Circus in Astrakhan: history and modernity

Circus performances are loved by both children and adults. Why do people feel so attached to these performances? Everything is easily explained. One circus performance includes humorous, acrobatic, gymnastic exercises, as well as tricks with cute or dangerous animals. The main task of any show is to capture the attention of the viewer and not let it go until the end of the performance. The circus in Astrakhan, which is considered one of the oldest in Russia, successfully copes with this task.

1 circus Astrakhan

Circus history

In the XIX century, when the people had few reasons for entertainment, the fair, held every week, was considered a holiday. It is from this time that the circus in Astrakhan counts. Clowns and acrobats performed at the fairs, who amused people for an acceptable fee, demonstrating their unique skills.

The Italian circus performer with entrepreneurial streak A. Bezano noticed the love of the people for this type of event and decided to organize a permanent circus. The place for training and organizing shows was chosen a wooden house, which Besano built himself. The main participants in the circus of an enterprising Italian were his children and students.

The public very well received the new entertainment, so in 1898 the Nikitin brothers opened a second circus. It is also wooden, but already has a tent-type roof. At this time, theatrical miniatures are staged in the circus and shows with clowns are shown.

Circus during the Second World War

In 1932, the construction of a new building begins. Now the circus in Astrakhan is solidly built of logs, and its dome is crowned with a big top. The building functioned only in the warm season, therefore, it did not require any insulation.

In addition to the main structure of the circus, the ensemble included farm buildings, stables and a courtyard. All these designs did not last long, until the end of World War II. But, despite the difficult situation of the country and the depressed state of people, circus artists continued to work.

Of course, young men went to the front to defend their homeland. But the old men and women remained in the corpse. It was they who happened to maintain the fighting spirit of the townspeople. They not only gave performances in the evenings, but also performed during the day in the markets and in hospitals. In 1943, the circus building burned down. The actors were in an even more difficult position. They did not have a venue for rehearsals and performances. Rare performances were given within the walls of local theaters. The new building was built only after the end of the war.

circus astrakhan

What animals perform?

In the circus of Astrakhan, not only people are performing. Much attention is paid to four-legged actors. And they, along with trainers, have to train every day. Some animals (for example, horses) are well educated. Moreover, already trained individuals who have undergone basic training at the stable are taken to the circus. Relatively easy to train dogs. Permanent circus artists are poodles, but there are other breeds. Fluffy animals can not only run on their hind legs and jump through burning hoops, but also participate in tandem with their four-legged neighbors. So, in one of the popular rooms, a dog rides a horse, doing tricks.

A room with trained beavers is the highlight of almost any program. Cute animals do not take training well, but if you work hard, you can learn to do incredible things.

the first at the circus astrakhan

How does a circus troupe train?

There is no easy job in our world. But it’s much more pleasant to work when the vocation coincides with what you have to do daily. That is exactly what gymnasts, clowns, trainers who come to work every day think.

Regular rehearsals take place in the circus so that every month the audience has the opportunity to contemplate a new performance.

Probably everyone understands that the art of acrobatics or juggling is not given immediately. People get these skills since childhood. That is why dynasties are so common in circuses. People live work and practically do not leave it. In order for the flexibility not to go away and the animals to obey, daily work is required. There are no weekends and holidays in the circus, people work almost around the clock 7 days a week.

circus in astrakhan session schedule

Popular programs

Schedule circus in Astrakhan is updated every month. In the new program, which is called the Galaxy of Kritz, viewers will be able to see trained cats, gymnasts and acrobats, the taming of lions. All this will be accompanied by unique costumes and decorations. Hypermarket 1 and the circus in Astrakhan are next door, so it’s simply impossible not to notice the arena. A permanent venue for performances is located at: st. Kakhovsky, 1a. "The first at the circus" - in Astrakhan they call it a huge hypermarket, which is a pointer to the already noticeable dome building. You need to buy tickets in advance, especially for presentations of the new season and performances by famous artists.


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