Clothing of the 19th century: women and men - photo and description

It's no secret that fashion is extremely volatile. After all, even today, one or another fashion trend constantly appears and disappears, and each designer contributes to the development of world fashion. And what was the clothes of the 19th century? What did people dress two hundred years ago? How did fashion develop in those days? Many are interested in these issues.

Fashion is the mirror of history

19th century clothing
Of course, fashion and clothing are directly related to some historical events. And the clothes of the first half of the 19th century demonstrate this dependence. Indeed, the 19th century is a time of constant revolutions, a time of the overthrow of the imperial regime, a time of the creation of republics and proletariat, a time of activity of feminist organizations. Naturally, fashion has changed almost constantly.

For example, men's clothing of the 19th century has undergone significant changes compared to traditional clothing of the 18th century. At that time, Napoleon Bonaparte was the trendsetter in Western Europe (and indeed in Russia). If twenty years before the revolution, a man’s suit was full of jewelry and precious stones, now the outfit of a nobleman was characterized by strict cut and a minimal amount of decor. After all, as the great commander asserted, the man’s business is war and liberation. Simple, comfortable suits made of high-quality fabric demonstrated the efficiency and energy of their owners.

In the 19th century, women's fashion came to the fore. Now the woman demonstrated the viability of her husband. By the way, women's costume has undergone a lot of changes over a hundred years.

Clothing of nobles and peasants: what are the differences?

Many people are interested in the question of whether the clothes of 19th century nobles were different from the outfits of ordinary peasants. After all, this is a period of revolutions when the borders between the common population and the aristocracy began to gradually blur.

Nevertheless, there was a difference in clothes. Ordinary women, of course, carefully monitored fashion, but they did not have expensive, luxurious fabrics at their disposal, from which dresses were made to noble ladies. In addition, the commoner could always be recognized by a cap and an apron.

Fashion of the beginning of the 19th century: general characteristic

19th century clothing
As already mentioned, the development of male fashion was influenced by the philosophy and lifestyle of Napoleon. At the same time, the beautiful half of humanity owed a change to women's dress to the charming Josephine. It was she, together with her world-famous tailor Leroyard, who created the so-called empire style.

It was a kind of return to antiquity: dresses in the Greek and Roman style became popular first in France, then in Europe, and then they appeared on the territory of Russia.

Women's clothing of the 19th century

clothes of the 19th century nobles
Clothing in antique style gradually gained popularity. Many fashionistas seeking to become like Josephine refused corsets in favor of convenience and naturalness. Empire style included wearing dresses with soft bodices and a slightly high waist. By the way, rich ladies decorated the bodice cloth with exquisite embroidery, and sometimes beads and beads.

By the way, for dresses in those days, soft, smooth and thin fabrics were chosen, in particular, cambric, muslin, muslin, percale. The skirt was not too long and left the foot open. When moving, clothes should emphasize the contours of the body, demonstrate soft lines and graceful movements.

As for outerwear, women continued to defend themselves from the cold with the help of pelerines and mantillas. By the way, large scarves became more and more popular, which covered the back and were pulled by knots on the shoulders. Outerwear of the 19th century in Russia was a Turkish scarf, without which the ladies simply did not leave the house.

Naturally, the clothes and their design depended on where they would be put on. Ball gowns were more luxurious. In the wardrobe of the fashionista, daily dresses, costumes for riding, walking in nature, etc. should be present.

Men's clothing of the 19th century

clothes of the first half of the 19th century
Nineteenth-century men's clothing often changed. For example, at the beginning of the century, frock coats, lace frills, shoes with large buckles and over the knee boots were considered fashionable. But due to the popularity of the Empire style, representatives of the stronger sex begin to prefer other clothes.

If we talk about everyday clothes, the man put on light trousers, a shirt, a vest, and on top of it - a woolen dress coat with a high stand-up collar. As a rule, tailcoats were sewn from fabrics of muted dark tones, in particular, black, blue and brown colors were fashionable. A double-breasted frock coat was used as outerwear. The clothes were decorated with monophonic symmetrical embroidery.

How did you dress in the second half of the 19th century?

clothes of the 19th century in Russia
If you like clothes in the style of the 19th century, then you should know that throughout the course of the century, fashion has constantly changed, and radically. If at the beginning of the century the Empire style was fashionable, which preached naturalness and simplicity, then bulky dresses, petticoats and other details replaced it again.

In particular, women again began to wear tight corsets, which made the waist thinner. In addition, crinoline, a metal ring that supported the lower skirts, made the hips more voluminous, became popular. In some countries, skirts had a long hem that slid across the floor.

Subsequently, the crinoline was replaced by a tournament - a metal frame of a special shape, which was made of metal or a whalebone. Such a device made it possible to assemble the skirts in the back in a magnificent knot, which was decorated with large bows. At the same time, the dress closely fitted the hips in front.

Jewelry, hats and hairstyles of the 19th century

In fact, hats and other accessories changed with dresses and other items of clothing. Men in those days wore short haircuts. High cylinders were extremely popular. As for jewelry, a strict suit provided for a minimal amount of decor. A man could wear a lorgnet, which was attached to clothes with a chain. Acceptable jewelry also included watches, a snuff-box, as well as key chains and key rings.

But women's fashion has changed almost constantly. At the beginning of the 19th century, high intricate hairstyles were fashionable. Women wore hats and hoods. In the middle of the century, women simply combed their hair back, knotting it in the back; only a few curls were allowed to be released. Already in the 1870s, high hairstyles became fashionable again, but now they were much simpler. At the same time, small hats appeared that were decorated with artificial flowers and feathers.

US Women's Fashion Reform

women's clothing of the 19th century
It is unlikely that clothes of the 19th century could deserve the epithet “comfortable”, especially when it comes to women's dresses. After all, at these times, the fair sex had to constantly wear dresses with long hemline, which literally dragged along the ground. In addition, the outfits were decorated with numerous ribbons, frills and beads. Among American women, crinolines were fashionable; they also wore several underskirts. Thus, some outfits could weigh more than fifteen kilograms.

It was at this time that the famous suffragist E. White raised the question of the impracticality of women's costumes. After all, the girl constantly had to hold the hem with one hand while walking, dancing or even homework. Even before her performance in Washington, some members of the feminist movement began to wear clothing that looked like a traditional men's costume. Nevertheless, such habits were sharply condemned by the public.

It was then that E. White suggested abandoning crinolines and corsets, which squeezed the chest tightly, shorten the skirt (or dress) by at least 20-25 centimeters, and put on a pair of pants of a new sample under it. Such a suit was comfortable and did not pose a threat to health. Nevertheless, such a reform caused a lot of controversy. On the other hand, it was thanks to Miss White that women's dresses began to change gradually.


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