Septic tank: reviews, features and effectiveness

When constructing suburban real estate, its owners will certainly encounter the need to solve the issue of supplying communications. If in the case of electricity, problems usually do not arise, then the central sewage system may not be available in a certain area. In this case, an autonomous type system device is implemented.

In order to choose the best septic tank model, you need to get acquainted with the opinions of consumers. Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of treatment plants. One of the leaders is the septic tank "Tank", reviews of which you can read in the article.


Externally, the installation is a cast rectangular container, which is divided inside into several compartments. One of the important advantages is the high strength of the case. The walls have increased thickness and stiffeners. If the installation of the system is carried out in normal geological conditions, then additional measures to protect the housing should not be taken. Otherwise, it is necessary to create a barrier that eliminates damage. The work involves concreting the pit.

Positive reviews

septic tank owner reviews

Before you make a choice, you need to read customer reviews. Among the positive advantages, buyers highlight the strength of the described system. This feature is quite important, because many modern consumers do not trust plastic, believing that it is a rather fragile material.

You too may think that he is not able to withstand high loads. But, as practice shows, the "Tank" has a cast seamless body with a wall thickness of 16 mm. Such qualities of the hull allow it to withstand high loads exerted by the soil.

Additional opinions on the pros

Reviews about the Tank septic tank also say that it is quite practical. The price of such equipment is quite reasonable. The system itself has a fairly long life. The manufacturer claims that the septic tank is able to last more than 50 years. According to customers, the described cleaning system is quite reliable. All of its parts in contact with the liquid are made of a material that is highly resistant to corrosion.

There are no complex units in the design that could fail over time. Having read reviews of the Tank septic tank, you can understand that it also provides ease of installation. These works are not accompanied by difficulties - the installation takes only a few days.

Non-volatility and efficiency

One cannot but mention non-volatility. "Tank" does not provide for the need to connect power, which is quite important in conditions such as a holiday village. In addition, you do not have to pay for extra kilowatts. Buyers quite often choose this system also for the reason that it provides a high degree of purification. Sewage goes through several stages, and the output is water, which is 75% free of impurities. As soon as the fluid passes through the infiltrator, it is 98% cleaned, so it can be used for technical needs.

Negative reviews

septic tank negative reviews

Reviews on the tank septic tank are not always positive. For example, consumers do not really like that for the normal operation of the system it needs to be cleaned from time to time. The owners are faced with the need to call the scavengers, which is accompanied by the need to ensure free access to the septic tank. This circumstance may not be very convenient if you carried out the installation in a holiday village, which is located at a considerable distance from the city.

When cleaning is not performed in a timely manner, the precipitate is compressed and compacted. Consumers emphasize that over time it accumulates so much that the volume of the cameras decreases, as does the performance of the septic tank. To increase the period between cleanings, experts advise using bacterial additives. These drugs reduce the amount of solid sediment, and the user is faced with the need to call a cesspool machine is not often.

Responses of owners about the Tank septic tank also indicate that the system has a rather important drawback - the need to prepare a foundation pit. If there is earthmoving equipment in the arsenal, then there should not be any problems, but if you do the work manually, the process may be inhibited.

When installing, one should also take into account the geological characteristics of the soil, as well as the line of occurrence of groundwater. If the fluid is high, the septic tank can cause problems. When filling the pit with water, the structure may float. Quite often, according to consumers, this happens during the spring flood, which entails the destruction of the hull connections with the outgoing and suitable pipes.

When installation is carried out at a high level of groundwater and in conditions where clayey soil prevails, treated water may not leave well, lingering inside. Consumers consider this feature of the design to be a huge minus.

What else is important to pay attention to

By reading negative reviews about the Tank septic tank, you can also learn that the chemical cleaning method is not used in this case. This could make it possible to deal with an unpleasant odor. All this leads to the need to use the services of a cesspool machine. Specialists carry out biological cleaning of the filters and free the system from waste. Only these measures, according to consumers, can save the design from an unpleasant odor, which is accompanied by additional costs.

Application features

septic tank station wagon reviews

The described passport system provides a level of wastewater treatment at up to 80%. This suggests that additional soil treatment with the disposal of wastewater through a layer of crushed stone into the soil is required. In this regard, the manufacturer supplies the market with four installation systems.

The first has drainage pipes. This scheme is classic and designed for installation with normal soil absorption. The main disadvantage of this system is the need to equip the filtration field. Its area should be 30 m 2 . For this reason, such structures can only be used for houses that are located on large plots.

septic tank

Reviews and opinions on the Tank septic tank indicate that you can find a system with an infiltrator on sale. This is an alternative to drainage pipes. A similar solution is used for small areas. An infiltrator is a tank without a bottom that can replace about 36 m of drainage pipes.

You can purchase a design with a filtration well, which is installed in sandy soil with a low groundwater location. The filtration well is an inexpensive and easy replacement for the filtration field.

A septic tank may have an infiltrator and an intermediate well. You can install this design in soil with a high level of groundwater. Water in this case will flow into the well, from where it will be pumped out by the pump and go into the ground. Installation work provides for the location of the housing so that its edge to the ground zero point does not exceed 1 m.

Additional recommendations for work

During installation, protect the container from damage. It is filled up, and the soil is compacted, which is done manually, because the technique can only be used when digging a pit. Planting trees is allowed 3 m from the tank, and the filter area should be located 15 m from wells and boreholes. Over the septic tank should not pass the way of passage of vehicles. If this cannot be excluded, then the septic tank is protected by pouring the reinforced concrete platform from above. Its thickness should be 25 cm.

Reviews about the septic tank "Universal"

septic tank reviews

Depending on what the water flow in the house is, the septic tank is selected. The manufacturer offers for sale several models. Among others, the septic tank Tank Universal should be highlighted, reviews of which you can read below. This model, according to consumers, has minimal performance and compact dimensions. The volume of the chamber is 1,000 liters. The design is designed to serve 2 users.

If 3 people live in the house, then you should choose the model "Universal 1.5". The cameras in this case hold 1.5 cubic meters of liquid. "Universal 2", according to customers, has an average performance, and the total volume reaches 2,000 liters. Such a treatment plant will be able to serve about 4 people.

owners reviews about septic tanks

Reading the owners reviews about the Tank septic tanks, you can understand that there are more powerful models on sale. For example, "Universal 2.5". The total volume in this case is 2.5 cubic meters, and 5 people will be able to service the system. If the house is home to 6 people, then the system should already contain about 3,000 liters. In this case, you should choose "Universal 3". The most voluminous model is the "Universal 4". This version of the line has the size of the chambers, which hold up to 4,000 liters. This design serves up to 8 users.

After reading user reviews about the Tank septic tank, you will find out that the uniqueness of the above series lies in the performance of the model, which can be increased at any time. Installations have a simple device, and the design is modular. This allows solving the problem of waste disposal. So, if at the first stage of construction you installed a model of low productivity, and with an increase in water consumption you want to install an additional module, then you can increase the volume of cameras to the required level.


septic tank user reviews

Reviews about the shortcomings of the Tank tank and its advantages for many consumers allow them to make the right choice. You should pay attention to the fact that consumers consider these designs reliable and easy to maintain. They ensure high quality of cleaning and allow increasing the system capacity at any period of operation by installing new modules.


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