Charming freesia. Care, cultivation, reproduction

It is known to almost everyone that freesia is a rather capricious and wayward plant. Growing it is quite difficult. However, for good care, the flower thanks everyone with abundant flowering. This gorgeous plant is named after the man who discovered it. A nerd and a German doctor, Friedrich Frieze, discovered this flower.

The homeland of freesia is in South Africa. Here it grows along very humid shores, hiding behind the sprawling branches of shrubs. Only in the 19th century, the flower was isolated as a separate culture.

Freesia is very moody. Care she requires tremulous. Indeed, in her homeland is very damp and hot. She would prefer such a climate here. The abundance of water, moist heat - this is what is so necessary for the flowering of freesia.

Today, flower is brought from Holland to various flower salons. We rarely see this flower at home. Occasionally, he appears in professional gardeners. Often they are grown in winter gardens and greenhouses only real agronomists. Although, you can grow beautiful freesia and an amateur in the garden or on the windowsill. The main thing is to follow all the rules for caring for the plant.

A beautiful sight, when freesia, the care of which was carried out correctly, blossoms surprisingly beautiful flowers. They can be of very different colors, and the smell spreads far from them and resembles a light lily of the valley aroma.

How to grow freesia from seeds

In order to obtain a flowering plant, you can use freesia seeds. In this case, you have to wait a fairly long time to get beautiful flowers. Before sowing, you need to prepare small boxes of wood. Inside, it will be enough to pour special drainage, and on top of the soil. Shallow grooves are made in it. Their maximum depth can be 2 cm. Freesia seeds are laid at the bottom. It is desirable that the distance between the seeds is approximately 2 cm. Then, when they emerge, they will not interfere with each other. But picking is done already when the plant is formed and releases at least 3 leaves.

If it is possible to sow freesia in early March, then by the end of autumn, it will have already dissolved its wonderful buds. On average, after 200 days a real flower appears from a seed. Due to the fact that our weather is not as constant and not as warm as freesia loves, she needs constant care. In addition, as soon as the seedlings harden, they are immediately transplanted from the boxes directly to flower pots or to the ground, where constant heating is maintained (this can be an equipped greenhouse or a greenhouse, a winter garden indoors). When freesia is planted in the ground, the distance between seedlings can not be less than 15 cm.

How to care for freesia

No plant likes heat like freesia does. Caring for it also involves constant and timely watering. If necessary, plants will definitely need to be tied up. When weeds appear, they are immediately destroyed so that they do not take life-giving moisture for the flowers. Of course, fertilizing to strengthen plants is also necessary. Moreover, it is carried out constantly, especially in spring and autumn.

In no case should the soil where freesia grows be completely dry. However, it should be noted that it is also impossible to overdo and overflow the plant. After all, excess water will adversely affect freesia. The top will dry out significantly. In addition, the plant will be very sick.

Plant freesia tubers

If you want to get blooming freesia earlier than by the end of autumn, you can plant corms. When a plant is planted in open ground, a greenhouse should be built immediately for it. After all, the temperature of the soil should not be below 18 degrees.

Before planting, all the bulbs must be put in a potassium permanganate solution for half an hour. Only after that the tubers are placed in the ground, which is located in the sunniest place. In this case, the flowerbed in an open area should be carefully protected from the winds.

And then it remains only to wait for the very moment when the buds are planted on the plants, and then blossom into delicate and beautiful flowers.


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