Zephyranthes: home care, description, photo, features of growing

Zephyranthes flower is a perennial plant that naturally grows in India and South America. Prefers to grow in peatlands, humid places, tropical forests, swamps. When the marshmallow begins to blow, the vegetative period of the plant begins - hence its official name came from.

It has folk names - a home daffodil, upstart, rain or indoor lily. If you want to grow a room marshmallow, you will need a little patience, a little zeal and free time.

marshmallows photo

Zephyranthes: plant description

Zephyranthes, whose photo you can see in this article, is a bulbous plant, it delights flower growers (with proper care) for several years with luxurious flowering. This exotic plant is very popular among flower growers around the world because of its characteristics, thanks to which it received its many nicknames. For example, it is called an upstart because of the rapid development of a peduncle.

Zephyranthes is a fairly compact plant with a small root, ovoid bulb. The leaves are elongated, grassy (much less often - hollow). Flowers of medium size, single, with a long peduncle.

Varieties of Zephyranthes

To date, there are over 40 species of this plant, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • White. The leaves of this plant, painted in dark green color, are very long (up to 35 cm), tubular, thin, slightly resembling onion feathers. It blooms actively from mid-summer to late autumn.
marshmallows landing
  • Large flowered. And in this species, the leaves are slightly curved, but also long - up to 40 cm. The flowers are painted in bright pink color, have bright orange stamens. The species is characterized by prolonged flowering: from early spring to the first frosts.
  • Yellow (golden). Zephyranthes yellow grows in countries with warm climates. Yellow oval flowers are slightly narrowed on both sides. In diameter, they can reach 9 cm. Bulbs are round or ovoid. Leaves are narrow and long (up to 30 cm). The plant blooms very early - at the end of winter.
marshmallows yellow
  • Pink. A fairly compact plant with small flowers of soft pink color and straight thin leaves.
Zephyranthes Pink
  • Multi-colored. This variety fully justifies its name - the lower part of the flower is red with emerald tint, the inside is white with a pink border around the edge. The bulb is dark, elongated. Flowering begins in January-March (depending on the region of cultivation).
marshmallows room

Growing Marshmallows

I must say that gardeners love to grow this plant, and connoisseurs of indoor plants. Despite the fact that this plant is quite unpretentious, certain rules must be observed in order to grow healthy and strong flowers.

Preparing and landing

If you just bought the bulbs of a plant, then they should be replanted only if they are crowded in a pot. A transplant of indoor zephyranthes is carried out annually (during the dormant period of the plant).

First you need to prepare the soil. Pour 1/3 drainage into the bottom of the pot. For this, expanded clay or pebbles are used. The soil mixture is composed of turf, sand and humus in equal proportions. Planting zephyranthes preferably in the spring. Carefully free the bulbs from dry flakes, remove dry or rotten areas and keep the fungicide solution in for 30 minutes. Use shallow, wide containers for planting. Several bulbs are planted in one pot.

growing marshmallows


This plant is famous for its active and prolonged flowering, which begins in early spring and continues until late autumn. Each flower of zephyranthes pleases with its magnificent appearance for only two days. Then it is replaced by a new one.

The beginning of flowering of each plant depends on several factors:

  • varieties;
  • plant characteristics;
  • the length of the dormant period;
  • external conditions.

In some species, flower stalks appear simultaneously with the appearance of leaves, in others - somewhat later. Although each flower pleases with bloom for only two days, each bulb has several arrows that it releases alternately, thus creating the impression of continuous flowering. This is especially noticeable if several bulbs are planted in one pot.

Immediately after flowering, the peduncle should be cut off, leaving no more than 7 cm in length. Very soon it will dry out, and after that it must be very carefully unscrewed. Beginners in floriculture should be aware that dead parts of the flower (dried flower stalks) must be removed in a timely manner, cut off also dry leaves before the onset of dormancy to prevent the development of a wide variety of infections.

Rest period

From early December to mid-February, the plant enters a dormant period. In some cases, it can begin in September and end in late November. You will immediately notice this state of the plant: they will begin to fade and fall off the leaves. At this time, watering is stopped, the pot with the plant is transferred to a dark, cool place (up to +14 ° C).

Zephyranthes: home care

If you want the plant to please you with beautiful flowers at the right time, try to create comfortable conditions for its development. Take care of the lighting first. Zephyranthes, whose photo is posted in this article, is strictly contraindicated in the shadow, so it is recommended to put it either in the sun, or provide him with diffuse lighting.


When caring for Zephyranthes at home, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature in the room where the flower will grow in the range from +18 ° C, but not higher than +25 ° C. Only after flowering (during dormancy) is it transferred to a cooler room.


Another factor to consider when growing marshmallows. Home care involves moderate and not too frequent watering so that water does not stagnate in the pot. A sure sign that the plant needs moisture is a dried up topsoil.

Top dressing

It is advisable to use complex formulations in liquid form. It is quite enough to feed the plant twice a month, from the moment the first leaves appear until the end of flowering and the onset of dormancy.

Possible problems

Very often flower growers complain that marshmallows do not bloom. Home care in this case, as a rule, is carried out incorrectly. Often happens and the sudden death of the plant. In the first case, flowering may be absent due to non-compliance with the light / temperature regime during the dormancy of the plant. In addition, waterlogging of the soil can provoke the death of the plant: the roots in this case die off, and the bulb rots.


Very carefully remove the mother bulb from the soil and carefully separate the daughter ones. Be sure to treat the cut places with charcoal - this will prevent the process of decay. Transplant the bulbs into a new container, pre-filled with drainage and soil. Up to 10 bulbs can be planted in one pot. Thus, you will get a stylish composition that will decorate your home.

Zephyranthes Transplant

Pay attention to the location of the bulbous necks. The long one is left slightly protruding on the soil surface, the short one is immersed completely in the soil. Moderately moisten the soil, but try to prevent water from getting on the neck. After planting, the plant is placed in a warm (+ 29 ° C), well-lit place. In this case, direct sunlight should not fall on the plant.

Transplanting Marshmallow Kids

Usually, when transplanting marshmallows, the separation of daughter bulbs is carried out. It is necessary to separate those instances that already have their roots. They are also planted in the ground for 10 pieces in one container. Soil and care are the same as for adult plants. Otherwise, they will decay without sprouting.

Zephyranthes Diseases and Pests: Red Rot (Fusarium)

Extremely dangerous fungal disease, which is manifested by rotting of the root system, yellowing and wilting of leaves. Unfortunately, while there are no drugs that can fight this disease - the infected bulb should be destroyed along with a lump of earth. Healthy bulbs should be kept for about half an hour in the preparation "Maxim", then plant them in a container with a new substrate. Do not water them for several days.

drug maxim

Excessive watering leads to rotting of the bulbs - an emergency transplant is necessary, removing the affected areas of the bulbs and carefully treating them with phytosporin.

Zephyranthes is quite resistant to pests, but sometimes unwanted guests appear in the soil and on the plant: scabbard, spider mite, etc.

Amaryllis Worm

A small insect that feeds on the juice of a plant. This leads to wilting, yellowing, falling leaves. An insecticide treatment should be performed. If the bulb is severely affected, it cannot be saved, it will have to be destroyed.

Spider mite

When the tick attacks, the plant is covered with a thin cobweb, the flowers quickly wither. This pest can cause excessively dry air. You can get rid of it by treating the flower with soapy water. After the plant dries, it should be washed in the shower.


Finding brown plaques on the leaves and stems, it is urgent to take measures to save the plant - it got a shield that deprives the plant of juice. As a result of its activities, both leaves and flowers fade. It is quite easy to get rid of this problem by treating the plant with malathion.

Soft false shield

A small convex-shaped insect no more than 4 mm long. First, pests should be removed mechanically. To do this, moisten a cotton pad with soap and water and wipe the leaves of the plant, as well as the windowsill. After that, treat the plant with an insecticide.


Very small whitish insects that look like moths. They usually settle on the underside of leaf plates. Move the plant to a cool place (these insects do not like lowering the temperature) and treat the flower with an insecticide.

We presented you with a very effective plant - Zephyranthes. Home care is simple for him, and his flowers, painted in different shades, will become a wonderful decoration for a house or a summer cottage.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4266/

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