Katarantus ampelous: growing from seed. Katarantus: photos

Catharanthus ampelous seed cultivation

Carantus (Latin: Catharanthus) is a genus of ornamental plants, represented by both herbaceous annuals and evergreen perennials, and shrubs. Only eight of its species are known. Seven grows on the island of Madagascar, and one - in India.

Abroad and in our country, catharanthus is grown as a garden and indoor plant. However, you can see it in summer cottages and in apartments of amateur gardeners quite rarely. Most likely, the fact is that all parts of this plant are poisonous. Therefore, in a house in which there are small children or pets, it is not recommended to grow catharanthus.

Plant description

Katarantus (whose photo you see on this page) is a spectacular plant 30-60 cm tall with an erect branching stem. Its flowers are somewhat reminiscent of phlox flowers, but unlike the latter they are not collected in inflorescence. Catharanthus is also very similar to balsamines.

catharanthus seed cultivation photo

Pretty large flowers (3 cm in diameter) smell absolutely nothing. May be pink, pale purple or white. In the middle there is always a beautiful yellow or raspberry โ€œeyeโ€. The plant is attractive not only because of the flowers that cover each bush with a hat in the form of a ball, but also bright leaves with a spectacular white streak in the middle. Every year, grown in room conditions, the catharanthus is becoming more magnificent and more beautiful.
Flowering continues from May to November.

There is also such a form as cataractus ampelous. Growing from seeds of this species is practically no different from growing any other, but has some of its own characteristics. Ampel forms are distinguished by a long stem. Such varieties are planted in pots and suspended in a pot at a height. Hanging stems with bright colors look very impressive.

Where to buy seeds?

In household plots and in apartments, only one species of this plant is grown - pink catharanthus. Outwardly, it strongly resembles a periwinkle - a flower that feels rather well in central Russia. Although this is not entirely correct, in our country these two plants are sometimes identified. Therefore, seeds, including those in the form of ampelous catharanthus, can often be seen on sale under the name โ€œPink Periwinkleโ€. Buying them is not at all difficult both online and in specialized stores. Usually imported seed is sold. But if you wish, you can find Russian.

In home gardens, this tropical plant is grown as an annual. You will not be able to collect the seeds yourself. In our climate, they simply do not ripen.

how to grow catharanthus from seeds

Seed preparation

Any plant, whether it is a decorative flower or a garden crop, develops faster and is less sick if the planting material is carefully prepared. Cataractus ampelous, growing from seeds of which is not much different from caring for any other indoor plant, is no exception in this regard. Planting material should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per liter). For disinfection, the seeds are wrapped in gauze and dipped in a prepared pinkish liquid for half an hour.
Sowing them for seedlings can begin at the end of February.

What should be the soil?

cataractus ampelous

Of course, like any other plant, catharanthus also requires a special soil composition . Growing from seeds (photos of them can be seen at the top) implies following the same rules as growing garden crops for seedlings. This plant loves loose and nutrient rich soils. For transplanting into open ground, seedlings are best sown in separate cups. If the flower will be the decoration of the apartment, you should immediately take a pot. This plant does not tolerate transplantation too well. In cups plant one seed in the middle. In the pot you can put 3 pcs. Immediately three plants in one container, hanging down, will look like one magnificent. The seeds of catharanthus emerge very amicably and quite quickly.

It is important to choose the composition of the soil itself. It is best to mix sheet and turf soil, sand, peat and humus in equal proportions. When growing in a pot, it is imperative to arrange drainage. To do this, pebbles are poured to the bottom and covered with a piece of dornite (moisture-permeable) or not too dense tissue. Top lay the soil.

Where will the plant feel best?

A pot or glasses should be placed on the windowsill of a window facing the east or west side. Katarantus is ampelous, growing from seeds of which requires some effort, loves plenty of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight on leaves. Therefore, on clear days, the sprouted ascended plants will need to be slightly shaded. The ampel shape hanging from the balcony looks very nice. Therefore, if desired, the seeds can be planted in a long box and in the spring carry it to the loggia.

The same rules apply when planting seedlings in open ground. It is best to make a tall flower bed on the east or west side of the house or gazebo. You can also plant ampelous catharanthus in large tubs. It is allowed to transfer seedlings to the street immediately after the morning frost stops.

Watering young plants

Most tropical plants love plentiful watering. Amaranth cataractus is no exception in this regard. Growing from seeds, just like propagation by cuttings, involves periodic and fairly frequent moistening of the soil. It is very good if during watering the water will fall on the stems with leaves. In no case should stagnation of moisture be allowed. Otherwise, the plant may simply become ill and begin to rot.

Catharanthus ampel photo

Soil fertilizer

Not a single decorative flower, and especially grown in a pot, can do without periodic recharge. Of course, this applies to such as catharanthus. Growing from seeds (photo of a standard pack on the left), as well as cultivation by cuttings, involves fertilizing in spring and summer at least twice a month. In addition to this, young bushes and adult catharanthus need to be watered from time to time with water, with fertilizers dissolved in it. It is best to purchase a composition intended for indoor flowers in a specialized store. With a lack of nutrients, the plant develops poorly and practically does not bloom.

Pruning plants

Conventional Catharanthus pruning very much. In the spring, leave only a small stalk, about 15 cm high. Katarantus ampelous does not require such pruning. Weaving forms with long stems only slightly form. This means that you need to remove only those branches that spoil the appearance of the plant. You can also slightly pinch the tops of the side shoots. In this case, you should definitely use special tools. You canโ€™t just pinch off the plants with your hands, because, as already mentioned, they are poisonous.

seed catarhus forum

Diseases and Pests

The ampelous cataractus (whose photo can be seen on the right) is ill rarely. Sometimes aphids can appear on the leaves. The most unpleasant disease affecting the cataractus is the columnar (leaves are covered with pale yellow-green spots). Unfortunately, no treatment methods have been developed. Also, sometimes a plant can become infected with a spider mite or scab.

Another disease that affects a flower is brown leaves, which disfigure the leaves (pustules on the underside). Cataractus can be cured of this scourge using dithiocarbamate fungicides.

What methods of reproduction still exist?

Propagated by Catharanthus seeds, as well as cuttings.
In the latter case, usually not yet lignified (or not too lignified) stem branches are usually taken. When cutting, you need to ensure that at least one knot is on the handle. As for the first method, then in the article above it is considered in sufficient detail.

You can find on the Internet a lot of information about how to grow catharanthus from seeds (forum, blog - there are quite a lot of them). Experienced gardeners usually speak of this plant as not requiring special care, but not tolerating insufficient watering. Therefore, if there is no lack of water on the site, it is necessary to use this wonderful flower to decorate it.

Winter care when growing indoors

catharanthus seed

This plant is not too whimsical and very grateful. With proper care, it will surely delight you with abundant flowering throughout the warm season. In winter, catharanthus is kept cool - at a temperature of about 14-15 degrees. However, it is imperative to ensure that the soil does not become cold. In addition, watering should be slightly reduced. With excess moisture in the cold season, the plant may rot the base of the stem.

So, we hope, now you understand how to grow Catharanthus from seeds. This plant is unusually effective, not too demanding and is perfect for planting both on the street, and on the balcony or in the room. Indian healers often use it as a medicine. It is even believed that it can cure cancers and diabetes. However, of course, you should not try to make medicinal formulations of it at home. Ingestion and even simple contact with the skin can lead to poisoning.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4345/

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