Ornamental shrubs for Siberia: photos and names

When choosing decorative shrubs for Siberia, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of this region. Of great importance are the plant's resistance to low temperatures, its shape, flowering periods and other factors.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia

Selection and location of landings

Ornamental shrubs in Siberia (photos and names will be given below), suitable for the climatic conditions of this region, can be grown both on a garden plot and in urban plantings. They can be planted:

  • separately, it is desirable so that there is a good view from various sides: near the window of the house, not far from the pond, along the path;
  • in groups - in order to create an impression of comfort or as a hedge;
  • for zoning a yard or plot.

At first, it is better to make an approximate outline plan of landings indicating the functional areas of the yard. The main criteria for choosing shrubs are unpretentiousness in care and long flowering in the summer. The long-flowering ornamental shrubs for Siberia include: buddy, weigel, hydrangea, spirea, etc. Many plants are decorative not only during flowering - they also have a very beautiful color of leaves or fruits.

The most common varieties of ornamental shrubs for a garden in Siberia:

  • Amur grapes;
  • bloodroot;
  • flowering weigela;
  • panicle hydrangea;
  • Schisandra chinensis;
  • cistus, holly,
  • boxwood, juniper;
  • karyopteris, buddha, etc.

Consider these plants in more detail.


This plant, whose homeland is Japan, belongs to the family Rosaceae and grows up to 1 m in height. It blooms beautifully, and also bears fruit with very tasty fruits. When planting it in the spring, one should take into account the culture requirements for the soil: she does not like peat and alkaline soil, prefers sunny places protected from drafts and wind. Shrubs are planted at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other.

decorative shrubs in siberia photos and names

After planting, top dressing is done: the first - in the spring (with nitrogen fertilizers), the next - in the fall (with complex compounds). Leaving consists in regular weeding from weeds and mulching of a pericarp circle with peat or grass. In winter, it is recommended to bend the shoots to the ground and fall asleep with snow, then they will better bloom and bear fruit. Quince is propagated using seeds that are harvested in the fall and immediately sown, or by cuttings.

Chokeberry chokeberry

This is a shrub up to 3 m tall, belonging to the Rosaceae family, coming from North America. It has very beautiful leaves: in the summer it is an ellipsoid shape of a dark green color, and in the fall they become scarlet or dark red. Blooms in May-June with white-pinkish flowers. The fruits ripen by August-September, they can be used for medicinal purposes.

The plant is drought- and frost-resistant, propagate it in spring with seeds previously stratified (3 months), you can also cuttings or grafting. Often, chokeberry is grafted onto chokeberry . Aronia can be planted both singly and in groups, well used in hedges.

ornamental shrubs for western siberia

Barberry of Thunberg

This is a thorny shrub growing up to 2.5 m in height, with a spherical crown. His homeland is China and Japan. Barberry has beautiful small round leaves that are painted in fiery red in the fall. Blossoms in single yellow flowers, the fruits are red berries that do not fall for a long time and are an additional decoration of the bush.

The plant is not demanding on the soil, loves light, belongs to frost-resistant decorative shrubs. For Siberia - a great solution. It can be trimmed, giving the necessary shape, so Tunberg barberry is often used to create hedges.

long-flowering ornamental shrubs for Siberia

When propagating seeds, it must be stratified for 3 months. When planting seedlings, it is recommended to apply 200 g of wood ash to each bush. Bushes are planted at a distance of 1.5-2 m.


A fairly tall (up to 3-5 m) shrub that has bright green large leaves, which in the fall turn into beautiful shades of pink and red. It blooms in the second half of May with small white-green flowers. When ripening, the fruit reaches its maximum decorativeness — bright pink boxes that burst and form a very elegant bouquet of hanging seeds. The spindle tree almost the whole of autumn and winter looks colorful and is often used as an ornamental shrub in Siberia (see photo below).

He loves loose and fertile soils, it can be planted in both lighted and shaded places. Frost tolerant and drought tolerant. Most often, bushes are used in groups, planted to create a border. The euonymus is propagated by seeds (with preliminary 4-month stratification), which are sown in moist sandy soil at 3-4 degrees of heat. The crop tolerates pruning well.

beautiful ornamental shrubs for Siberia

When planting, its toxicity should be taken into account, so it is not recommended to use shrubs in areas where there are children.

Altai hawthorn

A plant up to 5 m tall is planted as an ornamental shrub. Ideal for Western Siberia and Altai. The fruits are edible, orange-yellow, ripening early. It can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. It is used for planting hedges. Winter hardy.

Budleya David

One of the most beautiful flowering ornamental shrubs for Siberia, growing without cutting to 2.5 m. It blooms in June - September with beautiful arrow-shaped inflorescences, consisting of small white and lilac flowers, smelling of honey. He likes well-drained calcareous fertile soils, sunlit places.

The shrub should be trimmed well: in March, all last year's growth is cut to 5 cm tall stumps. The culture propagates quite simply - with the help of seeds in the spring months or with green cuttings in the fall.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia blooming photo

Amur grapes

This is a lianoid plant, the leaves of which acquire a very beautiful yellow and orange color in autumn. Grapes are used in vertical gardening, do not require special care, pruning is easy to carry, frost-resistant, can withstand up to - 40º. Requirements for the soil: likes loose soil with an admixture of peat, but does not tolerate the content of lime.

Amur grapes love heat and light, but can grow with little shading. In order to get him a crop, plant it in a sunny place. It blooms in May. Young plants love frequent watering, and adults are already able to tolerate short droughts.

ornamental shrubs for a garden in Siberia


Blooming weigela is one of the most beautiful ornamental shrubs for Siberia, belonging to the deciduous type. Frost resistant. In landscape design, it is often used in the formation of Japanese-style gardens or alpine hills.

The plant loves sunlight, but does not tolerate high soil moisture and windy places. It is recommended to constantly loosen the topsoil for good breathability. The shrub needs a lot of space, then it can grow up to 2 m in height.

Weigela flowering begins in May-June, and tubular flowers can be of different shades - from white to dark pink, and the leaves are colored depending on the variety in various colors, ranging from green to brown-red. Reproduction using green cuttings can be done in the fall on the ground.

frost-resistant decorative shrubs for Siberia

Panicle hydrangea

Not sure which decorative shrubs to choose? Panic hydrangea would be a good option for Siberia. The plant reaches a height of 2 m, blooms very abundantly in July-August. The flowers are collected in dense inflorescences of white, and later pink colors. The culture tolerates shading and frost in the winter, loves moist fertile neutral soil, propagated by cuttings (in spring).

Every spring in the spring it is required to cut off weak and small shoots, the strong ones are left with 4-8 buds. In the summer, after the buds appear, weak branches should be removed again so that the flowers are larger. In addition, it is recommended that the soil around the bush be well weeded and fertilized. Large branches with buds are best tied up. The shrub can be used both in single and in group planting.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia blooming


Shrubby plant is not tall up to 1.5 m, it can grow on poor and medium-fertility soils, tolerates shading and drought, grows rapidly. It is used in decorative plantings, has a spherical shape. At the time of flowering, it is literally strewn with small golden yellow flowers (1.5-3 cm). Potentilla can be propagated by seeds, layering, cuttings during the summer and autumn. To decorate the garden it is used on alpine slides, single and group plantings, for hedges. Culture is often planted in urban parks and on the banks of water bodies.

Schisandra chinensis

The creeper plant, which has dark leaves, is used for vertical gardening, does not tolerate drought. When watering, up to 60 liters of water is required for each bush. Lemongrass is planted in a sunny place, protected from the winds. The plant blooms in spring, and the fruits adorn it until the end of the season.

ornamental shrubs in Siberia photo


This coniferous ornamental plant, which is successfully used to decorate the garden and create a hedge. The most unpretentious and resistant to frost is Cossack juniper, which is widely used as an ornamental shrub. Suitable for Siberia just fine, can grow both in the sun and in the shade. The plant has gray-green needles, tolerates any soil, including rocky and sandy, but does not like high humidity. Juniper needles are considered poisonous. It can be propagated by cuttings and seeds, often the plant has rooted shoots that spread along the ground and root themselves.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia varieties


Evergreen shrub plant up to 2.5 m tall, very unpretentious, not afraid of wind and drafts. Boxwood loves regular watering and top dressing in the summer, propagated by cuttings. The plant is used to create hedges. Any shapes and shapes that can be formed when cropping look very original.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia


This is a magnificent flowering plant, very popular among gardeners and often used to decorate gardens for many years. Bushes usually tolerate various weather conditions, frost and drought tolerant. They bloom luxuriantly and fragrantly, have many different varieties and varieties, are diverse in their requirements. Lilacs are usually planted in autumn in pits 0.8-1 m in size, filling the latter with a mixture of soil, sand and organics. When cutting, 12 branches are formed, located as far as possible from each other.

Amur lilac, which grows up to 10 m in height, is ideal for areas of Siberia and the Far East. It blooms in June-July, later than other varieties, prefers well-lit places and drained soils, does not like marshy soil, but begins to bloom only in the 9-10th year. Propagated by seeds or cuttings in the summer.

Hungarian lilac - a shrub up to 5 m tall, has flowers of various colors: violet, raspberry, etc. Flowering in May - July lasts 1-3 weeks. The culture is often used in urban plantings and in gardens. All varieties of lilacs are used as flowering ornamental shrubs for Siberia (you can see the crop photo below).

ornamental shrubs for Siberia


For the Siberian region, a hybrid of Japanese and white-flowered spirea is suitable - Bumald's spirea. This shrub, growing up to 0.75 m in height, belongs to deciduous rosaceae, has upright branches forming a crown. Flowers are painted in different tones - from white to dark pink. You can propagate the culture by seeds, cuttings and by dividing the bush. It is used for various landings in the open area, singly or in groups.

Spirea Nipponskaya is a deciduous shrub that grows up to 2.5 m tall, has white-yellow flowers, flowering time is 15-20 days in July, in the autumn it is decorated with lemon-yellow and red leaves. The plant is used for various plantings, including when creating alpine hills, planted on the slopes.

Spirea ashen - is characterized by a very early spring flowering, during which it looks very beautiful. It blooms for several weeks. The height of the bush is up to 2 m, the flowers are collected in inflorescences of the umbrella type, densely cover the plant. The culture lends itself well to pruning, unpretentious.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia

Japanese Spirea is a very spectacular shrub up to 1.5 m tall, blooms throughout the summer with bright red-pink flowers that gather in fluffy panicle inflorescences. All of these varieties are successfully used as ornamental shrubs. For Siberia - that’s it!


This shrub of the olive family is valued precisely for its early (even before the appearance of leaves) and colorful flowering. In late April and early May, the bush is covered with small yellow flowers. In Siberia, forsythia is planted in a hybrid variety (medium or intermediate), oval, Lynnwood. It is better to shelter bushes for the winter. For a good wintering, in August-September they shorten or pinch the tips of the shoots.

The plant prefers fertile soil, a sunny and sheltered from the cold wind place, does not like drought, is unpretentious. Forsythia propagates by root offspring or layering, as well as green cuttings. It is used in landscape design as an early flowering spring plant.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia


A good ornamental shrub for Siberia. Varieties and species are diverse: corolla and terry, dwarf and normal. Chubushnik also has a second name - garden jasmine. The culture forms rather tall bushes - up to 2-4 m, blooms with very beautiful fragrant white or cream flowers in June. Propagated by seeds, division of bushes or cuttings.

ornamental shrubs for Siberia

Chubushnik is a frost-resistant shrub that loves open sunny places and fertile, well-drained soil. Excessive moisture can have a bad effect on the development of the bush. When planting, it is impossible to deepen the root neck, the distance between the bushes is maintained within 0.5-1.5 m, when creating a hedge, seedlings are planted more often (50 cm). After flowering, it is recommended to prune the plant and give the bush the necessary shape.

We examined the most commonly used ornamental shrubs for breeding in Siberia. Photos and names of some of them, especially spectacular, were given here. The main thing when selecting such a culture is to choose zoned varieties with good frost resistance and adaptability to this climate.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4356/

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