Calculation of heating radiators by area. Calculation of radiators for heating a private house

Before the acquisition and installation of sectional radiators (usually bimetallic and aluminum), most people have a question about how to calculate heating radiators according to the area of ​​the room.

In this case, the most correct is to calculate the heat loss. But it uses a huge number of coefficients, and as a result, something underestimated or, conversely, overestimated can come out. In this regard, many use simplified options. Let's consider them in more detail.

calculation of heating radiators by area

main parameters

Please note that the correct operation of the heating system, as well as its effectiveness, largely depends on its type. However, there are other parameters that affect this indicator in one way or another. These parameters include:

  • Boiler power.
  • The number of heating appliances.
  • The power of the circulation pump.

Ongoing calculations

Depending on which of the above parameters will be subject to detailed study, an appropriate calculation is made. For example, determining the required power of a pump or gas boiler.

In addition, very often it is necessary to calculate heating appliances. In the process of this calculation, it is also necessary to calculate the heat loss of the building. This is because, having made the calculation, for example, of the required number of radiators, one can easily make a mistake when choosing a pump. A similar situation occurs when the pump does not cope with the supply to all radiators of the required amount of coolant.

calculation of radiators for heating a private house

Integrated Calculation

Calculation of heating radiators by area can be called the most democratic way. In the regions of the Urals and Siberia, the indicator is 100-120 watts, in the middle zone of Russia - 50-100 watts. A standard heater (eight sections, the center distance of one section is 50 cm) has a heat transfer of 120-150 watts. Bimetal radiators have a slightly higher power - about 200 watts. If we are talking about a standard coolant (hot water), then for a room of 18-20 m 2 with a height of 2.5-2.7 m, two cast-iron appliances of 8 sections will be required.

What determines the number of devices

There are many factors that are recommended to be considered when calculating the heating radiators of a private house:

  • The heat transfer of the steam coolant is much greater than that of water.
  • The more window openings are in the room, the colder it is.
  • If the height of the room is more than 3 meters, then in this case the heat carrier capacity is calculated based on the volume of the room, and not on the basis of its area.
  • The corner room is always colder, since two sides face the street.
  • The material from which the heater is made has its own thermal conductivity.
  • Thermal insulation of walling increases the thermal insulation of the room.
  • The lower the outside temperature, the correspondingly more radiators must be installed.
  • In case of one-sided connection of pipelines to heating devices, do not install more than 10 sections.
  • Modern double-glazed windows increase the thermal insulation of the room.
  • The presence of a ventilation system increases the heating power.
  • When hot water moves in the system from top to bottom, its capacity increases by about 20%.
    calculation of heating radiators by area

Calculation of heating radiators by area

Given the above factors, you can perform the calculation. So, for 1 m 2 you will need 100 watts, that is, in order to heat a room in 20 m 2, you need 2000 watts. One cast-iron radiator from 8 sections is able to allocate 120 watts. Divide 2000 by 120 and get 17 sections. As mentioned earlier, this parameter is very large.

Calculation of heating radiators of a private house with its own heater is performed according to the maximum parameters. Thus, we divide 2000 by 150 and we get 14 sections. We need such a number of sections to heat a room of 20 m 2 .

Formula for accurate calculation.

There is a rather complicated formula by which you can make an accurate calculation of the power of the heating radiator:

Q t = 100 W / m 2 × S (rooms) m 2 × q1 × q2 × q3 × q4 × q5 × q6 × q7, where

q1 - type of glazing: ordinary glazing - 1.27; double glazing - 1; triple - 0.85.

q2 - wall insulation: poor - 1.27; wall in 2 bricks - 1; modern - 0.85.

q3 - the ratio of the area of ​​window openings to the floor: 40% - 1.2; 30% - 1.1; 20% - 0.9; 10% - 0.8.

q4 - outdoor temperature (minimum): -35 ° C - 1.5; -25 ° C - 1.3; -20 ° C - 1.1; -15 ° C - 0.9; -10C ° - 0.7.

q5 - the number of external walls: four - 1.4; three - 1.3; angular (two) - 1.2; one is 1.1.

q6 - type of room located above the calculated: cold attic - 1; heated attic - 0.9; heated residential - 0.8.

q7 - room height: 4.5m - 1.2; 4m - 1.15; 3,5m - 1,1; 3m - 1.05; 2.5m - 1.3.

calculation of the power of heating radiators by area


Let's calculate the heating radiators by area:

A room of 25 m2 with two double-leaf window openings with a triple double-glazed window, 3 m high, enclosing structures of 2 bricks, a cold attic is located above the room. The minimum air temperature in winter is + 20 ° C.

Q t = 100W / m 2 × 25 m 2 × 0.85 × 1 × 0.8 (12%) × 1.1 × 1.2 × 1 × 1.05

As a result, we get 2356.20 watts. This number is divided by 150 watts. So, for our room will require 16 sections.

Calculation of heating radiators by area for a private country house

If the rule for the apartments of a multi-storey building is 100 W per 1 m 2 of premises, this calculation will not work for a private house.

For the first floor, the power is 110-120 watts, for the second and subsequent floors - 80-90 watts. In this regard, multi-story buildings are much more economical.

calculation of the power of the heating radiator

Calculation of the power of heating radiators by area in a private house is performed according to the following formula:

N = S × 100 / P

In a private house, it is recommended to take sections with a small margin, this does not mean that it will make you feel hot, just the wider the heating device, the lower the temperature must be supplied to the radiator. Accordingly, the lower the temperature of the coolant, the longer the heating system as a whole will serve.

It is very difficult to take into account all the factors that have any effect on the heat transfer of the heating device. In this case, it is very important to correctly calculate the heat loss, which depends on the size of the window and door openings, windows. However, the above examples allow the most accurate determination of the required number of sections of radiators and at the same time ensure a comfortable temperature regime in the room.


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