How often does a kitten go to the toilet: physiological needs of the animal, norm, causes of pathology

A new four-legged family member was brought home. The owners and children are happy, and the tailed baby is under stress.

The first three days it is necessary to limit his communication with children and other animals. It is necessary to let the kitten get comfortable, explore a new territory. These first days are the most difficult for him. You can not forbid a curious newcomer to live his cat's life, but you will have to follow him. It is important to know how he eats, how often a kitten goes to the toilet, how he behaves.

We will talk in detail about the toilet of the mustachioled caudate creature.

First was mom

And she helped her little sons - daughters with toilet procedures. The cat licked their tummies, stimulating peristalsis, eating the consequences of going to the toilet. Therefore, the corner where the newborns were located was always clean.

This went on for about 21 days. Want to know how often a kitten who is 3 weeks old goes to the toilet? Up to 12 times a day. The owner of the cat mom does not see the excrement of the offspring, as she carefully cleans up after her babies.

Separated from mom

Typically, kittens are weaned from the cat after the baby reaches the age of 45 days. Previously, you do not need to do this, because the kitten will not receive the necessary immunity, which he acquires with his mother’s milk.

But everything happens in life. Sometimes monthly crumbs are left without a mom cat. What to do if such a miracle appears in the house? Funny and awkward, it moves around the apartment and squeaks loudly. If the owner noticed that the baby began to fuss, it's time to put him on the potty.

How often does a kitten that reaches a month of age go to the toilet? For small - up to ten times a day. As for going to the pot for more important matters, then at the time of stress the baby may not recover until 5 days. Do not be afraid, this is normal.

two kittens

Let's talk about great things

How often does a kitten go to the toilet in large ways, reaching a month old? Three to six times a day. The excrement at first may be a little shapeless and seem soft. With the transition to a new diet, they gradually acquire the prescribed form of "sausage" and look solid.

What should alert the owner? Firstly, how often a kitten goes to the toilet. Up to six times a day, as we mentioned, is the norm. More is already a problem. It should also be alarming that the baby does not defecate for more than 5 days. Again, a delay in feces up to five days after a change of residence is the norm.

What if there is no excrement after this period? You need to take the kitten in your arms and carefully probe the tummy. If he is tight and painful, and the baby breaks out and screams when feeling, we urgently take measures:

  • Massage the abdomen. Using a wet cotton swab, massage the kitten’s tummy clockwise. Also massage the area of ​​the anus. Did not help? The kid did not go to the toilet a few minutes after the massage? We are trying other measures.

  • We introduce half a teaspoon of vegetable oil into the baby’s mouth. We do this with a syringe without a needle. Care is needed here, we inject oil slowly so that the pet does not choke.

  • Soapy peg. It sounds somehow creepy, but there is nothing terrible. A small peg (up to 10 mm long) is made from children's soap, moistened in water and introduced into the anus of a kitten. A few hours after the procedure, the pet goes to the toilet.

  • Medicines They are given only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. There should be no independent treatment, as this is dangerous for the kitten.

  • Enema. At home, this is not the safest procedure. It is done only if you are absolutely sure that the kitten cannot go to the toilet because of stress and a change in nutrition, and not because of intestinal obstruction or inversion. An ideal option would be to consult a veterinarian so that he inspects the kitten before the procedure.

How to put an enema? To do this, you need a syringe without a needle, warm water, oil or petroleum jelly. It is better to put a kitten an enema together, so that one holds the baby, and the second carries out manipulations. The tip of the syringe is lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly and carefully injected into the anus of the animal. Water is squeezed out of the syringe carefully, probing the tummy. After the enema, the baby should recover soon. The amount of injected fluid must be agreed with the doctor.

Recall again that enema is an extreme method. It is carried out only if the cause of the lack of feces was stress and a change in diet. A veterinarian consultation is required before this procedure.

How often do monthly kittens go to the toilet? As mentioned above, up to six times a day. The older the kitten, the less likely it is to defecate. An adult cat poop no more than twice a day.

Adult cat

If the kitten has too thin or dry stool

How often do kittens go to the toilet, we figured out. What to do if the baby has too loose stools or is very dry?

Liquid feces can be during overfeeding. This also happens in people. If the baby’s diarrhea is no longer repeated, there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you will have to consult a veterinarian.

If the stool is too dry, this may indicate that the diet is not suitable for the kitten. Changing dry food if the baby is eating it is not so difficult. In the case of natural nutrition, the amount of milk and kefir in the kitten's menu should be increased.

About urinating

The kitten's bladder is very small. It is often filled, so the kitten very often goes to the toilet - up to 10 times a day. This does not need to be scared. As they grow older, the baby begins to urinate up to 5 times a day. An adult cat empties the bladder 3 times a day.

What to look for

How often a kitten goes to the toilet for a little, we figured out. What deviations should alert the owner?

  • The color of the urine should be light yellow.

  • If blood impurities or white discharge are visible in the urine, a veterinarian consultation is urgently needed.

  • If the color of the urine is dark yellow, this may indicate kidney problems. In this case, the consultation of a veterinarian is also necessary.

Master go clean

Signs that the kitten wants to potty

How often should a kitten go to the toilet, we now know. And what signs indicate that a small pet is about to begin to poop?

  • The kid fusses, squeaks, searches for a place, running around the room.

  • Scraping paws on the floor.

  • Sits in a corner on the floor.

  • Stomps in one place, walks around, peeps.

  • The baby's eyes change, they become as if glazed. The expression of the muzzle can be described as thoughtful.

Toilet and thoroughbred kitten

Some people think that the above information applies only to simple cats. Such people are interested, for example, how often do British kittens go to the toilet? A visit to the pot is independent of the breed. It's all about age. If the baby is one month old, then he writes up to 10 times a day. The older the kitten, the less the number of visits to the toilet.

Thoroughbred kitten

We select a tray and a filler

What tray to put a very small kitten? An accessory with low sides is suitable for a one-month-old baby, for digging in your "labors" so that the filler flies in all directions, is not yet in his power.

As the baby grows up, it is better to change the tray to a higher one. The ideal option is to purchase a closed pot.

Which filler to use? Now there are many species designed specifically for kittens. The best filler is one that turns into lumps after the liquid gets into it. Such a lump is very convenient to clean with a special scoop.

What else can be said about the filler? It should absorb odors. Very good at the moment is a filler based on silica gel. But this is not the cheapest option. But enough of such a filler for a long time.

Toilet - house

A good option would be corn. It absorbs odors well and is not allergenic. But he does not form lumps. This filler simply changes color after getting wet.

Someone uses wood filler as a litter in the tray. Not every adult cat likes him, but it’s hard for a kitten to explain why he was put in a container with something incomprehensible. The wood filler also absorbs odors, but quickly gets wet and becomes unhygienic.

Can I use newspaper, paper or sand? This was done before, because there were no other fillers. They brought a sand or put a newspaper in a cat tray. If you do not change such a filler in time (and you need to do this after each act of urination), the smell will stand on the whole apartment. In addition, when wet, the newspaper emits harmful impurities of topographic paint. They are hardly useful for a kitten. Yes, and for the owner, too.

Plain paper is safer in this regard, but it is also very inconvenient to use. Its replacement should be carried out immediately after the kitten visits the tray.

Choose a tray and filler


The main goal of the article is to tell readers how often a kitten goes to the toilet. Repeat:

  • Monthly kittens write up to 10 times a day. Shovel from 3 to 6 times.

  • As you grow older, the number of bowel movements decreases. Acts of urination are carried out up to five times a day, and bowel movements - three times.

  • When moving to a new place of residence, the pet is stressed. He is able to not defecate until 5 days.

  • If after 5 days the kitten did not go to the toilet, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian.

cat on the toilet


Readers now know how often a kitten goes to the toilet. What measures need to be taken if the baby cannot recover, we also told. It is imperative to observe your furry baby in order to notice the problem that has arisen in time. To correct the situation and not harm the kitten, you must visit the veterinarian.


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