Incendiary Georgian dance

There are probably no people in the world who do not know what Georgian dance is. Those who at least once saw his performance, can not remain indifferent to this type of art. He is able to cause special emotions, and in addition, even the viewers have the feeling that they have become participants in something special.

Features of Georgian dance

No one can say for sure when the Georgian folk dance appeared. Only one thing is clear - the mountain people have it in their blood.

lezginka Georgian dance

Historians claim that the first mention of Georgian folklore in general and dancing in particular appeared even before our era. Confirmation of this are the records of the famous Greek historian Xenophon. Dance and military tunes, as well as secular music were still popular among Georgian tribes. Even the military actions of this people could not do without dancing and music. What can I say, even if the funeral of the Georgians is accompanied by special ritual dances.

Georgian dance culture is multifaceted and diverse. But at the same time, all the dances have a common feature. This is the behavior of dancers on stage. The girl in such dances always looks graceful and majestic. She moves in small steps. A man is the embodiment of masculinity and fearlessness. He performs sharp and very complex movements, and some of them are more like acrobatic tricks. It can be high jumps and bold pirouettes.

Dance lezginka

Georgian dance has become very popular in the world primarily due to the lezginka. There are few people who do not know the name of this incendiary dance. But how did this happen? When did dance become popular in Europe?

Georgian dance

The fact is that since ancient times, trade routes have passed through the Caucasus, which united Asia and Europe. During these trips, merchants drew attention to a dance unknown to them earlier. The performers of the beautiful movements were the local people - Lezgins.

Each Georgian dance has its own meaning. What does Lezginka symbolize? In order to understand this, it is necessary to take into account that dance is an echo of ancient pagan rites. One of the central images of this faith was the image of an eagle. It is him who reproduces the dancer, showing his strength, dexterity, and temperament. Especially the resemblance to the eagle can be seen at the moment when the partner rises on his toes and describes the circles, while proudly spreading his arms. What reminds the eagle, which is going to fly.

The movements of the girl in this dance are, as always, flowing and graceful. There is a kind of competition between young people, and this is another feature that characterizes the Lezginka.

Georgian dance kartuli

This very popular and romantic dance is wedding and tells the story of love and relationships of a couple in love. Naturally, they dance it in pairs.

Georgian folk dance

Kartuli dance combines two types of movements: male and female. The men's party is designed to show the pride, courage and love of a man. Despite the great love for a woman, a man also feels respect and reverence, therefore, throughout the dance he keeps his distance and does not touch her. Touch is replaced by a look that he does not take away from his beloved all the time while they are dancing.

As for the women's party, it is characterized by softness and modesty. A woman, like a man, must keep a distance. But, besides this, she does not even dare to raise her eyes to him. Throughout the dance, her gaze is half-lowered, and the movements resemble a swan that glides through the water.

This Georgian dance is considered one of the most difficult, so both dancers must have real talent and skill in order to perform it.

Kartuli dance has a clear structure, which cannot be broken. It consists of five parts. First, a man must invite a woman to perform a dance with him, after which they dance together. At the third stage, the man performs the solo, after which there is a female party. At the last stage, the partners again dance together.

The main meaning of this dance is an expression of love and reverence of a man for a woman.

Sukhishvili National Ensemble

The first professional dance ensemble performing Georgian dance, following the example of which later ensembles were created, was the Georgian National Ballet Sukhishvili. The official year of its foundation is considered to be 1945, although in fact this year it received the status of a state. They founded the ballet much earlier, at the end of the 20s of the last century.

Georgian dance Sukhishvili

The troupe was founded by the famous dancers Iliko Sukhishvili and Nino Ramishvili. Spouses became the first leaders of the ensemble and played this role until 1985. After that, the leadership passed to their children, and later to their grandchildren. Thanks to this family, Georgian dance also gained world fame. Sukhishvili made the folk dance ensemble a family affair, which has been given their skill and time for three generations of the dynasty.


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