The largest snake in the world. Anaconda

Snakes generally do not cause positive emotions. They are quite ugly in appearance and often not everyone is pleasant to touch. It is necessary to remember that snakes can be of different sizes. However, in the forests of Russia, as a rule, individuals are found no larger than a snake or a viper. In the tropics, the most dangerous snakes in the world live. Usually they are quite large in size.

The biggest threat snake in the world is the anaconda. It should be noted that representatives of this family inhabit inaccessible places for ordinary tourists.

the most dangerous snakes in the world
The longest snake in the world had a size of 11 meters 43 centimeters. However, usually individuals reach five to six meters, in some cases nine. To date, the largest snake in the world is nine meters. This anaconda is contained in a zoological society in America.

Anaconda is not only distinguished by its large size. The largest snake in the world has a characteristic color in grayish-green tones. On the sides it has yellow spots in a black edging, and on the back - oblong brown spots. This disguise is considered ideal for a predator who is accustomed to guard his prey in water covered with algae and leaves.

Due to the fact that the largest snake lives in hard-to-reach places, it is not possible to calculate the exact number. As a rule, giant individuals inhabit the quiet backwaters of the Amazon and Orinoco. Rarely do they crawl ashore to bask in the sun.

the largest snake in the world
Earlier in the literature it was possible to meet the term "water boa." It should be said that the largest snake in the world really belongs to the subspecies of boas and spends a significant part of life in the water. However, the subspecies also has its own name - “giant anaconda”.

If the water body in which the individual lives dries up, and there are no other water bodies nearby, then it burrows into silt and hibernates. A huge snake sleeps before the rainy season begins. The giant anaconda cannot develop normally, hunt and live outside water bodies. Even molting occurs in snakes in water. The giant anaconda rubs to the bottom, gradually pulling off old skin.

Like other boas, anacondas are non-toxic. The snake squeezes prey in its "tight embrace." It is almost impossible for the victim to free himself. Perhaps only a person who has time to catch the tail of the anaconda, not allowing him to wrap himself around, has a small chance. However, even this is unlikely to come out, since her dimensions are impressive. By the way, it should be noted that the female anacondas are much larger and stronger than the male.

It is believed that the anaconda breaks the ridge of its victim and damages internal organs. It should be said that this is completely wrong. It is enough for anaconda to block oxygen for its victim. Prey thus perishes from suffocation.

the longest snake in the world
It should be noted that practically nothing threatens an adult in vivo. Only some jaguars can be dangerous to the anacondas. However, young specimens die from a variety of predators.

The largest snake has become the protagonist of many books and Hollywood films.


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