The apparatus of the State Duma: history and structure

The apparatus of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly is a body that ensures the activities of deputies, the Council, commissions and other associations of the lower house, its chairman and his deputies. This structure works on an ongoing basis. Let us consider in more detail how the apparatus of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation functions. Its staff, responsibilities, nuances of activity.

State Duma apparatus

General information

As mentioned above, the Office of the State Duma of the Russian Federation performs the functions of ensuring the activity of structural elements of the lower house. The work is carried out in different directions. In particular, it provides:

  1. Analytical.
  2. Documentation.
  3. Organizational.
  4. Social and domestic.
  5. Household.
  6. Material and technical.
  7. Sanatorium-resort.
  8. Housing.
  9. Passport and visa.
  10. Financial.
  11. Transport.
  12. Protocol.
  13. Medical.
  14. Legal.

The composition of employees, structure, maintenance costs are determined by the chairman of the State Duma on the proposal of the head of the apparatus.


Employees of the State Duma apparatus are given the status of federal civil servants. As of February 1, 2011, in accordance with the staffing table, 1,482 employees were present in the body of the body. The State Duma apparatus of the 2nd convocation included 1.8 thousand people. The employees of the support body have their own professional organization. In 2012, the regular number of employees amounted to 1815 people.

Historical reference

Logistical support of the State Duma in the Russian Empire in 1906-1917 included in the functions of the Office. The main person in charge was the secretary of the lower house. In the years 1938-1990. material and technical support of the Armed Forces of the RSFSR was included in the functions of the Office of the Presidium. In 1993, reform took place. As a result, the FS Apparatus was created. However, after a while it was abolished. In January 1994, the current State Duma apparatus was formed.

Job security

The apparatus of the State Duma operates in accordance with the Rules and Regulations approved by the Chairman of the State Duma on March 23, 1996. In the organizational plan, the body includes central and additional elements. The first includes the secretariats of the Chairman of the State Duma and his deputies, as well as 12 functional units. The latter include 8 departments, three structures on the rights of management, as well as one independent department. Additional elements include branches of deputy associations. In addition, the apparatus of the committees, credentials committee.

Head of the State Duma

Normative base

The activities of the support body, duties and rights, as well as the responsibility of its employees are regulated by applicable law and the Regulation, which is developed by the State Duma apparatus itself. All its deputies are familiarized with its content, approved norms and rules. The work of the support body is controlled by the apparatus of the State Duma Committee on the organization of activities and the regulations of the State Duma.

Deputy groups and fractions

Their devices are formed after the registration of the relevant associations and are valid until the termination of the activities of communities. The selection and placement of personnel, the monitoring of work, the determination of the functional responsibilities of employees in support structures are carried out directly by deputy associations. Employees of the apparatus conclude fixed-term employment contracts. They are valid for the period of the group / faction. Upon termination of the association, the staff of the apparatus shall be released in accordance with the norms of legislation. In the event of a change in the size of the faction / group, the necessary adjustments are also made to the staff of the support body. Registration of employees subject to reduction is carried out in accordance with applicable law. The head of the apparatus of the State Duma of the Russian Federation approves orders for the hiring and dismissal of employees of the support bodies of groups and factions on the proposal of their chairmen. The costs of maintaining structures in associations are provided in the cost estimate for the work of the State Duma. The head of the apparatus of the State Duma of the Russian Federation also makes orders for the hiring and dismissal of assistants to deputies on the proposal of the relevant elected representatives.


The State Duma apparatus includes, as indicated above, the secretariats of the Chairman of the State Duma, structures for supporting factions, commissions and other associations on ethical and other issues. It also includes a library serving both houses of parliament simultaneously. The following secretariats are included in the State Duma apparatus :

  1. Council of State Duma. The leader is Nikolai Mikhailovich Glazunov.
  2. First Deputy Chairmen of the State Duma. Alexander Vasilievich Arsenov, Grgory Nikolaevich Senin were appointed as leaders.
  3. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. The highest officials are Elena Viktorovna Strokova, Evgeny Aleksandrovich Lashmankin, Arina Takhirovna Iksanova, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Sinyaev, Pavel Vladimirovich Ignatiev.
  4. Chief of Staff of the State Duma. The highest official is Ekaterina Iosifovna Pinke.

Legal Department of the State Duma

The State Duma apparatus includes departments for:

  1. Work with documents. The head is Mikhail Fedorovich Revta.
  2. The work of the Chairman of the State Duma. The head was appointed Evgenia Vasilievna Chugunova.

Senior Faction Support Officials

The apparatus of the State Duma includes party structures:

  1. Communist Party. The head of the support body is Nina Aleksandrovna Ostanina.
  2. LDPR. The head is Maxim Sergeyevich Zaitsev.
  3. "United Russia". The leader is Vladimir V. Ivanov.
  4. "Fair Russia". The head was appointed Ruslan Vladimirovich Tatarinov.


There are 30 of them. Each of them has a support agency. The apparatus of the State Duma of the 7th convocation includes the structure of departments for:

  • Constitutional law and state building. The head is Stanislav Aleksandrovich Shelemin.
  • Civil, procedural, arbitration, criminal laws. The head is Ilya Borisovich Mironov.
  • Social policy, labor and veteran affairs. The head is Leyla Abdulkhalimovna Edilova.
  • Taxes and budget. Zoya Nikolaevna Pavlovskaya was appointed the head.
  • To the financial market. Head - Jacqueline Merunzhanovna Sargsyan.
  • Entrepreneurship, innovative development, economic policy. The head is Ruslan Vladimirovich Chebitko.
  • Industry. The head is Vladimir Nikolaevich Khomyakov.

apparatus of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

  • Construction and land relations. The head is Elena Leonidovna Kovaleva.
  • Science, high technology. The highest official is Vyacheslav Ivanov Panov.
  • Energy. The head is Dmitry Borisovich Ivliev.
  • To transport. Head - Irakli Georgievich Aslamazov.
  • Defense. The highest official is Nikolai Nikolaevich Nikulichev.
  • Anti-corruption and security. Ivan Nikolayevich Soloviev was appointed the chief.
  • International affairs. The head is Nikolai Vasilyevich Barkov.
  • CIS affairs and relations with compatriots.
  • Questions of territorial administration and the federal structure. The head is Igor Viktorovich Babichev.
  • Problems of the Far East and Siberia, regional politics. Head - Galina Vladimirovna Zhulevich.
  • Organization of the State Duma and regulations. The head is Sergey Vladimirovich Kulakov.
  • Communications, information policy and technology. Head - Veronika Evgenievna Bodyul.
  • Health protection. The highest official is Artem Stanislavovich Yanovsky.
  • Education. Head - Pavel Evgenievich Kondrashov.
  • Family issues, children, women. The head is Irina Fedorovna Kovtunenko.
  • Agricultural issues. The head is Daria Vasilievna Nakonechnaya.
  • Ecology, nature management, natural resources. Irina Vladimirovna Kudrina was appointed the head.
  • Culture. The head is Elena Alekseevna Sizova.
  • The affairs of religious organizations and public associations. The head is Stepan Viktorovich Medvedko.
  • Affairs of nationalities. The chief is Batal Gennadyevich Biguaa.
  • Youth affairs, physical education, sports. The head is Ekaterina Viktorovna Selyametova.
  • Housing policy and housing. Head - Denis Vasilievich Borovkov.
  • Property Issues. The highest official is Ruslan Vladimirovich Chebitko.
    apparatus of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Legal Department of the State Duma

It includes the following departments of linguistic and legal examination of draft laws in the areas of:

  1. Environmental management and civil relations.
  2. Human rights and nation building.
  3. Social security.
  4. Banking and finance.
  5. Judicial support, criminal law.

In addition, there are departments:

  1. To assist the subjects of legislative work.
  2. International law.
  3. Systematization of the regulatory framework and legislative technology.

The head is Mikhail Vasilievich Demenkov.

Other structures

The following departments are also included in the Administration of the State Duma :

  • Analytical support of bills.
  • Cooperation with foreign parliaments.
  • Analytical research.
  • Cooperation with the CIS and Baltic states.
  • Passport and visa support and diplomatic protocol.
  • Cooperation with parliamentary international organizations.
  • Press service.
  • Interactions with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and information support.
  • Public relations.
  • Monitoring and accreditation of media.
  • Parliamentary radio and television.
  • Further training and civil service.
  • For work with the staff of the apparatus.
  • On interaction with deputies and assistants.
  • On the organizational support of the meetings of the State Duma.
  • Registration and issue of legal acts of the State Duma.
  • For the maintenance of the hardware and software complex, systems of meeting rooms.
  • Shorthand work and audio and video recordings.
  • Editorial and publishing activities.
  • Ensuring interaction with the regions.
  • Organizational department.
  • Ensuring interaction with federal state bodies.
  • Settlement and financial department.
  • Transport and social security.
  • Expert department.
  • Household and material support.
  • Planning and Economic Department.
  • On protocol support of official events.
  • Department of the regime.
  • Multiplying and printing works.
  • Operational Dispatch Department.
  • Special work.

apparatus of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly

  • On the development and maintenance of information systems.
  • For software, technology and maintenance.
  • Server and telecommunication systems.
  • Documentation support.
  • To protect the state secrets.
  • Formation of the State Duma archive.
  • Ensuring the activities of the reception of the State Duma.
  • Acquisition, storage, processing of bibliofunds.
  • Maintaining information databases and bibliographies on official acts.
  • Electronic editions.
  • Library Information Services.

Senior officials

The Head of the State Duma Staff may be appointed / relieved of the post by order of the Chairman of the State Duma. In this case, the decision is coordinated with the Council on the proposal of the department for the regulation and organization of activities of the lower house. The head of the State Duma apparatus cannot simultaneously act as an acting deputy of the State Duma. In this regard, in 2007 Alexei Sigutkin, who was appointed to this post, refused his mandate. At different times, the highest officials were:

  1. Andrey Ivanovich Voikov.
  2. Nikolai Nikitich Troshkin.
  3. Alexander Nikolaevich Lotorev.
  4. Valentin Semenovich Chernyavsky.
  5. Alexey Alekseevich Sigutkin.
  6. Jahan Rajepovna Pollyeva.

The chief of staff of the State Duma of the 7th convocation is Tatyana Gennadievna Voronova. She was appointed to the post on October 20, 2016.

Council of the State Duma

It is also part of the structure of the State Duma and performs special functions in the field of ensuring the activity of the State Duma. In accordance with regulatory enactments, the Council is empowered to:

  1. The formation of an approximate program of legislative activity of the State Duma for the current session.
  2. Making decisions on including the act on the agenda for discussion.
  3. The formation of a draft calendar for consideration by the State Duma of issues for the coming month for the documents discussed in the first reading. In this case, thematic blocks are indicated.
  4. Formation of the draft work order of the State Duma at the upcoming meeting.
  5. I convene extraordinary meetings of the chamber and determine the date of their holding on the proposal of the President, the request of the deputy group, supported by at least 1/5 of the total number of members of the State Duma, or on the recommendation of the Chairman.
  6. Appointment of the relevant State Duma committee responsible for preparing the draft regulatory act for consideration. If the issues regulated by the document fall within the competence of another department, then he is called up as a co-executor.
  7. By sending the bill to the committees of the chamber, associations of deputies, and, if necessary, to other entities with the right of legislative initiative, determining the deadline for the preparation of reviews, comments (amendments), proposals to it.
  8. Sending the act and materials to it to the President, the Government, the author of the document, the deputies of the State Duma. Direction is carried out within the time period provided for in the Regulations.
  9. Making decisions on the proposal of the committees on the return of the bill to the author, if he has not complied with the requirements of Art. 104 of the Constitution or Art. 105 of the Regulation.
  10. The issuance of orders on awarding subjects with a Certificate of Honor of the State Duma.
  11. Making decisions on the organization of parliamentary hearings.

Chief of Staff of the State Duma of the 7th convocation
The competence of the Council may include other issues related to the activities of the State Duma. Decisions of the body are made out of extracts from the minutes of the meetings. They are signed by the chairperson.


Materials for consideration and discussion at the next meeting, draft decisions are submitted to the Secretariat of the Council, usually until 4 p.m. Friday immediately preceding the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, and until 4 p.m. Tuesday before the meeting scheduled for Thursday. The agenda, along with the annexes, is sent to the Chairman of the State Duma and his deputies, heads of associations of deputies and other entities. This is carried out on the day preceding the meeting. At each meeting, deputies receive information on the main issues that were considered by the Council the day before. Materials are prepared by the Secretariat.


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