Hooliganism and vandalism - varieties of extremism: punishment, responsibility and prevention

In this article, we’ll talk about issues such as hooliganism and vandalism. The concept, reasons, motives, types, examples - all of these topics will be discussed further.

Any actions that are illegal and unacceptable to perform in public places can be called hooligan. At a minimum, such behavior expresses disrespect for other residents of the city, as well as infringement of their rights. Considering the criminal code of the Russian Federation, it must be said that article 213 on the prohibition of hooliganism implies arrest (up to 5 years), a fine, or correctional labor if it is violated.

Vandalism can be attributed to such illegal situations. However, this concept implies the desecration or destruction of any property that has received great cultural, historical or other value. An object may belong to both an ordinary citizen and the state (society).

A comparative description of hooliganism and vandalism is presented later in the article.

hooliganism and vandalism are varieties of extremism


What is hidden under the concept of extremism? Such is the tendency of an individual person or an entire group to follow and promote a radical way of life, positions and views.

Extremism and extremist activity is becoming interesting to people who are trying to bring new life, rules to society, redirect it to another channel. Sometimes their motive may be the desire to overthrow the current government and take it into their own hands. However, people with radical opinions do not always pursue positive goals. That is why extremism is punishable at the legislative level. The motivation of violators differs fundamentally from that of those who comply with all state rules. Such behavior can pursue both personal goals and group goals. When a person finds himself in such a society, he rethinks his values, adopts some features of behavior, sets new tasks for himself. During meetings of extremists, everyone takes an active part in the discussion, where everyone offers his own solutions, ways of implementation. As a rule, people exchange opinions, experiences and some knowledge. Leaders use means of suggestion and persuasion. They will help to quickly direct a person to decisive action. Hooliganism and vandalism are varieties of extremism, and propaganda occurs in precisely such ways.

comparative characteristic of hooliganism and vandalism

What is hooliganism?

If we take into account the legislation of the Russian Federation, then hooliganism means a serious violation of order in public places, which clearly shows the attitude of the criminal (or group) to other residents - disrespect. Violence is often used, both moral (threats) and physical. Often offenders destroy other people's property. In their concepts, hooliganism and vandalism are quite similar. Types of hooligan actions: malicious, especially malicious.

When it comes to such an offense as a form of extremism, certain things should be understood. Petty hooliganism, related to administrative responsibility, has nothing to do with criminally pursued activities. Such can be called the use of swear words on the street or in other public places, harassment of citizens, which can really be classified as offensive, and other similar actions. For such violations, the person will be liable in accordance with the administrative code (Article 158).

Hooliganism and vandalism are varieties of extremism, but the motives for each crime are different. Why does the offender commit his deeds? Often the motivation for him is the following factors: the desire to be a leader or to be noticed, resentment "around the world" (most often this is the cause of teenage extremism), a special desire to seem strong and courageous, to have fun. Sometimes hooligan actions can be committed in connection with hostility towards one or another person.

what is the difference between hooliganism and vandalism

Section 213

Hooliganism, which is committed with the help of weapons or any other items that can be harmful, in order to show their racial, ideological, national hatred or hostility to any group of people, is punishable by three types of restrictions. Which will be applied depends on the gravity and intent of the crime. The criminal liability for hooliganism (and vandalism too) in Russia is not truly serious:

  • Mandatory work may be assigned. The minimum period is 180 hours, the maximum is 240 hours.
  • Correctional work is often used. They are appointed for a period of 1 year to 2 years.
  • If the violation is too severe, the court may award imprisonment. The maximum term is 5 years.

If the action was carried out by a group of people as a result of a conspiracy with a desire to resist the current government (or with the aim of harming any other person involved in policing), then imprisonment is used as punishment. The maximum term is 7 years.


People who, with or without a specific purpose, destroy various kinds of values, are called vandals. This type of activity can be safely attributed to extremism, which is punishable by the relevant law of the current code of the Russian Federation. Vandalism, the emergence, nature and varieties of this act are rather complicated issues in the legal sphere, but relevant.

What can be called the defining sign of a crime? At a minimum, the spontaneity and irrationality of all actions that result in huge consequences. Considering everyday situations that have already become standard for society, one can notice that vandalism began to "merge" with hooliganism, in which other people's property deteriorates.

extremism and extremist activity

Section 214

Due to the fact that vandalism is considered a less serious crime than hooliganism, the punishments for it are mitigated.

A person who desecrates monuments can receive three months of arrest, a year of corrective labor, no more than 360 hours - mandatory or a fine of about 40 thousand rubles. If the violator is not able to provide the full amount, the court may force him to give back some share of the salary within 3 months.

Actions classified as vandalism can be performed both by a group of people and separately by a citizen. If they are carried out with the desire to infringe on a particular race, political direction, nationality, and so on, then the court can use one of the three sentences (restriction of freedom, its complete deprivation, forced correctional labor). Which one is chosen depends on the severity of the crime. The maximum term of each sentence is 3 years.

Varieties of vandalism

There are a large number of classifications of offenses, however, we consider the most famous of them, which relate to such acts as hooliganism and vandalism. Species are the same for everyone, except that the first crime has a more extensive list.

A similar act can be considered the following:

  • burning books;
  • graffiti;
  • destruction and other defilement of graves;
  • arson of churches;
  • damage or complete destruction of spiritual values.


Pictures on houses or in other places that have a negative meaning are propaganda, and so on, can be completely called hooliganism, for which any person will be held responsible. Vandalism in this case is manifested in damage to the property of an ordinary citizen or state.

Widespread tagging. What it is? Tagging is the process of applying an author’s signature to any surface. This is done in a few seconds, as a person quickly attracts attention.

For bombing there is also the opportunity to get a time limit or a fine. This technique does not stand out in anything special. She was distinguished by the fact that the author (s) use (s) only two colors of paint. One is needed for general fill, the second is for contour.

Now there is debate, is graffiti an art or is it still a form of vandalism? Often authors get what they deserve only if their drawing has a negative meaning. Law enforcement agencies rarely deal with guys who simply drew a simple and unremarkable pattern on the fence.

criminal liability for hooliganism and vandalism

Vandalism and extremism of adolescents

Most often, extremism among adolescents arises as a result of constant quarrels or conflicts at home. Other motives may include the following factors: the influence of persons authoritative for the child, peers, parents with radical opinions. In addition, the causes of hooliganism or vandalism can be stress, stress, and mental characteristics (strong suggestibility or aggression that is too manifest). The state is actively working to reduce the incidence of extremism among adolescents, as this is the most vulnerable link in society. In order for preventive measures to be successful, you need to understand where the thoughts come from to engage in such acts. Hooliganism and vandalism are varieties of extremism that are so popular among young people.

Vivid examples of teenage riot: graffiti, street fights, strikes, arson, violence of various kinds and so on.

vandalism and extremism of adolescents

Preventative measures

Since young people are often involved in extremism, although this is common among adults, prevention can be called quite effective. Children and adolescents are easily influenced. This is due to the weak psyche, which, due to age, has not yet become stronger, as well as the lack of firm beliefs and goals in life. An unapproved position is that often leads a teenager off the right track and leads him to such offenses as extremism and vandalism. Prevention in schools and other institutions is crucial. You can’t do without it. But one should not forget about parents who can accidentally bring their child to extreme situations. Therefore, such preventive work must be carried out with them.

vandalism occurrence essence and species

Comparison of vandalism and hooliganism

An important difference between hooliganism can be called its purpose. The danger of this crime lies in the fact that as a result of its execution public peace is violated. Moreover, the rights and freedoms of a resident of the Russian Federation may be affected, which is unacceptable. Quite often, such crimes lead to the commission of an even more serious classification act.

Vandalism is a danger that does not affect personal human rights. It is aimed at the desecration of heritage, monuments and other values, both spiritual and material.

It is important to be able to distinguish hooliganism and vandalism. Varieties of extremism, examples of which are given in the article, have become too commonplace in our lives, and something needs to be done with this.


The concept

The most significant difference in hooliganism is considered the goal. The danger of this offense is that as a result, public order is violated

Vandalism is a danger where the personal rights of a citizen are not affected. It aims to desecrate cultural property, historical monuments, works of art

Object of crime

The object of hooliganism is public order. Under this definition should be understood any concepts that are considered social rules. Moreover, it has no role in which sphere of society the offense was committed. Everything is protected. An additional object can be called human health, his honor, dignity, and so on.

The object of vandalism, as is already clear, are monuments and other treasures. These may also include personal items of any of the citizens of the state.

Subject of crime

Subject of crime - a person who is 16 years old

The subject can be any person from 14 years of age or older. Reason, anger, desire to commit extremism and hatred for certain groups of people may be the reason

Subject of crime

Any material object, animate or not, in connection with which the act is committed, can be considered the subject of an offense when committing hooliganism

When committing vandalism, the subject of the crime may be buildings, various structures, other property that is public. For example, seats in cars, public transport, glass, doors, cinemas and their equipment and so on. If we are talking about the manifestation of vandalism to personal things of a person, then the subject of the crime already has a different composition. It is fully described in Article 167 of the Code of Russia

Objective side

The objective side of hooliganism is a violation of the order in which disrespect for society as a whole is expressed. The use of weapons is allowed. That is, the objective side in this case is expressed in three acts: the fact of disorder, undisguised hatred of people and the use of dangerous objects. A gross crime should be considered one that as a result always brings severe harm to society or to one person (group of persons). An example is listening to music at night at high volume, deliberately stopping the functioning of public transport, and so on. The use of weapons for their intended purpose or their demonstrative use for the commission of moral violence and forcing the victim to perform certain acts is also considered hooliganism

Speaking about the objective side of vandalism, it must be said that it has two forms. The first is to damage private or state-owned buildings, and the second is to damage property in various public places. The desecration of buildings is considered such, if the construction has become inappropriate and offends public moral standards

Subjective side

The subjective side of hooliganism is understandable. This violation is always deliberate. A person who does not have abnormalities in the psyche or brain function is able to evaluate his motives, causes and actions. Accordingly, a person consciously goes to commit a crime and is able to evaluate all the real consequences. Especially if he uses weapons or other dangerous objects that could harm the victim

The subjective side of vandalism, like hooliganism, is intent. A person is able to adequately evaluate their actions and understand that they contradict the legislation of Russia

Crime scene

Hooliganism, as a rule, takes place in any public places. These may be a movie theater, park, shops. But often the crime is carried out in uninhabited places, where there is only a criminal and a victim

Vandalism occurs only in a public place

The article will help a person better navigate the types of manifestations of extremism, as well as understand the difference between hooliganism and vandalism. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone else will have contentious issues on this topic. Specific examples are also presented above. Hooliganism and vandalism are varieties of extremism that should be eradicated from modern society.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4344/

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