Guzmania flowers: growing, care

guzmania flowers
So, you still decided and bought an exotic guzmania flower . Let's look at the features of caring for this unusual plant.

Guzmania flowers come from tropical forests, so they need a similar climate. In addition, an important aspect of the cultivation of such flowers is their reproduction, since these flowers are annuals. In addition, they relate to epiphytes - plants that in natural habitats grow on tree trunks, and therefore a universal soil mixture for them simply will not work.

Indoor flowers guzmania: care, reproduction, cultivation

First of all, the newly acquired plant needs to be transplanted. The land for guzmania should consist of sphagnum, peat, turf land, as well as sand. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Such a mixture can be purchased ready-made at any flower shop. Ideally, when buying a flower, it is advisable to immediately stock up for it with special land.

Guzmania flowers do not require large volumes of the pot, so they can be left in the purchase, not forgetting to arrange a layer of drainage from expanded clay. The roots of the plant should be handled with extreme care, as they are very fragile.

Given that these flowers are annuals, they will not need any additional transplants.

indoor flower guzmania photo
Indoor flower guzmania (photo attached) prefers warm moist air. The plant should avoid direct sunlight. But humidity can be provided by spraying the plant every day, for guzmania this will only benefit.

Watering is very important: guzmania flowers are watered into a leaf outlet, slightly moistening the soil. With the onset of winter, watering and spraying is reduced.

The plant is absolutely not demanding on top dressing. True, if guzmania does not want to bloom in any way, then the process can be stimulated by laying apples next to it. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to cover the plant with fruit with a plastic wrap. The fact is that apples starting to rot rot emit gas that stimulates the flowering of some bromeliads, in particular guzmania. The only thing that should not be allowed is the appearance of mold on the fruit. In such a situation, they are thrown away and replaced with new ones. The film is removed when the flowering plant begins.

Guzmania flowers die after flowering, leaving the children. Usually they are grown in the same pot and when the roots appear, they are planted.

indoor flowers guzmania care
I would also like to say about diseases and pests. The scariest enemy of the plant is the scale shield. Usually she likes the juice of a flower, and if parasites are not noticed in time, they can completely destroy guzmania.

To combat the pest, the following solution is prepared: 25 drops of Actellica are diluted in 1 liter of water. The resulting liquid is moistened with a cotton pad and gently wiped the leaves of the plant.

Often, a spider mite also attacks guzmania . Getting rid of it is quite simple by preparing a soap solution and treating it with a plant. When processing, you need to make sure that the soap solution does not in any way get into the outlet of the leaves of guzmania.


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