Why do LED lamps burn out? Which LED bulbs are better?

LED lamps are modern equipment that has appeared on the domestic market relatively recently. LED devices are quite expensive. But at the same time, they usually serve much longer than simple incandescent lamps. LED equipment is actually quite reliable. But unfortunately, sometimes it still happens that the LED device starts to blink or even completely fails. Why LED lamps burn out - we will deal with this later in the article.

The main causes of failure

The LED lamp may burn out due to:

  • faults in the wiring in the house;

  • malfunction of the lamp or chandelier;

  • poor build quality.

why LED lamps burn out

Wiring Status

Very often, owners of houses and apartments are interested in why LED lamps burn out constantly. The reason in this case, most likely, lies in the wiring malfunction. In order to fix this problem, you should call the house management and call the electricians. Specialists will check the network and eliminate all existing problems.

Of course, you can inspect the wiring in the house and yourself. But this should only be done if you have some experience with networks. First of all, it is worth checking all the junction boxes in the apartment. Their twists (and even more so copper and aluminum wires) should be eliminated. To connect the wires you need to use special sleeves, pads or adapters.

It is also worth checking the condition of the wiring directly at the point of connection of the chandelier or lamp to the common house network. Bad contact here is also often the answer to the question of why LED lamps burn out in the apartment.

LED bulbs blink

Such equipment may also fail due to power surges. For this reason, LED-devices sometimes have to be changed at the dachas. Indeed, outside the city in Russia, tension is rarely stable. In this case, nothing can most likely be fixed. Instead of LED home owners will have to use ordinary incandescent bulbs. You can also buy some powerful stabilizer. For example, Resanta appliances are often installed in summer cottages. If such equipment is available, it will most likely be possible to use LED lamps in the house. However, "Resanta", unfortunately, when switching can also give strong power surges.

Why LED lamps burn out: the state of the chandelier

Sometimes such problems with LED devices arise due to a malfunction of the lamp itself. Therefore, such equipment should also be carefully inspected. In this case, you need:

  1. Inspect all contacts in the cartridge. If necessary, they should be cleaned. This is especially true for “reeds”, which are also desirable to bend up. All these actions will subsequently provide reliable contact between the lamp and the cartridge.

  2. Check all fixtures. It often happens, for example, that a screw is loosely tightened on a cartridge. And this, in turn, usually leads to arcing and burning. The voltage in the lamp due to weak contacts is unstable. This is the reason that LED lamps quickly burn out.

ice light bulb

Low quality of the equipment itself

On sale today there are LED devices both from eminent European manufacturers, as well as Chinese or domestic. The first are quite expensive, but they are reliable. Mostly Chinese lamps quickly burn out. This is due primarily to the low quality of their assembly. Domestic equipment of this type is considered relatively reliable.

Voltage drops LED devices, as already mentioned, do not tolerate. Therefore, a special mini-stabilizer, the “driver,” is included in their design. In particular, increased voltage is bad for the durability of an LED lamp. During assembly, the Chinese are trying to make the ice-bulb look “beautiful” primarily in the store. Stands in the shopping center lighting usually do not charge for a long time. And to make the bulb look “worthy”, the Chinese put a weak current limiter on it. Therefore, when you turn on the stand, it lights up with bright light. And therefore, it looks in the store of high quality. When included in the household network, such a device will experience severe overload and ultimately burn out.

Of course, not all Chinese manufacturers supply such low-quality goods to the market. However, the risk of "running into" a potentially short-lived LED device manufactured in the Middle Kingdom exists quite large.

which LED lamps are better

Why do LED bulbs blink when on?

Such devices still burn out quite rarely. More often, the malfunction of LED lamps is manifested in the fact that they begin to blink. This can happen both when the device is on and off. In the first case, the cause of blinking may be:

  • poor-quality installation of the device;

  • old wiring in the house;

  • the switch is not in phase, but at “zero”;

  • poor driver in the lamp itself;

  • phase imbalance.

Sometimes it also happens that the light goes out after being turned on, and then it lights up. This indicates primarily a malfunction of the starter.

What to do when the device flashes in the on state

The first thing to fix this problem is to check all the contacts on the network. If this does not help, you may have to think about replacing the wiring in the apartment. In old high-rise buildings, aluminum wires are usually stretched. There are a lot of powerful appliances in apartments today. Therefore, aluminum wiring may simply not cope with the load. If blinking occurs for this reason, the wires must be replaced with copper.

If the light blinks simply due to a malfunction, you can try the following:

  • get the filling of the device and insert the driver there;

  • to stabilize the lamp, solder another capacitor into it;

  • use one driver for all light bulbs in the device.

LED lamps burn out quickly

Off Blinking

Such a malfunction may be due to:

  1. The presence of LED backlight in the switch. The current flowing through it, over time, can recharge the lamp capacitor. As a result of this, a faint glow arises. To prevent this from happening, you can try replacing one of the LED devices with a conventional incandescent lamp. This device will simply "pick up" excess voltage on itself. His strength to ignite an incandescent lamp is simply not enough.

  2. The lamp itself does not meet quality standards.

LED lights blink in the off state often and due to a malfunction in the wiring of the house or apartment. Also in some cases, this phenomenon occurs due to the operation of a large number of sources of high-frequency interference (microwave ovens, electric stoves, washing machines, etc.). In this case, the problem can be fixed by including a stabilizer with a filter in the network circuit.

Lamp selection. Which is better to buy?

The answer to the question of which LED lamps are better depends primarily on the design features of the device and its technical characteristics. When buying LED should pay attention primarily to the following factors:

  1. Type of flask. Most often, owners of apartments and houses purchase lamps E27 (for chandeliers) and E14 (for small lamps). Such LED devices can be produced in the form of a bulb or "corn." In the latter version of the lamps, the contacts of the LEDs are energized from the outside. Therefore, they are considered fireproof. For a house or apartment, it is better to purchase bulb lamps. A very good choice would be, for example, an E27 LED ball lamp. Such devices in terms of safety and reliability of the design are considered quite high quality.

  2. Light flow. For devices from good manufacturers, this figure can range from 900-1000 lumens per watt of power. For example, a 10W LED lamp can have a light output of 700-900 lumens. If the seller assures the buyer in the store of the other, better, characteristics of the device, he should not be trusted. LED lamps with an efficiency of 1300 lumens are too expensive. And therefore, producing them for apartments is simply impractical.

  3. The light temperature of the lamp. Of course, it is worth choosing a warm white LED device for an apartment.

lamp ball e27 led

Is it worth buying on Aliexpress

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of the lamp when buying it. But it is equally important to look at the brand of the manufacturer. This is especially true in cases where the owners of the apartment decided to save money and purchase a Chinese LED device. After all, the answer to the question of why LED lamps burn out often lies precisely in the poor quality of their assembly.

Lamps from "Aliexpress", for example, almost never differ in good properties. But even in this large online store, relatively good products of this type are sometimes found. High-quality lamps are even expensive at Aliexpress. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of LED-device on this site, you should at least read the consumer reviews on the product on its page before buying.

The best manufacturing companies

If we continue to talk about the Celestial Empire, then the answer to the question of which LED lamps are better is the products of the following companies:

  1. Camilion . Lamps of this manufacturer belong to the budget category and are sold not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Most consumers believe that their quality is relatively good.

  2. Maxus The quality of "Camilion" lamps of this manufacturer are inferior. But they are still considered quite reliable. Most consumers are advised to purchase them, for example, for a summer residence or garage.

Lamps from unknown Chinese manufacturers are better not to get at all. For too long, such an LED light bulb will most likely not last.

LED lamp 10w

Of the Russian manufacturers of LED lamps, the most popular are:

  • Optogan;

  • "Svetlana-Optoelectronics".

There are, of course, good, relatively inexpensive lamps from European companies on the domestic market. The best manufacturers are Gauss, Osram and Philips.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4217/

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