Counter Strike: Global Offensive - System Requirements and Release Date

The first thing you should understand is that this game has been released for a relatively long time, so it will not put forward such supernatural demands on your computer as the latest major releases. Secondly, this game was created on the successful Source engine, so it also does not offer you any incredible innovations in terms of physics or graphics. This is not her main task, so this item can not be brought to her in any way. Rather, even in the pros - because CS: GO manages to look very impressive even with not the highest requirements for a computer. And also it allows more gamers to join the already vast gaming community. Still, what are Counter Strike: Global Offensive system requirements? This will be discussed in this article.

operating system

counter strike global offensive system requirements

XP users can rejoice because in the case of Counter Strike: Global Offensive system requirements include this OS in the list of compatible ones. Naturally, it is recommended to run the game on the "seven", but at the same time a huge number of gamers can say "thank you" to the developers, because modern projects already completely refuse support for XP. For this reason, such a major game with support for this operating system cannot but rejoice. However, this does not mean that you should stay on an outdated OS for a long time, because modern games still do not support it for the most part, and if a new part of the same Counter Strike comes out, it is unlikely to support this system. Accordingly, the best choice for this game is Windows Seven. However, for Counter Strike: Global Offensive, the system requirements are not limited to choosing an OS, but you should not worry, because everything is not too serious. They will not demand the impossible from you, so there is a high probability that you will run this project on your computer without any problems.


counter strike global offensive system requirements

As has been said before, in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, the system requirements are very lenient to the user. Take, for example, at least a processor - to run the game at the minimum settings, you will need to have only one core with a power of at least 3 GHz - this configuration can be found on every computer, because now dual-core, and more recently, four-core processors. Naturally, for maximum settings, you will need at least two cores - preferably with the same power. And then you can not worry about loading your CPU, as it will withstand the game in CS at maximum settings. Counter Strike: Global Offensive system requirements are extremely sparing and designed to ensure that as many gamers as possible can join the game.


counter strike global offensive system requirements maximum

All players are well aware that the most important element of a computer is RAM. Naturally, when it comes to games, here RAM is the first indicator that you should take care of. And in this regard, the Counter Strike: Global Offensive system requirements will please even those people who did not manage to upgrade and have a rather low configuration, because only 0.5 GB of RAM is required to run at minimum settings, but one for maximum settings. Due to the fact that modern games require up to 8 GB of RAM, the requirements for CS look more than acceptable. Thus, you can safely consider the maximum system requirements in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, because the configuration of modern computers will allow you to set the maximum settings in the game without any problems.

Video card

counter strike global offensive minimum system requirements

Naturally, with all the rest not the highest indicators, in the Counter Strike: Global Offensive project, the system requirements are also minimal for the video card. And they make up only 256 megabytes of video memory. Even older laptops have access to this amount of video memory, not to mention more or less modern computers. So your existing video card should definitely have at least 512 video memory - compare with modern requests for 3-4 GB. In the end, it turns out that CS: GO is a game that is accessible to the masses, since it requires very little from your computer - but it offers you a lot.

release date

It was previously mentioned that this game was published for quite some time. However, such a statement may seem strange to many, since the release date for this version of CS is summer 2012. This means that less than three years have passed since then. But do not forget about the pace of the game industry now developing - the possibilities are becoming wider, the developers are using it, creating more and more demanding games that are as close to realism as possible, and also are impressive in what you are allowed to do. Therefore, we can safely say that the game, which was released in 2012, is not the newest, since for modern CS: GO projects it is the same as CS 1.6 for Global Offensive itself. However, it is unlikely that CS: GO will soon bother users - after all, even angular pixel CS 1.6 is still popular with many gamers. Such games are immortal, and there will always be fans who will gladly spend an evening or two behind an old project that was published more than ten years ago. There is no doubt that the latest version of this game will last in the top for at least another five years, although by then there will most likely be ultra-modern graphics, perfect physics and many other bells and whistles that take computer games to new heights.


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