What is red gold and how does it differ from yellow? Red gold jewelry

The fact that such a red gold, they knew back in Ancient Russia. People have always sought to decorate themselves. The presence of jewelry gave the owner not only uniqueness, grace, but also superiority, coupled with self-confidence.

Scientists believe that it was this precious metal that was popular at the time. But in Europe, on the contrary, they preferred yellow shades of this metal. In Russia, a red tint spoke of the authenticity of gold. Coins were checked by heating and detecting a reddish tint.

What is red gold?


The red color of the metal is an alloy of gold and copper, silver and palladium. These are the main additives that give or dilute the red tint. Color saturation will directly depend on their proportional ratio. The gold item can be of a graceful pure shade, delicate pink or expressive white with a slight reddish tint.

The main differences

In addition to color, there are several other differences between red and yellow gold. Firstly, red alloys have a high degree of elasticity. They are less in weight, but more durable. In addition, it is from red gold that you can make openwork and weaving. From white and yellow metal jewelry of bizarre and refined forms is very rare.

Gold price per gram

Secondly, red gold behaves more brightly in sunlight, it shines more. It practically does not fade due to the fact that silver is in it. Due to the presence of copper, jewelry made of this material becomes hypoallergenic. For example, red gold earrings can be worn by people who experience significant problems in contact with other precious metals. The more copper in the alloy, the safer the product will be for an allergic person. The saturation of red is also directly dependent on the amount of copper.

Sample and price

The cost of any gold product will directly depend on the sample. However, the 585th test can be in both red and yellow gold. Color does not depend on the amount of gold, but on the amount of impurities in the alloy. It is important that the color is not too red. Give preference to calm reddish shades of jewelry.

The most popular is, of course, the 585th test. Products are in demand. In Tsarist Russia, the percentage of gold in the alloy was about 90 percent, it would now be the 900th test. The price of gold per gram varies from two and a half to six and a half thousand rubles. Of course, everything will depend on the seller, manufacturer, place of sale, type and form of decoration, etc.

Red gold - test

How to determine the quality?

Knowing what red gold is and having the desire to purchase products from this precious metal, not every woman can correctly determine the quality of the product. To do this, we give a number of examples showing the low quality of gold:

  • metal has transitions; color is uneven;
  • on the surface there are roughness, spots and scuffs;
  • under the rays of the sun does not overflow;
  • in the shade, the decoration looks generally dull, gloomy, old and shabby;
  • no factory sample;
  • too saturated, unnatural red color.

All these signs show what red gold is of poor quality.

Which one to choose?

When buying jewelry, the question always arises of choice. To give preference to red or white gold is a very personal matter. For some, the decisive point will be the price of gold per gram. It will seem to someone that one color of metal is too faded and you want something bright. The third group of women will choose gold depending on their skin tone. For example, swarthy girls are more likely to go yellow gold jewelry. For fair-haired women with fair white skin, red gold is preferable.

Quite often, jewelry is chosen for the love of stones. Bright garnets or rubies will be much more effective and profitable to look in red or pink gold. As for wedding rings, most brides know what red gold is. A ring of this metal will last longer than all other alloys. Grandchildren will also remain, as they say.

How to care?

Unusual bright appearance and even a high price will not cause a refusal to purchase jewelry made of red gold. Women know that this metal is extremely unpretentious in leaving. To maintain an aesthetic appearance, a careful attitude is enough. Jewelry is recommended to wear a limited amount of time. Constant wear, as well as contact with sebum or sweat, can play a trick on red gold. The sample, of course, will not be erased, but the product will considerably fade.

What is red gold?

It is also recommended to avoid water procedures. Remove rings and other jewelry from red gold before bathing in an open pond, bathtub, bathhouse. Metal does not tolerate contact with hygiene products or chlorine, and exposure to salt water is undesirable.

It is very important to store products correctly. It is not recommended to put silver jewelry and gold in one box, rings of red gold and white, etc. Even more carefully you need to relate to those products that have stones. Unfortunately, not every ring with a pebble can be ground and restored.

Means and solutions

If the mistress of a red gold product wore it incorrectly, stored it, then you can return your beloved earrings or ring to its former beauty with the help of various solutions and means. The easiest option is soap. If there are no stones on the product, then simply place it in a soap solution and gently with a three toothbrush. It is important that the brush has soft bristles. A cloth should also have softness, with which a red gold product is dried after bathing.

Red gold ring

It also cleans sugar solution perfectly. It is prepared from a glass of water and three teaspoons of sugar. We leave decoration for the night in sugar water. In the morning, rinse under the tap and gently dry. Sugar will not only wash away dust particles, but also remove heavily stubborn dirt.

If there are stones in the products, and dirt or dust is in the gap between them, cleaning by yourself is not recommended. At home, you can scratch or even break the product. Take the jewelry to the jeweler. Professionals clean products in special formulations. This is done simply, quickly, and is not as expensive as it seemed.


Nowadays, red gold items are becoming increasingly popular. If in the West such jewelry was previously considered to be the lot of the poor, today, on the contrary, the most fashionable designers offer ladies of elegant age jewelry in red gold. The explanation is quite simple. The reddish shades of jewelry are very comfortable to wear if you need to hide age-related skin changes.

Although young fashionistas love jewelry of a pure shade. They easily combine them with jewelry made of white and yellow gold. Red gold will never fall in price. This is a profitable investment.

The difference between red and yellow gold

By purchasing gold jewelry in your collection, you not only make yourself elegant and beautiful, you add zest and chic to your image. In addition, red gold jewelry is a wonderful dowry. They fearlessly pass through time, remaining as beautiful, shining and bright.

Of course, it is impossible to say unequivocally which particular gold is better. Each type of jewelry has its own advantages and disadvantages. Yellow gold is suitable for everyday wear. Twisted and unusual in appearance, jewelry made of red gold will emphasize a luxurious outfit at special receptions. In combination with diamonds or black pearls, pink or white gold will look great.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4243/

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