Victor Dotsenko - modern author

The author of the famous series in the action movie genre, shot based on the literary cycle "Mad", is writer and director Viktor Dotsenko. The author has written a series of books about the “Russian James Bond,” Rabid Savely Govorkov. The film adaptation of the novel played a large role in the creative activity of the writer.


Information in various sources about the life of this modern writer is quite contradictory. Dotsenko Victor was born in a train at a small station near Chernigov on April 12, 1946. The childhood of the future fiction writer passed in the Siberian city of Omsk. In his youth, he was seriously involved in all-round events and earned the title of master of sports. He entered the Bauman MVTU without any problems. He studied at Moscow State University, Sofia Institute of Economics. At VGIK he graduated from the directing department, but instead of a profession, he chose to be a writer.

At the beginning of his career, Viktor Dotsenko managed to star in the Bulgarian film “Laws of the Prairies”. His first story, where the collapse of the CPSU and the military coup in the USSR was predicted, he wrote in the early 70's. At that difficult time, this book could not be ignored, as a result, law enforcement authorities isolated the author for two years. To collect material for a new book, he enters warring Afghanistan, where he has been working as a journalist for about two years.

The Birth of Frenzied Novels

The author’s next literary experience was a novel about an “Afghan” paratrooper, where he decided to tell the truth about Afghanistan and corruption in his native country. The book was written in the early 80s, the internal political situation remained difficult. The KGB did not allow "to denigrate Soviet reality." In 1983, he was sentenced to 6 years.

Victor Dotsenko

At that time, which the master of words spent behind bars, Russia was changing rapidly. Freed ahead of schedule, Victor Dotsenko takes on a novel about the Afghan Saveliy Govorkov. The film, shot according to the script, was well received and made it possible to go to print the book. Soon, the novel was published and had a dizzying success, Frenzied became a cult hero. The author of criminal prose is now considered the highest paid writer in modern Russia. His study is filled with gifts from admirers of literary talent. Books of Victor Dotsenko are published with a total circulation of more than 20 million.

Dotsenko Victor


The author of the popular Besenoy saga is also a member of the union of filmmakers. Victor Dotsenko is a man of very diverse interests. He is a vice president on the board of trustees for civil rights. In the Russian Federation of street basketball, a prose writer is the president. Not so long ago, he was granted the princely title. The medal “For Honor and Dignity” was personally handed to the criminal author by the head of the Butyrka prison.

books of Victor Dotsenko

Novels, which many are read out, and series shot on their motives, gained the expected popularity immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The fate of the writer is similar to the biography of the hero of the action movie, his life is full and interesting. Perhaps the books of this author are somewhat autobiographical.


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