How to develop speech in a child. Tips for young parents

Each parent considers the greatest joy in the development of the child that moment when the baby begins to speak. Of course, it all starts with simple sounds and syllables. This is the very first step of the baby on the way to mastering the speech. This process is very laborious and will require efforts not only from the child, but also from the parents - after all, you need to make a lot of effort to consolidate the baby’s interest in speech. There are some simple rules on how to develop a child’s speech.

The first rule: you should never guess the thoughts of the child. Each situation happened: a baby aged from one and a half to two years indicates, for example, a kitty and says: "Kisya." Mom immediately picks up the thought of the child and begins to tell: “Yes, this is a cat. She's very beautiful. You see, she is walking along the path. ” Mom said everything for the baby, why should he add anything else? If you already wondered how to develop a child’s speech, then, first of all, do not guess his thoughts. It is better to ask your baby questions and wait for an answer, even if you know in advance that he will answer.

Second rule: talk with your child. Yes, it is with the child, and not just in the presence of him with someone else. Reading the fairy tale to the baby, interrupt and ask what, in his opinion, will happen next, what the hero of the fairy tale will answer. Do not think that since the baby is silent, he has nothing to say. Do not forget that he needs time to think, so do not rush him with the answer, but wait patiently. The most important issue in how to develop a child’s speech is to stimulate him to speak. Ask more questions. The speech of children at 2 years old is thoughts aloud.

The third rule: it is worth teaching the baby to speak in the right sentences. It is necessary to thoroughly approach the question of how to develop speech in a child of 2 years old correctly. First, the baby learns simple words, then phrases, and then moves on to sentences. And here the task of the parents is to help the child master the full art of speech. Ask him leading questions, ask him to tell about some object that occurs on your way for a walk, about an animal, a bird.

The fourth rule: every evening worry with the child this day again. Before you go to bed, talk with him about what you saw, did on that day. Ask him what he would like to do tomorrow, make plans together. If you did not spend the day together, then let the child tell you what he did and with whom, what he saw and learned new. At these moments, the baby not only develops, but also learns to listen to others. Such conversations greatly help parents to properly develop children's speech at the age of 2, and teach them to think logically and in stages.

Fifth Rule: Ask your child to describe each item. Draw his attention to all the bright objects, tell him about what you see together. The next time you see a tree, a cloud or an animal again, ask the baby to describe it in his own words. You can also ask him to come up with a story related to what he saw. This will help you not only answer the question of how to develop a child’s speech, but also the question of how to develop his imagination.

The sixth rule: it is the last and most important thing in the question of how to develop speech in a child of 2 years old - always speak correctly. You should not lisp with a child, distort words in his own way. Do not repeat the words spoken by the baby incorrectly, always correct it and say the correct option, you may have to repeat one word 10 times in a row, but the child will remember it correctly. Do not forget, at this age the baby is your mirror, it imitates you completely, and as you say, your little one will try to speak.

We hope that all these recommendations will allow you to quickly teach your child not just to speak, but to speak correctly, think logically and develop imagination. You just need to try and make an effort.


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