Types of electric meters: description, characteristics, principle of operation

An electric energy meter is in every apartment. The exception is houses that have fully autonomous power supply (solar panels, windmills), but there are relatively few such houses. That is why today we’ll talk about the types of electric meters and everything connected with them. After all, the question is very relevant.

Types of electricity meters

There are several types of devices of this type, they differ in the principle of their work and in execution. You can divide all existing electricity meters into two large groups, these are:

  • induction models;
  • electronic meters;

Different types of devices work on their own characteristic principles, but it should be noted that the type of device does not affect the accuracy of the meter, because before selling all energy meters are calibrated and checked in the relevant organizations that have the right to carry out such activities. These companies are independent, so there can be no catch in this matter. Although there are errors, they are within the permissible norms, but more on that below.

types of counters

Induction Electric Meters

A popular type of electric meters. An induction type electric meter is widespread. This is the same option with a rotating disk that everyone is used to. The meter works based on the principle of magnetic field. This field is formed from a pair of coils (voltage coil and current coil). The magnetic field created during operation drives the disk. The disk rotates and starts the counting mechanism. If the voltage and current increase, the disk starts spinning faster. Everything is simple, physics of the school program!

A minus in the work of such counters is their accuracy, which, although it is within the framework of permissible norms, could be better. Accuracy is equal to about 2.5 units. Why buy such counters? These models are very reliable, they can easily serve more than a dozen years, some manufacturers install a warranty period of up to 15 years on such devices!

Electronic electricity meters

This is a relatively new type of electric meters. The principle of its operation is based on the measurement of current strength and voltage in the mains. There are no unnecessary intermediate mechanisms and other things, for this reason the accuracy of the device is very high. All readings are displayed on a special display, and are also stored in the memory of the meter itself in digital form. Such counters have several strengths:

  • Models are compact.
  • There is always a multi-tariff function.
  • You can significantly increase the accuracy of the readings by adding an additional chip to the device.
  • Convenient reading from the display.
  • It is very difficult to deceive this counter, because it has a built-in self-correction of readings.
  • This is the so-called anti-magnetic electric meter (it cannot be stopped with a magnet).

The device also has disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • insecurity;
good counter

Single tariff and multi tariff

Single tariff electric energy meters are models that we are used to. But multi-tariff electric meters are a certain novelty for our consumer. Multi-tariff meters have come into the use of energy consumers relatively recently.

The main essence of such a device is to save money for consumers of electricity. You can consider the principle of operation of the device on the example of a multi-tariff electricity meter. The essence of saving is the difference in the cost of electric energy depending on the time of day. As the service companies explain, electricity is cheaper at certain periods of time due to the fact that the network does not have a peak load at this time (night hours, early morning).

The uneven load on the power grid negatively affects its condition. This is precisely what determines the desire of the companies supplying electricity to make the load uniform by attracting people during busy hours by lowering the price of services during these time periods. Living with a multi-tariff meter is not difficult, but some adjustment of the daily routine is required.

For example, you should include a washing machine, dishwasher, slow cooker and more - at night. Modern household appliances have timers with delayed start, this is a very convenient feature for this situation. If you have an electric water heater, then you can also get used to taking a shower / bath before bedtime or early in the morning, while tariffs that are more favorable for you are in effect. If some household appliances do not have a timer function, you can separately buy for it the so-called “smart socket”.

It is also worth knowing that electricity in rural areas is cheaper for the consumer than in the city.

modern electric meter

Automatic counters

This is a novelty for our market. Automatic meters are a kind of electronic model. The meter that transmits readings works independently and does not require your participation. It is comfortable and modern. Many people combine the work of such meters with auto payment for electricity from a bank card. This is practical, because you do not participate either in data transfer or in paying for services. Everything happens automatically. Electricity meters that transmit readings have not yet become too common, but more and more people are choosing them who install or change an electricity meter. According to experts, such models will tightly enter the everyday life of our fellow citizens in 10-15 years.

electricity meter

Benefits of Multi-Tariff

Of course, such counters also have advantages, let's try to name the main ones:

  • Noticeable saving of money (metering device will pay off in a year or even faster).
  • Assistance for power plants (reducing the cost of repairs and saving fuel).
  • Reducing hazardous and harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

For the average user, the help of a power plant and atmospheric emissions are usually of little interest, but the reduction in cash costs is always an important and pleasant moment.


You can always find the pros and cons. We have already said about the advantages of this type of counters, it's time to address the issue with disadvantages. There are not many shortcomings, the most important of them is a special way of life, adjusted to the tariffs of the meter, if you do not adjust to the tariffs, then there will be no savings, and maybe the costs will increase. How much does a multi-tariff meter cost? It all depends on the specific model. Multi-tariff models are more expensive than single-tariff counterparts, but they quickly pay for themselves.

Instrument accuracy class

This parameter implies a certain error of indications, which is inevitable, but its value can vary significantly. According to current regulations, the accuracy class of electric meters must be 2 or higher. You can always find out this parameter by buying a counter in the store. Most often, the accuracy class is indicated on the device itself and in the instructions for it.

single rate counter

Power meter

This is perhaps one of the most important characteristics. Power must be considered when buying an electric meter. Before buying, you need to calculate the energy consumption by you and your family for one day. After these calculations and based on them, you can go for the device. There are household electric meters that are designed for currents from 5 to 100 A. How much does an electric meter cost, depending on the power? Models that are designed for serious loads are always more expensive, but the price difference is not critical. A model for 100A can be bought from 2 thousand rubles. A 60 A model will cost 800-1000 rubles and more.

counter with sending data

Instrument Mount Method

Many people think about how to remove the electric meter. This is done by a qualified master, if you do not have the appropriate access, then you should not perform such work, it would be more correct to contact specialists. All modern electric meters are fixed on a special, so-called DIN rail or on bolts.

Energy Meter Terms of Use

There are such meters that can only work in heated rooms, but there are all-weather street models of devices. You yourself decide which option you need, given all the features of operation. Models for warm rooms are cheaper.

street counter

What model of electric energy meter to choose

Initially determine the power of the device. To do this, summarize the total power consumption of the devices and add a third of the received figures to the reserve. If you get power not exceeding 10 kilowatts, then buy a 60 amp model. If the average power per day exceeds 10 kilowatts, then buy a model for 100 amperes. This is an example of calculation.

Next, determine the type of device (mechanical, electronic, single-tariff, two-tariff). Sometimes in this matter the financial aspect becomes key. If the financial issue does not interest you, but you still have problems with the choice, then seek the advice of a specialist, he will definitely help you. For example, for giving a one-rate mechanical device is suitable. After all, saving energy only once a week is very impractical, and it will not be necessary to guess with the time the main devices are turned on.

After that, you need to solve the problem with the type of counter mount. Experts recommend the option with a DIN rail. It is convenient, simple, modern and versatile. Also pay attention to the manufacturer of the device, this is an important factor. A high-quality counter from a good and reliable manufacturer can be found only in a specialized store.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4364/

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