How to make a torch in Minecraft - the basics of crafting

Very often, from the first minutes of the game, many players wonder: "How to make a torch in Minecraft?" The thing is that this is a fairly affordable and simple subject for self-defense and lighting. True, there are several types of torches. So let's try to figure out with you how each of them is done and where to find all the necessary materials.

how to make a minecraft torch

Regular torch

So, let's start with the simplest things. Let's try to figure out how to make a torch in Minecraft and why it is needed. We are talking about the simplest, so to speak, initial form.

So, once you start the game, you should understand that you have to somehow survive. Build your home, guard it and ... light up. The analogue of a real torch in Minecraft has several functions. It is used to illuminate paths in mines and caves, repels enemies, serves as a good way to create traps and helps get rid of lava. So this is a very convenient device. But how to make a torch in Minecraft? What is needed for this? You will need a stick and charcoal. Let's see where these resources are extracted.

We are looking for materials

So, as already mentioned, in order to understand how to make a torch in Minecraft, you have to stock up with sticks and coal. But where can I find these resources? Let's get a look.

The Minecraft world is quite extensive and filled with various objects. Sometimes it is very difficult to find something specific in it. So get ready for it. To begin with, the Minecraft recipes (how to make a torch, in particular) are quite affordable even for beginners. After all, the manufactured item is nothing but the necessary item for working at first.

minecraft how to make a red torch

A stick can be obtained from any wooden block. More precisely, when working with him. This is a fairly common resource, which is not so difficult to get. You can work a little with the tree - you will get the necessary item. Finding wood will be very simple.

But how can you get coal? The fact is that in the game there are 2 ways to get it. You can choose the one that suits you the most. After that, most recipes for crafting will seem like a trifle to you. So, let's see what to do for coal mining.

The first way is to search for a coal block. When processing it, you will get as many as 9 units of the resource you need. This is a pretty quick way to get what you need. But the second method became available to players only after the next "update". If you want to get a coal, then you have to burn wood in the stove. This type of material has the same properties as the previous type of coal. When you get the resources, just combine them. Place the stick in the center below, and above it - coal. The output will be 4 ordinary torches.

"Red light"

But this is not all the features of the game "Minecraft". "How to make a red torch?" - Many players are interested. Let's get a look. But before that it is worth discussing why it is needed at all, when there is an analogue of the real.

The thing is that the Minecraft world is the place where you can create different mechanisms. In order for them to work, red dust is required. In turn, it has to be activated. Just this very activator is the red torch. It emits much less light, but is more functional than our first option.

minecraft recipes how to make a torch

Among other things, the red torch is one of the main items used in crafting something new. Let's see what you need in order to get this illuminator. Nothing really special. Enough to replace the coal with red dust, and the torch will be ready.

Red dust

But where can one get this type of resource? The thing is that in the Minecraft world it is used everywhere and everywhere, which means that it will not be so difficult to get it, as it seems at first glance.

When traveling around the world, pay special attention to places near the lava. There you can find deposits of the necessary material. In addition, it can be knocked out from a witch, bought or obtained when working with red ore. After you combine red dust and a wooden stick, you will craft one red torch.


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