Why is a tool-grinding machine for chainsaw chains needed?

Having bought a chainsaw, you can not hope that it will work forever, without requiring sharpening and other maintenance measures. This condition is necessary in order to ensure a long and high-quality work of a professional tool.

chainsaw sharpening machine
Why sharpening is necessary

Before you buy a tool-grinding machine for chainsaw chains, you need to find out about its real need. Well, explaining is pretty simple. If you can still cut a couple of stunted old apple trees with a blunt chain saw, then saw a few cubes of firewood ... In a word, this is unreal!

When is the time to grind?

Note that in no case can you wait for a complete "dulling" of the chain, hoping to save. Such "thrift" may result in the need to purchase a new instrument. Or a prosthesis, since a blunt chain has an unpleasant tendency to break.

If you notice that when cutting wood you need to make a lot of effort, then it is probably time to use a tool-grinding machine for chainsaw chains. It is very important to pay attention to the state of the chips.

chainsaw sharpener

If it becomes shallow and with an admixture of dark particles, then it's time to start putting the chain in order. As a rule, with standard household use, the need for this arises no more often than a couple of times a month. But when you are professionally felling , you need to do this every day.

Why a machine?

So why use a tool-grinding machine for chainsaw chains, when you can buy a simple file in the nearest store? The fact is that if you need to sharpen at least a couple of chains in a day, then you will quickly curse this work.

Of course, it can be attributed to specialists, but they set the cost of such work so that it is easier to spend money on a machine.

What are they like?

Such devices are both manual and stationary. When using a hand-held device, it is worn directly on the chain. It should be noted that such a tool-grinding machine for chainsaw chains is only a "continuation" for the file. A small fixture is mounted on the saw bar and serves to give the right angle to hand movements when sharpening.

Stationary device

how to sharpen a chain of a chainsaw with a machine
Much more complicated and effective mechanism with an electric drive. The chain is driven by abrasive discs. Their convenience is that it is possible to adjust the grinding thickness and the angle at which the cutting teeth will be machined to within a fraction of a millimeter.

Such a grinding machine for chainsaw chains will allow not only to perfectly prepare the tool, but also virtually eliminate the possibility of damage. Particularly expensive copies are fully automated: you only need to fix the first links, and as you move to the desired position they will be thrown by a special mechanism.

When do you need to buy them?

Note that the purchase of the necessary mechanism should only be taken care of if you really process a large amount of wood. When you cut a couple of trees in a season, such a waste of money would be stupid. So before sharpening the chain of the chainsaw with a machine, it is necessary to adequately determine the amount of work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4365/

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