Honeysuckle Kamchadalka: advantages and disadvantages

A garden is a place not only for physical work, but also for moral rest and relaxation. Plant something with your own hands, look after it and observe the growth process - what could be more interesting and more pleasant?

More recently, many gardeners in our country were struck by the fact that on their site you can grow crops that were previously considered wild, that is, growing in forests, fields and meadows.

One of these cultures, which have won the recognition and love of Russian gardeners, is honeysuckle - a resident of impassable forest thickets.


This culture has many varieties, both edible and decorative. One of these varieties will be discussed in our article. So, get acquainted - Kamchadalka honeysuckle. Description of the variety, reviews and tips for growing are given in our article.

Breeding history

To develop a new species or subspecies of culture, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort and time to research and study this issue. Therefore, the creation of varieties is a long and painstaking process, but very exciting and interesting.

The honeysuckle of the Kamchadalka cultivar belongs to two experienced scientist-breeders A. T. Tkacheva and I. K. Gidzyuk. Experiments of gardeners were begun many years ago. In 1984, the newly made variety was submitted for state testing, and nine years later it was massively distributed in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Variety selection took place at the stronghold of northern horticulture in Bakcharsky, with the support of the Siberian Horticultural Research Institute . Kamchadalka honeysuckle was derived from Kamchatka honeysuckle, through free pollination of this species of selective form.

Kamchatka honeysuckle description

Let's pay attention to some features of the presented variety.

Gardening Benefits

Kamchadalka honeysuckle (a description of the variety of which will be given below) has great advantages in using it in suburban areas. First of all, this:

- A rich harvest of delicious aromatic berries.

- A product rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances.

- Effective decoration of a personal landscape.

If you are interested in the design of the roadside in front of the house or cottage, then the following photos are just for you.

honeysuckle Kamchadalka grade description

As you can see, in order for the honeysuckle to harmoniously and effectively fit into the personal interior, you should arrange the hedge in accordance with your wishes, while not forgetting to carefully and scrupulously care for the plants.

Kamchadalka, honeysuckle. Bush description

This type of suburban flora grows mainly in the form of compact shrubs with a dense narrow crown.

Kamchadalka honeysuckle, the description of the appearance of which should be of interest to many gardeners, has thick branches, knotty and straight, and dull green leaves. They are oval in shape and have elongated edges.

What height does Kamchadalka honeysuckle have? The description of the variety, of course, would be incomplete if not to mention this value. Shrubs usually reach a height of one and a half meters, so this kind of honeysuckle is best planted separately from trees and other bushes.

How not to make a mistake when buying Kamchadalki? It must be remembered that the shoots of this variety are straight, thick and short, of a light green color. The kidneys are large, and the ovaries are bare, the shape of a small oval.

Fruit Description

How does Kamchadalka honeysuckle bloom? The inflorescences of the shrub consist of two small yellow flowers.

honeysuckle Kamchadalka grade description reviews

Berries, on the contrary, have a blue-blue color and are quite large in size (length - up to 2.7 cm, diameter - 1 cm). The shape resembles an elongated oval, pointed up. The weight of each fetus reaches approximately one gram.

Any Kamchadalki berry has a smooth surface and a dense but thin skin covered with a waxy coating.

The pulp of the fruit is tender, with a fibrous consistency.

What taste will Kamchadalka please its owner? Honeysuckle has an unusual pleasant aftertaste. This variety has a delicate, sweet and sour finish, as well as a special rich aroma.

The taste properties of this species were tasted by the State Valuation Service and received a decent mark from 3.8 to 4.6 points, depending on the geographical location of growth.

Berry Composition

The chemical composition of each Kamchadalka honeysuckle fruit is represented by biologically active substances of P-active action (anthocyanins, Kakhetins, leukoanthocyanins, in general, approximately 200-1800 mg /%), ascorbic acid (60-80 mg /%), vitamin B1 (30-40 mg /%), vitamin B, pectins, a combination of sugars, organic acids, as well as tannins and dyes.

Kamchatka honeysuckle

In accordance with such a rich mineral composition, Kamchadalki berries are used for medical purposes at high blood pressure (as a vasoconstrictor) and for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (as a diuretic and tonic).


According to some reports, the yield of Kamchadalki reaches 3.5 kg per bush, although the average figure ranges from 1.2 to 1.8 kg per bush.

Kamchadalka honeysuckle is considered to be representatives of the middle (and even late) ripening period. Therefore, do not expect the appearance of ripe fruits at the beginning of the season.

You should also not hope for the early fruiting of Kamchadalka immediately after planting it. A good crop is possible only three to four years after planting.

Ripening conditions

Kamchadalka honeysuckle is considered a frost-resistant and drought-resistant plant, however, it does not like sharp contrasts in air temperature and bears fruit well in moderate climatic conditions. Therefore, planting Kamchadalka is recommended in open sunny places.

According to the State Register, this honeysuckle variety is best planted in the West Siberian region (Kemerovo region, Omsk region, Novosibirsk region).

honeysuckle Kamchadalka reviews

Without prejudice to the crop, the plant can withstand forty degrees with a minus mark, and with its flowering and ovary, it can easily tolerate a decrease in temperature to minus eight degrees. (These values ​​are indicated in accordance with the table Celsius).

Kamchadalka honeysuckle is immune to various diseases and all kinds of pests, so growing it is very easy and pleasant.

It should also be mentioned that this plant is self-infertile. How then produces honeysuckle (variety Kamchadalka)? The pollinator (more precisely pollinators) of this species is the honeysuckle of the varieties Cinderella, Roxane, X, Blue spindle, In memory of Gidziuk and others. Therefore, we recommend that these species be planted nearby so that they, pollinating each other, bring a plentiful and tasty crop.

Honeysuckle. Variety Kamchadalka. Reviews

Recently, the plant has won universal love among gardeners and gardeners. It is appreciated for its unpretentiousness and disease resistance, taste and medicinal properties.

Very soon, Kamchadalka honeysuckle (reviews of which can be read below) will take its rightful place in every Siberian yard and front garden. However, when landing, it is worth considering not only its advantages, but also disadvantages.

Here's what the reviews about Kamchadalka say:

  • Kamchadalka blooms in autumn. It has delicious and aromatic fruits.
    honeysuckle grade Kamchadalka pollinator
  • Ripe berries do not crumble. And this is a big plus. But it is very difficult to monitor the pollination of Kamchadalka honeysuckle. It should be noted that this is best done with the X variety.
  • The berries are quite large, the crops are good. True, in this variety there are also shortcomings - the berries are torn off very hard, often with a stalk. However, they are well stored. But the pulp is very juicy, and its juice is difficult to remove from tissue surfaces. Honeysuckle is an ideal raw material for a delicious and healthy jam.

Interesting details about honeysuckle

- Kamchadalka bears fruit once a year.

- The berries can be on the shrub for a long time without withering or drying out.

- There is almost no need to take care of fruit-bearing honeysuckle (if we are not talking about its use for landscape design purposes).

- Kamchadalka was used in breeding work. Thanks to her, a new variety of the Commonwealth was bred.

Pruning tips

Kamchadalka's honeysuckle should be trimmed in autumn, after leaf fall, and only those plants that have reached the age of five. It is necessary to get rid of the numerous root shoots. You can not touch the tops of young shoots, where the largest number of color buds is observed. Only non-fruiting and weakened branches, as well as those that grow inward, must be removed.

After pruning, the shrub should be fertilized with organic fertilizer - humus or mature compost.

Honeysuckle Landing Tips

- The size of the landing pit should reach 40 cm in length, width and height.

- The earth must be abundantly watered, and humus and potassium salt should be laid out on the bottom.

- The root neck of the honeysuckle should be placed at the level of the soil.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4341/

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