How to withdraw Sahabush? My Singing Monsters: Crossbreeding. Gamers Tips

There are two equally interesting points in My Singing Monsters. Firstly, you can add melodies that will delight you and your friends from the available monsters that you activate. And secondly, you can interbreed existing monsters with each other to get new ones from them. So you can diversify the library of sounds that your monsters can make, as well as make the game much brighter and more colorful. To achieve maximum success, you should know how to breed each of the monsters available in the project. However, the description of this will take up a lot of space, therefore, in this article, attention will be focused on one particular monster. You will learn how to get Sahabush, who it is and what else you can do with it later.

Who is Sahabush?

how to bring sahabush

Sahabush is a rather interesting creature that attracts many players. If you want to learn how to bring Sahabush, you can find out from other gamers, because almost everyone has it - and not always in a single copy. But in this article you will find a detailed description, and the details will begin with the appearance of this character. Sahabush remotely resembles a lepricon, because he is dressed in much the same way as these fabulous creatures. He plays the lute, and the sounds he makes will be able to complement your melody very harmoniously. Therefore, it is recommended that you always have at least one such monster, and even better - several at once. Then you can produce an enhanced melody and make your songs even more diverse. But for this you need to learn how to get Sahabush.

Breeding Sahabush

my singing monsters crossing

If you have already played the My Singing Monsters project, then you should already be familiar with the system by which you receive new monsters in your collection. You can buy them for diamonds - special resources that are given to you in small quantities only in certain cases, for example, when you get a new level. However, diamonds are always very few, and it is better to use them on rare monsters, which are very difficult to get. But Sahabush you should be quite easy, if you know what you need to do. If you want to learn how to bring Sahabush, then you need to get yourself two monsters for crossbreeding. It should be Rakovitsa and Smychorog - it is with their combination that you will end up with this monster. The above creatures are also not rare, so you can easily withdraw Sahabushi in any quantities. As you can see, in My Singing Monsters, crossbreeding of characters plays a very important role. But besides this, this lesson is also very fun and exciting.

Chances of success

my monsters how to bring sahabush

Each monster has certain chances of a successful appearance when crossing. For rare monsters, this chance can be about one percent, that is, it will be critically small. In My Singing Monsters, crossbreeding is not an easy process, especially when it comes to higher levels. But you can not say that Sahabush is some very rare monster, so you should get it pretty quickly. The probability of success when crossing the two above-mentioned monsters is about 20-25 percent, so you do not even have to make special efforts to get this cherished character. However, many gamers ask a tricky question regarding My Monsters: how to get Sahabush quicker? It would seem, where much faster? And, in fact, why? But it’s really possible to speed up the process.

Increased chances of success

my singing monsters sahabush

This game has special items that can increase the likelihood of the birth of exactly the monster that you would like. These are the torches of desire that you need to light before you start crossing two creatures with each other. In My Singing Monsters, Sahabush already has a rather high chance of success, but if you also use torches, then you will get this monster much faster. Moreover, you will have a great chance to create at least an entire army of Sahabushs, if you so wish.

Further crossing

However, you should know that this monster is not the end result of a chain of crosses. The fact is that you can continue to combine monsters with the resulting character to get even more new products. In My Singing Monsters, crossing Sahabush will unfortunately not lead to a new species. However, there are about seven different combinations with the participation of this character, which lead to the birth of completely new creatures. So you are strongly advised to have several monsters of this type at once, so that you can simultaneously create new characters for yourself, which will also diversify the sound of your overall melody, as well as the appearance of your so-called orchestra. It is clear that outwardly Sahabush certainly will not spoil the picture - let alone the wonderful melodies that he plays on his lute.


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