How to build a garage from aerated concrete with your own hands?

Almost every Russian family has a car today. Parking spaces become more scarce, and in the yards - a real struggle for them. Leaving a car there is not only unsafe, but it is sometimes against the law. The best way out of this situation is to build your own garage.

The best garage solution

DIY aerated garage

A huge number of solutions are presented on the building materials market, however, if you want to complete the work in a short time, and also do without outside help, then you can use aerated concrete. Its blocks have impressive dimensions, low weight, and also do not imply the need for the master to have certain skills. It is impossible not to mention the fact that aerated concrete blocks are environmentally friendly, tolerate temperature extremes and external aggressive influences.

The material is fire resistant and also has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. The structure of the gas block will turn out to be durable and durable. However, it is important to comply with the rules of the work, only then the garage will last for several decades.

Foundation construction

build a garage from aerated concrete do it yourself

If you decide to build a garage from aerated concrete with your own hands, then initially you need to build a foundation. Gas blocks are lightweight, so you do not need to build a powerful base. If the soil is normal, then you can use the technology of building a strip foundation, which is deepened by 50 cm.

When the area is heaving soil, the foundation should be in the form of a monolithic slab. For the first case, you need to prepare a trench, sometimes it is deepened somewhat more - by 70 cm. The width should be equal to the width of the gas block. When a garage is built from aerated concrete with your own hands, a layer of crushed stone and sand is poured onto the bottom of the prepared foundation pit, such a pillow must be well sealed, after watering it first.

Final work

build a garage from aerated concrete do-it-yourself

At the next stage, you can proceed to the installation of formwork. The base is reinforced with a frame prepared from reinforcement. Its elements are strengthened with each other using a knitting wire. Concrete mortar must be poured into the prepared trench, level the surface of the future foundation and leave it at home when it dries.


do-it-yourself aerated concrete garage projects

One of the important stages of the construction of the garage is the construction of walls. For these works, it is necessary to prepare a certain set of tools, among which:

  • shtroborez;
  • bucket;
  • notched trowel;
  • bucket;
  • mallet;
  • grater;
  • hacksaw for aerated concrete;
  • large emery.

Products are stacked from the highest angle. Glue should be applied to the gas block and put the products in place. You can even the position with a mallet, tapping on the surface of the block from above and on the sides. Typically, for the construction of garages, blocks with the following dimensions are used: 600x300x200 mm.

As soon as you can lay out the corners, between them you need to pull the cord, which will act as a guide for laying other products. The position of the blocks with respect to the vertical and horizontal must be controlled in each row, using a plumb line and a building level. When a garage is built from aerated concrete with your own hands, you can make the masonry more durable, for this, reinforcement should be carried out every two rows.

Certain difficulties can arise when you have to lay a jumper over the gate. In order to simplify this process, it is necessary to prepare a metal frame located inside the garage. Caracas is strengthened by a solution. At the next stage, a beam is laid on the gate, its edges should go into the masonry 20 cm or more. Then the masonry can be continued by placing blocks on top of the beam.

Erection of a roof

build a garage from aerated concrete

When a garage is made of aerated concrete with your own hands, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the technology for building a roof. It largely determines the value of the entire building. The simplest option will be a single-pitch design. It is cheap and easy to implement. The slope at such a roof should start from the gate and go to the back wall. The roof can also be gable, this solution is usually used when construction is carried out on its own site.


self-propelled garage

It is necessary to begin the construction of the roof with the preparation of the upper part of the walls on which the Mauerlat will be laid. It is a square beam with a side of 150 mm. This element can have a smaller cross section, which is equal to 150x100 mm.

After laying the Mauerlat, it should be strengthened with perimeter anchors on the bearing walls. Mauerlat will support the inclined rafters. He will take on the load exerted by the roof. With its help, a load is transferred to the bearing walls of the garage, which then goes to the foundation.

We build a garage from aerated concrete with our own hands, laying the Mauerlat around the entire perimeter or only along the opposite walls. At the next stage, you need to prepare the rafters, they have the form of bars of the desired length. In addition, they are impregnated with a protective composition, only after they are laid on the Mauerlat. The ends of these elements should be installed in grooves that are pre-marked and cut out.

Then you can proceed with the installation of threaded steel clamps that tighten the rafter leg with the Mauerlat. To build a garage from aerated concrete with your own hands is possible according to the technology, which in the next step involves the installation of a crate. It is made of square bars with a side of 50 mm.

These elements should be placed across in relation to the rafters. Their fixation is carried out with nails. The type of roofing material and its weight will determine the cross-section of the rails and the density of the lathing. Above it can be laid covering material, which is strengthened by technology suitable for a particular variety.

Stucco wall decoration

DIY aerated garage photo

When a garage is built of aerated concrete with your own hands, projects should first be considered. But after the completion of the work it is important to think about how the external and walls will be finished. To do this, you can use different materials designed for cellular concrete. The simplest solution is plaster. The one made on a cement basis will not work. Aerated concrete will take moisture from the solution, and the primer will not help. After such a plaster dries, the surface will necessarily become cracked.

For gas blocks, special compositions have been developed that have additives that exclude moisture absorption. First, the surface is prepared, it is protected from excess mortar and dust. Then the walls are covered with a primer designed for aerated concrete. As soon as it was possible to build a garage from aerated concrete, it can begin to be finished.

In the next step, after cleaning the walls and their primer, you can apply a plaster grid. For this, a metal or fiberglass option is suitable. Fixing on the walls is carried out with self-tapping screws. The presence of such a mesh will guarantee excellent adhesion of the material to the surface. Then you can prepare the solution by adding water to the dry plaster composition. Next, the mixture is applied. After drying, the surface can be painted using several shades. After finishing, the walls should be treated with hydrophobic impregnation, which will give the surface water-repellent properties.

Alternative finish

The aerated concrete garage can also be finished independently with tiles or bricks. The surface of the brick is durable and resistant to weathering, but the price of such a finish will be higher compared to plastering. In addition, such works are rather laborious, and also suggest that the master has professional skills. A more profitable solution will be the use of clinker or ceramic tiles. The weight of such products is much less, which reduces the load on the foundation.


A self-made aerated concrete garage, a photo of which you can see in the article, may well be built. In favor of aerated concrete, it can be noted that it has a porous structure, which guarantees excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. The material is simply amenable to processing, and you can use for this an ordinary hacksaw, which is found in the arsenal of any master.


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