Cherry Valery Chkalov: variety description, care tips

Cherry Valery Chkalov - a variety of early ripening, characterized by delicious fruits and high yields. It was bred in the Soviet Union in 1974 and immediately gained popularity among gardeners and consumers.

Cherry Valery Chkalov: variety description

The photo clearly conveys the beauty and size of the early cherries.

cherry Valery Chkalov grade description
The tree is a tall, large, at the age of ten reaches a height of 6 meters. The barrel is grayish brown. The crown is wide pyramidal, leafy, in diameter is 6.0-6.5 meters. As it grows, it takes a spherical shape, becomes more and more spreading, and foliage - more dense. Sweet cherry Valery Chkalov, whose variety description is of genuine interest to gardeners, is characterized by large, elongated leaves.

Fruiting begins on the 5-6th year from the moment of planting; one tree can produce 12-17 kg of fruit; after 10-15 years - about 60 kg of sweet cherries, which is a very good indicator.

Fruit characterization

Sweet cherries Valery Chkalov (variety description, reviews encourage you to get such a crop in your area) is characterized by dense, large fruits. Their shape is round, heart-shaped, with a blunt apex, the average weight of each is 6-9 grams. Dark red color, when ripening, the fruits become almost black. The pulp is sweet, juicy, reddish in color with pink streaks. It has a pleasant wine-sweet taste. The stone is large, round, with a pronounced seam, difficult to separate from the pulp. The peduncle is thick, medium, firmly attached to the fetus, when disconnected from which juice is necessarily released. The fruits ripen early: in the first ten days of June, and are suitable for fresh consumption and for canning.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Sweet cherry Valery Chkalov, the description of the variety of which encourages you to acquire it on your own plot - a winter-hardy culture that can withstand 30-degree frosts. Even if freezing of the kidneys occurs, there is always a chance of preserving the third part of the crop.

The disadvantages of the variety include low resistance to fungal diseases, of which gray rot and coccomycosis are most often overcome by wood.

sweet cherry valery chkalov grade description reviews

Do you like cherries Valery Chkalov? Description of the variety, pollinators, ripening dates, features of care - how to understand the intricacies of growing a tree to achieve the highest possible result? It is worth knowing that such a tree best demonstrates its qualities in the presence of pollinators, so you need to acquire several trees at once, with a distance of at least 4 meters between them. The best pollinators are such varieties as Zhabule, Homestead, Bigarro Burlat, Skorospelka, Early Melitopol, June Early.

Planting cherries

It is recommended to plant a young cherry seedling in the northern regions in the spring (before the bud swells) to give the tree an opportunity to take root. Sweet cherry Valery Chkalov, the description of the variety of which has a large number of advantages, in the southern climate with mild winters can be planted in autumn. For planting, 1-2 year old seedlings with several well-developed branches should be selected. It is not recommended to buy older specimens, as they are harder and take longer to take root. The root system must be developed, without any growths and damage.

Cherry Valery Chkalov, a description of the variety of which is interesting to many gardeners, needs the right choice of planting location. Important conditions are the abundance of the sun and the absence of drafts; most suitable for this is the south side of the garden. There should not be a close distribution of groundwater, otherwise root rot will begin.

First, you need to prepare a landing pit and immediately drive a peg - a future backup for a seedling. The bottom of the pit should be sprinkled with manure or compost (in the amount of 2 buckets); sprinkle with chernozem on top. You can also add 100 grams of potassium sulfate, 300 grams of superphosphate and 1 kg of ash. After planting, tie up and water abundantly. The root neck of the plant should be located 5 cm above the surface of the earth.

cherry Valery Chkalov pollinator variety description

Around the tree should be built a small earthen rampart, which will not allow the spreading of water during irrigation. Water consumption per unit - 2 buckets. After watering, the soil should be mulched with peat, thus giving a start for the growth of a new tree with the name "Valery Chkalov cherry".

Variety description, care tips

Cherry perceives well-carried out irrigation and does not like excess moisture. The first two waterings should be done before and after flowering, the next - three weeks before picking the fruit. The last time to supply water in October. This graph can be adjusted by natural precipitation; during the dry period, the number of irrigations should be increased.

The soil should get wet to a depth of 30-40 cm, because at this distance the main part of the suction roots is located. To water an adult tree around the crown circumference, a furrow with a depth of about 30 cm should be dug. Do not water the sweet cherry when the berries ripen, since the latter can crack. It is also not recommended to moisten the soil in the second half of the summer season, as this helps to delay the growth of shoots.

The soil around the tree should be kept clean, without weeds. You can mulch. Periodically, loosening should be carried out for better penetration of air into the surface layer of the soil.

sweet cherry valery chkalov grade description reviews

Sweet cherry pruning is recommended in early spring, starting from the second year of planting. Every autumn you need to make organic fertilizers and mineral preparations.


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