Metrology is a science that studies ... Metrology: practical application

Each object in the world carries certain information. It is endowed with its properties and characteristics. All these data must be studied, measured and stored. Objects have a certain classification, and those that belong to the same type must be brought to certain standards and compared with the standard. This is the science called metrology.

The essence, subject and objectives

The extraction of reliable and accurate quantitative data on the properties of processes and objects is the essence of the subject of metrology. The set of standards and measuring instruments in this area, ensuring their rational use is called metrology.

By definition, metrology is a science that studies the methods and methods of accurate measurements of the properties of an object: physical quantities, units of a physical quantity, errors, measuring instruments.

metrological instruments

The objectives of science are:

  • unity of measurements;
  • unification of quantities, their legitimization;
  • development of methods, establishing accuracy and accuracy of measurements;
  • transfer of reference sizes and measuring instruments to work.

The origin of the term, main directions and requirements

Based on the fact that metrology is a science that studies the methods of accurate measurements, we can say that this is an extremely important industry in any field of production and research. The term itself is of Greek origin. The words μετρον and λογοξ mean: measure, doctrine, word.

The main directions are the theory of measurements, units and systems of physical quantities, means and methods for determining accuracy, ensuring unity and uniformity in measurements, creating standards and samples, transferring the sizes of reference units from standards and reference measuring instruments to working measuring instruments.

In the modern sense, metrology is a science that studies partly scientific areas, and partly complexes of interdependent and interrelated rules. They comply with the norms and requirements that need to be regulated and controlled by the state. This is necessary in order to ensure the uniformity of measurements and uniformity of the means necessary for this. These are the requirements in legal metrology, the nature of which determines the standardization of definitions and terms.

metrology measuring instruments

Key terms and concepts

Thus, metrology is a science that studies various physical phenomena and objects in terms of measurements and standards. Accordingly, it, as a science, has a certain set of terms and definitions established by GOST.

These include: physical quantity, measurement, unit of physical quantity, unity and means of measurement, measure, measuring device and converter, measuring device and system, auxiliary equipment.

MO (metrological support) is a complex of organizational, scientific and technical measures, as well as the activities of specialists and institutions aimed at ensuring accuracy and unity of measurements.

The goal of the Ministry of Defense is to achieve the required functioning of technical specifications (technical devices).

metrology and advanced technology


NTO (scientific and technical basis) MO - a system of uniform standards of the state sample of physical quantities, their sizes, testing of measuring instruments, including calibration and calibration. The state verification of standard samples, materials and properties must be mandatory. It is necessary to conduct regular metrological certification of measuring instruments , properties of materials intended for reproducing units of quantities and characterizing the composition and properties of substances. In addition, there must be an inspection of operation and repair.

Development trends, which metrological support is aimed at, is a transition to quality measurements with a characteristic set of properties that can provide the required accuracy of the results in a timely manner. The error may be within acceptable limits.

optical metrology

Wide and narrow understanding

The concept of MO is interpreted both in a broad and a narrow sense.

In broad terms, these are:

  • Theory and methods of measurements, ensuring the accuracy that metrology requires, verification of unity and control of measurements.
  • Organizational and technical issues, regulatory documents, which include the State Standards, MU (guidelines), technical specifications, rules for the performance of work.

In the narrow sense: supervision regarding the application of the legislative system, ensuring the unity, accuracy and transfer of reference dimensions that receive measuring instruments. Metrology also includes the development of state verification schemes and the supervision of their functioning. After developing measurement methods, the level of which has the highest accuracy, the standards themselves are created. In the narrow sense, MO means monitoring the state that departmental measuring instruments have.

industrial metrology computed tomography

Metrology and TU

The tasks of the Ministry of Defense at different stages of the life cycle of a technical device include:

  • research and study of characteristics with various parameters of technical specifications in order to determine the requirements for quality, volume and nomenclature of measurements, along with control;
  • selection of serial tools for measuring with control. If there is no suitable one, then the technologist or designer issues a task for the development of new tools according to the given parameters;
  • calibration, verification, nomenclature analysis of TP (technological processes), establishment of metrological characteristics of means and ensuring their mass production, as well as timely updating;
  • improvement of methods and metrological examination.

As you can see, the practical activity, which involves technical metrology, covers a very wide range of issues. The ultimate goal of all this is the creation of reference samples for working with different objects, physical phenomena and quantities.

metrology and research

Some concepts

What is meant by a physical quantity? This property, which is common in qualitative terms for many physical objects, and in quantitative terms - individual for each of them.

By measurement is meant the search for the value of a physical quantity through experiments using special technical means. In other words, measurement is an experimental process of comparing a given physical quantity with a homogeneous one, the value of which is taken as a legalized unit.

Measuring instruments are primarily technical special tools that are used in measurements. They have properties normalized for metrology. There are different purposes: from measures to measuring systems.

metrological support


Scientific state centers of metrology are the holders of such units of physical quantities necessary as an auxiliary apparatus in the study of various natural objects.

The unity of measurements implies the expression of measurement results in those very legal units, taking into account the error of a given probability.

Complexes of metrological standards depend on the field of activity and the form of leadership. It can be International, State and National Standardization.

The regional metrology department operates in the field of one economic, political or geographical region of the world. For example, Central and Eastern Europe. The tasks of regional centers are similar to all the tasks of metrological services: the creation and certification of standards, the manufacture of appropriate tools, verification of measurements.

State authorities carry out state standardization and develop long-term plans in this area.

National standardization is also carried out on a state scale, but the authorities do not directly influence and guide.

Special international organizations carry out international standardization. They are created on the basis of several countries with the aim of solving joint issues in the trade and production sphere. The standard is the basic regulatory, technical documents and technical specifications.

All regulatory documents are approved by authorized bodies. TU sets out specific product requirements.


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