Flowers are a gift of nature. How to transplant flowers

how to transplant a flower correctly
Flowers are a gift of nature. They can create a good mood, bring freshness and beauty to the interior. For indoor flowers to warm the heart and soul, you need to know how to transplant flowers, how to care for them so as not to harm growth and development. Much depends on proper care.

Transplant Indications

According to the rules, flowers need to be replanted once a year, but there are several reasons when a plant should be transplanted earlier if:

1. You were given or you bought a beautiful flower in the store. You should not immediately put it together with other plants, as the ground can be contaminated with spores. Place the flower pot on the window that is free. Immediately transplant a flower should not, let it acclimatize in a new place for about a week.

2. You saw the roots peeking out of the holes in the bottom of the pot.

3. The leaves of the flower are sluggish, the flower does not grow and withers, or you picked the wrong pot, it is large or small for this type of plant.

Transplant Preparation

When the question arises of how to transplant flowers, one involuntarily thinks about what is needed for this. You need to prepare in advance for a transplant or deboning of a plant.

how to transplant flowers
Preparing the ground

Many people, due to lack of time, buy ready-made mix of land in specialized stores. Such land differs in its composition by plant species: for flowering plants, non-flowering and universal, which is suitable for almost all types of flowers, and at a price it is usually cheaper. Of course, buying the finished mixture is very convenient, but you can stock up on the land yourself. If you go out of town, into the forest, you will certainly dig up land rich in nutrients. But do not rush to transplant the plant into this earth, first you need to sort it out from the grass, then heat it (in the oven or on the stove) in order to remove all the insects that live there. Then we mix the earth with a small amount of sand, depending on the type of plant, and you can begin to choose a flower pot.

Choose a flower pot

How to transplant a flower correctly so that it does not stop growing? Each flower needs to find a suitable flowerpot. When choosing it, it is necessary to consider what kind of plant will be in it. For example, an orchid grows well in pots made of glass. The size of the pot is selected with a diameter of 2-3 cm larger than the previous one.

How to transplant flowers?

Plant transplants are mainly carried out in spring, because with the onset of the spring period, the duration and intensity of lighting increases, which contributes to the growth of plants. The best time of day for a plant transplant in the afternoon, when the sun is not so active. How to transplant indoor flowers? On the eve of a transplant, it is necessary to water the flowers well so that they are better taken out of the pot. Place chopped brick or slate pieces at the bottom of the pot. Next, pour expanded clay. Then pour 2 cm of earth and place the flower so that it is in the center of the flowerpot. After that, pour a little water and fill it with earth, leaving 3 cm from the top edge of the pot to make it convenient to water. The earth must be crushed with your hands or a stick and add the necessary amount of land to the desired level.

how to transplant indoor plants
After you have transplanted the flowers, you need to place them in partial shade so that they acclimatize to the new land.

We figured out the question of how to transplant flowers, but we must remember what is right:

  • replant flowers in the evening;
  • pour plenty of water before transplanting;
  • Avoid direct sunlight.


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