Blacksmithing, "WWII": game, graphics, plot, heroes, leveling

First you need to understand that for any craft, ingredients are needed. In the case of the forge, these are ingots of metal, grinding stones, various kinds of paints, as well as some things that can be improved. Ingredients can be found in certain places, buy and so on. Most often, mining is chosen as the second profession, since this will require a lot of ore.

Blacksmith profession

Blacksmiths can not only create some objects, but also change them, adding, for example, nests to the armor, into which you can insert magic stones. They can build equipment not only for themselves, but also for their comrades or sell some items at auction. You will need a hammer and an anvil. The merchants sell the hammer, you need to look for the anvil in the cities, the horns are sold there.

blacksmith craft

In addition to armor, blacksmiths can make keys that are needed to open different safes and chests. And whetstones increase damage for melee weapons,

Experienced players give advice: it is desirable that both of these skills - blacksmithing and mining - be pumped simultaneously. Otherwise, you will need a lot of gold, because some things you will have to buy at auction. In order to receive gorgeous epic things, it will take a very, very long time to pump.

Game Reviews

Many players say that they are in thought. If in β€œGreat Patriotic War” 3.3.5 blacksmithing was more or less profitable, then at the moment (patch 7.2), many are inclined to choose between blacksmithing and jewelry. But the fact is that a blacksmith can create things for a beginner, which is very useful at the start, especially if there are rare recipes.

Blacksmith forges

Concerns are also expressed that in patch 7.2.0 too much has changed, and that, in accordance with some circumstances, blacksmithing is not as profitable as, for example, alchemy.

As for the graphics, it has not changed much, although in the last patch the players had disagreements about this, and some say that the graphics remained the same, while others say that they improved.

In "WWII" the plot is like a puzzle, and you need to add it yourself, while in each location the plots differ. Gradually, the whole picture is made of pieces. To understand it, take the time to read the description of quests. The plot is described for a very long time, it is recommended to watch the movie "Warcraft: The Beginning". The video talks about Azeroth, its races, etc.

Darkmoon Fair

In the "Great Patriotic War" blacksmithing can be pumped through this event. You can add 5 points to your profession once a month. To do this, you need to complete the task called "The baby needs new horseshoes." Assignments can be performed for both factions, gives the mission of Ebb Niblegir. You can find it on this map, the place is indicated by a circle.

quest horse

Near the carts is a horse named Baby. The horse is harnessed to the van, she carries animals of the zoo. Since the horse quite often moves along the roads, the horseshoes also come into a worn state often.

Horse Baby

You are given iron raw materials, from it you need to make horseshoes, and then shoe a horse. When you do this, you will be given a certain amount of reputation and 5 blacksmithing points.


You will be able to pump blacksmithing in the Second World War in this add-on, for this you will need ingots of ghost iron. You can be close to your teacher and upgrade your profession.

In order to be able to forge from ghost iron, you need a mining skill. Go to the Zen master, pay him, after that your skill in the profession can be increased to 600. Teachers can be found in different places, for example, there is Gelman Krepkoruk in Stormwind. In the Undercity, you can find Brom Kilian.

But at the same time, in order to do something from ghost iron, you need to go to two teachers who will tell you the secrets of recipes. If you play for the Horde, then you need the Jurong Stone Ring. You will find it in the Sanctuary of Two Moons. If you play for the Alliance, then you need Cullen Khmurobrov. He is in the Sanctuary of Seven Stars.

Below you will see a table of blacksmithing teachers, they are placed by level. If the level is not indicated in the table, then the teacher trains several levels.

Blacksmithing teachers

So, you have to make several objects from ghost iron. It all depends on the level. So, starting from level 1 to 21, you will need to make hairpins in the amount of 2 pieces. Next, you make cutlery, poker and a statue.

A bit about the ingredients

To mine cobalt, it is best to go to the Borean tundra. This place is most favorable for the extraction of this material.

Saronite is best mined in Icecrown, since there are a lot of it. Another place for its extraction is the Ice Ice Lake.

Obsidian is found in large numbers in Hyjal.

If you go to Uldum, you can find there the elementalium, they also often find it on the Twilight Highlands.

You will need the Blood of Sagreas, it is best to look for it on the map below.

blood of sargeras

Although it is in English, in principle, everything can be understood. You can catch it in some places, including Suramar, Azsuna, Highmountain and others. These are fishing spots, in the dungeons you can also find a certain amount of blood when you kill bosses. Normal bosses have a 40% chance of taking blood, and heroic bosses have about 70%. If you have the skill of herbalism, and you have the skill of finding rare materials, then by chance when collecting herbs you can find this blood. However, the chance is really small. When you fish in the above locations, you can catch about 7 blood per hour.


Any Blacksmithing Guide (WWII 3.3.5) will tell you to go to the blacksmithing trainer. With him or her, you can become a student and swing to level 75. After which you already study apprentice until the 125th. And at this level, swing to the 200th. You will also need to learn blacksmithing in order to become an artisan. When your character reaches level 40, and blacksmithing reaches level 200, you can choose one of two specializations. Either you become a gunsmith who makes his own weapon: swords, axes, and so on, or you become an armored man and, accordingly, make various kinds of armor.

At level 110, before you begin working with demonic steel and fel slate, you will need to upgrade the anvil. Therefore, you need to go to the Highmountain to tauren for further study in the "Great Patriotic War" blacksmithing. The Stone of Heaven is what you need. This item is the sacred anvil of tauren. Gives the quest to Nal'riss in Sumatra, you go to Highmountain to Barm Stonefire.

When you reach level 350, you will need Northrend, where you will learn blacksmithing again and become a great master. Then you can use cobalt ingots. On the 500th, you will become a Zen master, and you will be available recipes with ghost iron. On the 600th you can do epic things. You should know that if you are a member of a guild, then you will have bonuses, thanks to which your blacksmithing can be significantly pumped.

It is also interesting that if you plant a cyclut in the garden, grow and harvest it, it will give you some iron ore. You can also get trillium ore from it, white or black, and the bells will give 2 particles of harmony. In general, even if you do not plan to use culinary skills and do not want to pump them, you can create a garden with many useful plants, some of which will be useful to you for some tasks.

Seeds are sold by a trader Green Field. For example, a magic bulb will give not only a mysterious substance that is very useful for crafts, but also dust of spirits. You will also need a mysterious seed, it gives a golden lotus, a predatory leaf seed gives skins, as well as a cactus, which, when collected, will give you wind-wool fabric.


How to upgrade blacksmithing in WWII? You will need a rough grinder, in the future it will be replaced by a grinding stone. They advise you not to throw away these grinding stones, as they may come in handy later in pumping. So, for example, with them you sharpen your weapons, taking an increase in damage. A rough sharpener can be applied to various objects, however if they are of the 200th and higher level, you cannot use it in relation to them. You make a rough ground, respectively, from a rough stone. The better the ingredient, the better the item you get.

Inside the forge

The further you pump, the more serious and expensive items you will need. For example, in the Burning Crusade expansion, you will already need a bar of fel iron. From 40 such ingots you will receive 10 woven hoods, if you put this item on yourself, it will become personal. Bracers, gloves, a belt, and so on are made from the same iron. Many players believe that this recipe is very expensive, but from level 300 to 350 this recipe will be the only one that you can learn from your teacher. If you have the money and time, then buy a recipe for making a sword, it is made from an adamant ingot, a simple amulet is made from it.

WotLK and Cataclysm

In WotLK, you will need a cobalt bar from which shield, mittens, and other items are made. It’s good to make a belt buckle out of it, because from level 70 you can attach it to the strap, after which another nest will appear. Very often, twins buy such a buckle at an auction, as a result of which you can earn money on them.

Cataclysm - here you already need an obsidian ingot. Make more bent obsidian from it. Experienced players felt that 96 such pieces were needed; for this, 192 ingots would be required. From them you will make a helmet, bracers and the like. For example, you can make storm-hardened legguards that give a plus to a variety of skills, including armor and 19+ critical strike.


So that you can buy yourself recipes for improving skills from 600 to 700 levels, first build a forge. It is being built in the garrison. In order to build a forge, you need to complete several tasks.

Forge building

While you will complete these tasks, learn two recipes that you need for leveling. The first recipe is a bar of true steel, and the second recipe is the Secrets of Draenic blacksmithing. However, it should be borne in mind that you can only create a certain number of such ingots per day, as a result of which you will have to pump out for about a month and a half.

From level 700 you are better off making a true steel shaper. He can change some characteristics of armor. But for him it is necessary to raise the forge to level 2. You will also need to make the forge spirit of true steel and magic fire. If you have a certain amount of forge spirit, you can sell it at auction. You can safely do not only armor, but also weapons for yourself, as well as sell.


In "BOB Legion" blacksmithing just can not be pumped - your character must be level 100. You go to the Broken Isles, find Dalaran and Alarda Schmid there. He will give some tasks, after studying blacksmithing - a new quest called "Strange New Ore". You will need to get a power stone in the amount of 10 pieces. When you complete, you will become the smith of the Legion. Thus, you can make items according to the drawings and upgrade your profession.

There will be 34 tasks, they need to be completed in order to unlock recipes. They are quite simple, you will have to perform some of them in the dungeons. You should know that it is best to reach level 110, because otherwise you will not be able to complete the task. The final quest is called β€œThe Wisdom of the Tribe,” when you will need to return to the blacksmith on Suramar.

After you complete this task, you will receive a recipe. From demonic steel you can make battle bracers. To make the rest of the items, go to Urael in the same Suramar. You will need to create belts, a helmet and so on. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up Leystone ore, since it will require quite a lot.

Look at the map, you need to check the location. On them, anvil denotes tasks that are associated with blacksmithing. They are randomly generated, so they may or may not be. If they are not, then check the card every day until they appear. If you do not want to wait, then go to Cloaca Dalaran, find the Gingerbread man there and buy a recipe for making belts from him. Also, when you kill the very last boss in the Halls of Valor, you will find a recipe for creating a helmet in the chest.

As soon as your skill level is the first, then create bars of demonic steel, you will need a lot of them. It is best to use the Blood of Sargeras, thanks to which you can pump your skill very well.

When you reach level 100, you will also make third-level military belts. But it is advised to try to keep the manufactured, since then you can get a very important item - the annihilator. To do this, you will need to go to the horn and destroy the created objects. In fact, it is possible to make not only belts, but also other items, the more ingredients things will require for their manufacture, the faster you will be able to level up. But look at the recipes, as foxglove fluff will require money from you. One piece costs as much as 4 gold. Although if you have money, then you can use them.

You will also need fel slate, after which you can make demon steel ingots. Do not sell anything, do not throw away anything. When you reach 739 skill points, buy the recipe for making a demonic steel belt. Although you can choose any other item, but the most effective is considered to be the manufacture of a belt. Some actively use it to auction blacksmithing, so you should buy a recipe for battle bracers. If you take the third level of the belt, you will need the Blood of Sargeras, but you will not buy it anywhere.

Muirn Ironhorn will give you the following levels of recipes. Create those items that you have previously chosen: belts or bracers. Level 3 recipes can be bought either at Cloak Dalaran - a belt recipe, or at Thunder Totem in Highmountain - a bracers recipe.

Now it’s very important to know that, starting from level 780 and ending at 790, recipes will turn yellow. Starting from the 790th and ending with the 800th - they turn green. Therefore, not every item will give a plus to the skill. As a result, do things of 3 levels: 30 military belts or as many combat bracers.


To create epic things, you will need the spirits of war and trillium ingots. Trillium can be found in two places: Valley of the Four Winds or The Jade Forest. There is a very good deposit of this ore. To make the Spirit of War, you need to spray some items, mostly heroic, such as smoldering shoes.

Spirits of war accelerate the production of any items. Once a day, you can make a balanced trillium ingot from a trillium ingot. The plus is that you learn some recipe for making epic things, but this recipe will be random.


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