Cat exot: description of the breed, nature, content features

The closest relative to the Persian is the exotic cat. These animals are similar not only in appearance, but also in character. Exotics are very popular all over the world, which is not surprising. They are beautiful, photogenic, kind and unpretentious in leaving. But first things first.

Breed history

The first exotic cat was bred more than half a century ago. It was obtained by crossing Persian and American Shorthair. Specialists planned to get kittens with better fur coat. But the experiment was unsuccessful. But in the world there was a short-haired cat exotic, which resembles a teddy bear with a funny face. Twenty years later, this breed was recognized and officially registered.

Description and standard of exotics

Exot's head is round, medium in size. The muzzle is flat, like a Persian. The eyes are very large and expressive, set wide apart. The nose is snub-nosed, cheeks are down. The ears are small, hanging down a bit. The body is strong, medium, muscles are slightly pronounced. If you look at the body from the side, then it resembles a square. The tail is small, proportional to the body of the animal. The limbs are medium, quite powerful.

What does an exotic cat look like?

The fur is soft, like plush, and necessarily short. There is a variety of long-haired cats of exotics. But this is a completely different breed, which should be considered separately. The colors are the same as the Persians. By standard, exot weighs on average five kilograms.

Exot colors

Exotic coat can be any color. The main ones are:

  • The black. The coat of exotics of this color is plain and no longer has any shades.
  • Blue. The fur is gray with a bluish tint.
  • Tortoiseshell. This is a combination of colors, usually black and red. Shades on the body are stained.
  • Ginger. The color is represented by delicate tones of cream and beige.
  • Red tabby. The coat is bright red. Moreover, on the back it is more pronounced than on the stomach.
  • Marble. These are any shades that add up to an intricate pattern. Usually a combination of black with gray and beige with red is found.
  • White. Cat exotic of this color, like a snowball, amazes with its perfect purity.

Life span

Exotic shorthair cats can rightly be called real long-livers. With proper care and feeding, they will please the owner for 15 years or more.

exotic cat kittens

How much is an exotic cat?

The price consists of several factors. This is pure breed, color, good breeding, the ability to independently eat food and go to the tray. Depending on this, the price of a kitten ranges from 7 to 50 thousand rubles. Moreover, in professional kennels an animal will cost more than private breeders.


As felinologists note, exotics are a little smarter than the Persians. This long-haired breed has an active life position and strong family instincts. They are sensitive to their kittens, tolerate travel, travel and hiking to the veterinarian.

Also, in an exotic cat, in the first place is always a tactile and emotional contact with households. This animal always joyfully greets its owner and tries to improve its mood.

Character Features

Exotics among their relatives stand out by charisma. They demonstrate to strangers who is the boss in the house, not allowing themselves to be stroked. But with households, cats, on the contrary, like to fondle. But they do it unobtrusively so as not to bother.

exotic cat

By nature, the cat is a real kind and fidget. He is active, playful and playful. But, as a rule, prefers quiet and calm fun. He treats children with caution and does not like to spend time with them.

It is worth noting that the cats of this breed have unlimited devotion and dog temperament. But cats are more independent.

Learning abilities

In general, exotics are easy to educate and train. You can start learning by memorizing prohibitions and commands. This breed is the easiest to digest information, if accompanied by short exclamations or clapping.

two exotics

Some exotics are so delicate that they are afraid to sit on their hands. But this is a useful skill that a cat should get. This is not only a manifestation of tenderness, but also the ability to control the emotions of the animal. Hugs can easily reassure the cat, like a child. During training, remember that exotics can not be picked up by force. They do not accept aggression in any manifestations.


Exotic cats can be great companions for both humans and other animals. Thanks to their peaceful temperament, innate serenity and high intelligence, they easily take root in any environment. It is difficult to get these animals out of themselves and provoke aggression.

Exotics get used to their master quickly. But they will look at strangers for a while. If the guest does not like it, then hostility will never arise. The worst scenario is avoiding close communication.

Exotic cats do not like children. But they are patient and sympathetic to games. The animal is delicate, it will not go to conflict. Therefore, parents need to ensure that the baby does not harm the furry lump.

Exotics will be kindly treated by dogs, cats and other pets only if they are also positive.

Physical exercise

Exot is a cat with light movements and great mobility. Moreover, its activity does not change even with age. Of course, the animal will not rush around the apartment for days, but it is not against fun. Exotics are not demanding on toys. They will like both an ordinary ribbon and a ball of crumpled paper.

exotic cat on a walk

Representatives of this breed should not be allowed to be lazy. If you spend all the time in a supine position, then the immune system and the nervous system will suffer greatly. With proper physical exertion, an exotic cat can cope with catching mice.

This breed is not street at all, but periodic walks will be very healthy. The pet needs to be constantly monitored and closely monitored. This will help a special harness, to which the animal needs to be trained in advance. So that the leash does not squeeze the body, preference should be given to soft materials.

Care Features

If you are lazy and don’t want to take special care of your pet’s hair, then you definitely need an exotic. Cats of this breed are unpretentious and do not need professional grooming. But do not forget about basic care.

Exotic cats need to be combed several times a week. They have a very thick cover and developed undercoat. It is recommended to give preference to high-quality metal combs.

Exot cat on scratching post

It is necessary to wash exotics completely at least once a month. But daily you need to take care of the face. The ritual includes rubbing the nose, lacrimal paths and eyes with a damp cloth. It is also necessary to periodically brush your teeth. This can be done on your own or at a veterinary clinic.

Exotic claws are usually needed every two weeks. Use only safe special secateurs. A big plus will be the availability of claws for your cat. Therefore, be sure to buy this accessory.

Exotics in the apartment

Before buying a kitten, you need to take care of the safety of the apartment. Each window should have a net so that the pet does not fall on the street when ventilating the room. The personal place of an exotic cat must be soft, warm and spacious. You can take care of him and buy a comfortable house, inside which the animals feel safe. Do not place the sunbed in the corridor or on the aisle, but in a cozy corner, closer to the owners. So the pet will not be lonely. Exotics also like to sleep on cold surfaces. Do not let your pet spend much time there, otherwise he will seriously catch a cold.

Shorthair Health

According to reviews, the exotic cat, although it lives for a long time, is prone to genetic diseases. This affects many thoroughbred animals that were obtained during the experiments.

exotic cat on hand

Due to the short nose of the animal, deformation of the jaws, teeth and shortness of breath are observed. In exotics, the shape of the larynx and trachea is changed, which is why brachycephalic syndrome occurs. The pet should be regularly shown to a specialist, because in some cases surgical intervention is required. The disease worsens with various infections, stress, overheating and obesity. Therefore, protect your pet from these factors.

Exotics are prone to ophthalmic diseases. Due to the specific structure of the muzzle, excessive tearing occurs. If you do not rub your eyes every day, then the problem can develop into dermatitis or conjunctivitis.

Also, Exot cat often suffers from polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The latter disease can lead to sudden death at a young age.

In general, the exotic breed is quite hardy and strong, with good health. For prevention, at least every six months, you need to undergo examinations at the veterinarian to pay off the problem in the bud. Do not forget about timely vaccinations, a balanced diet and adequate physical activity. Due to possible health problems, you should not refuse to buy a pretty and funny kitten. Similar diseases are found in many thoroughbred cats. But with proper care, many problems can be avoided.


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