How to deregister from a narcologist? Who is being registered?

There are many situations when people are registered in narcology. This may be due to drug use or alcoholism. But after a certain time, many people have a question: "How to deregister from a narcologist?"

What is registration in narcology

Medical intervention is any examination or treatment that has a diagnostic, research, medical, preventive or rehabilitation focus. And registration most often refers to preventive action.

Deregistration by a narcologist

A person is registered with a narcologist for one year, if at least one fact of drinking alcohol is confirmed. To the question of how to deregister from a narcologist, the answer is as follows: the mandatory observance of two conditions. Firstly, every month you need to be observed by a narcologist. Secondly, alcohol should not be detected in the tests. A citizen can again be put on dispensary registration if he encounters a narcological service. If the dispensary was visited regularly, then they deregistered after three years. This is the deadline for withdrawing from observation of a patient with chronic alcoholism.

how to deregister with a narcologist

The countdown begins from the moment the person visits the doctor. If, at the same time, the schedule of monthly visits has been violated, then the registration period starts from the beginning.

Reasons for deregistration in narcology

There are deregistration for several reasons:

  • complete recovery (remission);
  • if the address of permanent residence has changed, and the person has moved to the territory where another drug treatment department is already in charge (in this case, he must be observed in another drug dispensary);
  • those staying in prisons for more than one year are deregistered;
  • when referring drug addicts to a medical dispensary;
  • upon the death of a given citizen.
    how to deregister from a narcologist and get rights

Early deregistration

How to deregister from a narcologist ahead of schedule, if the deadline withdrawal amounts 3 years? There are also such options. Early deregistration is possible, for example, in a year. To do this, you must first consult with your doctor. Then, certificates from work will be required, where it is confirmed that the citizen does not drink alcohol. It is also useful to stock up on references from neighbors who live nearby and can give a positive assessment of behavior.

Early removal is also possible with a prolonged absence of any information about the patient, his moving to another city, death and imprisonment. If a citizen, registered, could not be found within a year, then he is deregistered automatically, in absentia.

deregistration from a narcologist

How to deregister at the usual time

In connection with persistent remission, withdrawal is made after the conclusion of a special medical commission, which must be passed to a citizen without fail. The commission is made up of doctors from the institution where the patient was directly registered.

In other cases, the decision is made by the attending physician, based on official reports from authorities or other institutions where the patient was observed during this time. How to deregister from a narcologist if a citizen was put on him as a drug addict? The withdrawal conditions are the same, only the period that is already 5 years in this case is changing. If during this time constant marks were regular and the person recovered completely, then, again, based on the decision of the commission, he is deregistered. But if there were violations, the commission has the right to extend the term additionally.

How to get rights if a citizen is registered with a drug dispensary

If a citizen was registered in a narcological dispensary, but has not been drinking alcohol and drugs for a long time, then how to deregister from a narcologist and get rights? To obtain rights, you must undergo a mandatory medical examination, which reveals whether there are any contraindications for the management of the vehicle. But first you still need to be deregistered by a narcologist.

how to deregister from a narcologist ahead of schedule

What should I do if at some point in my life a citizen accidentally finds himself in the use of alcohol and drugs, and even goes to a drug dispensary? Often this is the first and last hit. The man then lives, not knowing that he is registered, and, accordingly, does not even think of going to be checked. But the time comes to receive rights, and he is refused for the reason that, it turns out, is registered! In this case, it is almost impossible to prove that he did not know about all these years. There are only two options: the first is to wait until the end of the term when it will be deregistered, and then get the rights, the second is to try to resolve the situation with the attending physician, who can schedule the commission and deregister earlier.

In any case, no one has canceled the certificate necessary for obtaining the rights, and only after its availability it is possible to obtain a driver’s license.


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