The layout of the land on the cadastral plan of the territory

Significant changes in the legislation have largely changed the procedure for allocation of plots, their registration, cadastral valuation of land.

Is it difficult to register a new land?

If the land selection act was used before, now you need to submit the location scheme of the land plot in the form of an electronic file together with the application for granting. Not everyone has computers at home, not everyone has computer literacy sufficient to process the circuit in a graphical editor, to introduce new boundaries, to accurately calculate the area, so for most, the question of self-constructing the circuit in electronic form automatically disappears.

From the moment the administration makes an affirmative decision, the applicant has two years left to reserve the property.

The layout of the land

Visual information coming to the website of Rosreestr from all over the country helps to restore order in land registration, and constantly updated data on a common cadastral map allows you to get an accurate picture of the status of lands of interest.

In free mode, you can get valuable information on the site without spending hours in queues in administrative institutions, consider several options at once, choose the most suitable one for the size, location, cadastral value of land in this area.

What information should be provided for land allocation?

The layout of the land is a document that contains its graphic image and text description, it clearly shows its boundaries as they look on the cadastral plan, the exact area is indicated on it. To determine its location, the coordinates are marked on the plan. If earlier the error was allowed up to 1 meter, now they should be indicated with an accuracy of 10 cm.

Layout of land on the cadastral plan of the territory

The layout of the land plot is compiled on the basis of cadastre data, land management documents, taking into account current standards. If the administration makes a positive decision on the allocation of land, on the basis of the project, a boundary plan will be drawn up, which is now a mandatory document when registering property in Rosreestr.

Who is preparing the circuits?

Depending on the purposes of applying the location scheme of the land plot on the CBT, the law indicates the persons entitled to engage in their manufacture, since the administration was mainly engaged in this before. The memory scheme can be ordered on the state website, but for some it seems that it is safer and more profitable to do this work yourself.

Civilians and organizations can draw up the layout of certain sections themselves, if, for example, they are located outside the dwelling line, leased out, issued without bidding. An auction participant can make it himself, if he is the only one who wants to acquire specific land. The successors of the plots after their removal also have this opportunity.

In other situations, the administration of the territory in question is in charge of the documents.

In what cases is the memory circuit used?

The plot scheme is required when new plots are formed or to change existing ones. It is tied to the terrain, gives an understanding of what area the land is in, which has a shape, area, shows whether there is intersection or complete coincidence with other sites or territories.

Location scheme photo

In the satellite photo, the relief of the site is clearly visible - is it located on a plain, hills, ravines. Therefore, when allocating, selling and seizing land, it is necessary to draw up a layout of the land plot.

These are cases such as:

  1. Changing the boundaries of existing allotments, which at this moment are already privately owned, for the formation of new ones. These can be land plots intended for individual housing construction, gardening or gardening, as well as those that are in state ownership.
  2. When dividing municipal land for allocation to a legal entity, as well as to a private person on the right of lease or permanent use.
  3. Upon seizure by its administration.
  4. If possible, get a plot without bidding. This is the only case when the layout of the land on the cadastral plan of the territory can be submitted in the usual form, on paper.
  5. When conducting auctions. To participate in them, an application and a diagram of the site are submitted for consideration, an announcement is published, all applications of those who wish are collected within 30 days. If the only application is received, the applicant receives the site and conducts a land survey and the POS scheme at his own expense, and if there are several applications, then the municipality conducts the auction and execution.
  6. For registration of cuts that are owned by citizens.

What is important to consider when submitting documents to the administration?

After submitting the location scheme of the land plot and an application for approval, the administration considers the documents, makes a positive decision or refuses to allocate land.

When approving the scheme, it is considered whether the allocation of the memory meets legal requirements. For example, are there nearby nature reserves, fields, strategic sites, zones with special conditions of use, is it planned to develop land in residential neighborhoods, and what facilities are nearby.

Reasons for refusal may be various:

  1. The paperwork does not meet the requirements, they contain errors, the layout is incorrectly drawn up, since it is not always possible to immediately take into account all the requirements of the administration. In this case, you need to make corrections and submit it again.
  2. The site contains immovable property of third parties or the state.
  3. The administration cannot approve the scheme of land, which is already owned by equity holders.
  4. The territory is part of the approved boundary plan or has intersecting borders, overlapping all or part of the area.
  5. The site can be located on the site, which is planned to be used for the implementation of projects for the development of the area.
  6. The area under the scheme exceeds the real one by more than 10 percent.
  7. If an error is found in the layout of the land plot on the CBT, then it is necessary to carry out a boundary surveying in order to clarify them on the basis of a plan made earlier, in which clarifications will be made.

But this is possible only after an affirmative decision of the administration, since before registering with the Rosreestr as a cadastral engineer, a boundary plan will be drawn up with the approval of the borders of neighbors, leshozes and other participants.

Land plot location example

There are cases of refusal to allocate plots when the administration changes their intended purpose after the application is submitted. For example, it allocates land for development of multi-story buildings.

When the registered land is divided, the new border project is not approved, but a boundary plan is prepared, since the layout of the land on the cadastral plan of the territory does not change, it remains within the previous existing borders. The same thing happens in the opposite case - when combining private plots.

Features of the design of municipal zones

After a decision has been made on the allocation of land, local governments should send it together with the memory scheme to the Rosreestr to make changes on the Public Cadastral Map, on which they will be reflected. Five days are allotted for execution. The approved layout of the land plot is certified using a special electronic signature of the official of the administration, who made a positive decision.

Documents for the formation of memory from the land, which is in municipal ownership, are accepted by the administration in accordance with Article 11.3 of the RF Labor Code. For information, the layout of land on the cadastral plan of the area is used.

Electronic circuit: order or do it yourself?

So that everyone can use the information about the location of the plots, the memory circuit is recorded on an electronic medium. The borders on it and the paper diagram must exactly match.

An electronic version of the layout of the land can be ordered on the website of Rosreestr.

It is easy to find in the FCT visually or by account number. From the section "Electronic Services for Individuals" you need to go to "My Account".

A sample of the location scheme of the land plot on the CBT shows the data filled in according to the approved form, the graphic location of the plot, a description, an image of the territory made from a satellite, indicating the address, coordinates, cadastral data, sizes.

Despite the fact that in most cases, citizens can independently make a diagram, not everyone has the skills to map with the right accuracy and work in a graphical editor.

It is quite difficult to link the scheme to the cadastral plan, if there are no nearby objects indicated by coordinates, to fulfill all the requirements of the State Register and the administration. Therefore, it is immediately recommended to order the production of the scheme on the website or ask for help from the cadastral engineer.

He can fulfill the order with and without leaving the site, if the cadastre has enough information to determine the boundaries of the site. After the approval of the scheme, the work carried out by the cadastral engineer will be used to draw up a survey plan. Its presence is a prerequisite for further registration of the land in Rosreestr.

If the scheme can be compiled on the basis of the PCT, the cadastral engineer can provide its data without first visiting the site.

Land use and functional areas

The location of the land plan and the scheme of functional zones should not have contradictions.

According to the urban development plan, all plots have certain purposes for use. When choosing a memory, it is important to find out which functional area it belongs to, what you can do in this area.

Location of the land plot; plan and scheme of functional zones

For example, if the land is intended for agriculture, then it is impossible to build residential houses and industrial buildings on them. Activities on the site, which are not provided for in the urban plan, are not permitted or limited.

On the site under IZHS it is impossible to build a store or repair shop. Information about the purpose of the site can be found in the Master Plan of the settlement, where the functional areas are painted in different colors.

If the memory is within the boundaries of the functional zone, then, unlike being in the territorial zones, this does not always affect the legal regime and serves as the reason for refusal. It all depends on what exactly passes through the site or along its borders.

Permitted use of the site

Therefore, when choosing a land plot, before drawing up its scheme, you need to find out whether it is suitable for the implementation of your plans. Distinguish residential areas, industrial, recreational, agricultural use, military facilities and others.

Collective gardening, plots for individual development are located in residential areas. These may include objects of social and engineering infrastructure, business development. Especially a lot of questions arise when the site borders on the leshoz.

The layout of the land on the city law

In order to change the type of permitted use of the memory, you need to submit an application to the Cadastral Chamber or the administration, which will consider the possibility of such a decision.

Functional zones necessarily have boundaries that are displayed on the map, and a special purpose, indicating the main focus of land use.

What information is on the memory scheme?

The layout of the land on the cadastral plan, a sample of which is shown in the photo, should have:

  1. The projected area of ​​each land plot, if there are several.
  2. Conditional numbers, if there are two or more of them. For this, the cadastral number of the site is taken if the counted lands are combined or separated, or the number of the cadastral quarter on which the formed site is located completely, the letters of the memory and the serial number in the new scheme.
  3. The site must be entered into the coordinate system used in the state cadastre.
  4. Symbols used in the preparation of the circuit in electronic form.
  5. Cadastral number of a site or quarter.
  6. In the text part, the address or description of the location is indicated, the special use zones located nearby are indicated, the layout of the land plot in the photo is given.

Red lines in the diagram indicate new boundaries during cutting, a new separation between the formation of several allotments, places where boundary lines pass, places where changes are not allowed.

Layout of the land on the cadastral plan

By the example of the location scheme of the land plot that is being formed, its borders, cadastral quarter, and functional zones located nearby are visible. The site borders the land already registered in the EGNR, therefore its coordinates are easier to indicate.

The layout of the land plot with a photo of the territory in electronic form can be ordered on the website of Rosreestr.


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