of bone fragments, create a comfortable stationary position for damaged areas of the body, contribute to the rapid recovery of the body. Hospital patients independently rise to their feet from the operating table. The main condition for the correct healing of the fracture is the immobility of the damaged limb. Animals a few days after proper and competent fixation can rest on a bruised foot. If a week after the operation the pet cannot move fully, then this is a good reason to urgently contact a specialist. The use of plaster casts is a somewhat outdated method. Because of them, non-union, the formation of a false joint or shortening of a limb occurs. As a result of all this, the animal may remain disabled.

clinic of doctor sotnokov


Sotnikov Veterinary Clinic is a staff of highly qualified doctors of various specializations. Traumatologists at the Sotnikov Clinic are involved in the following:

1. Heal fractures of all bones and combine their fractures in the pelvis, thigh, forearm, lower leg, and spine.

2. Relieve joint diseases and injuries (dislocation of the shoulder, rupture of ligaments and menisci).

3. Helps to recover tendons (Achilles and biceps muscle of the shoulder).

4. Treat multiple and associated injuries.

5. The damaged false joints and deformed limbs are activated.

6. Work with the consequences of operations that were unsuccessfully performed earlier.


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