What is a subscription? How and why do they arrange an appointment?

Vpiska is a place where a hitchhiker can spend the night, wash, eat and, having rest, set off again. True, the same term applies to apartments, where young people gather in a familiar or unfamiliar company for a party and hang out until the morning. That is, as you know, subscription means the opportunity to be at some address at a party, temporarily “fit in”.

Today we will clarify how and why various types of lists are organized. Probably, information about the rules of conduct in the territory provided by the hospitable host will also be of interest to the reader.

Where did the new meaning of the word “subscription” come from?

History says that the term appeared in the Soviet Union when the hippie movement came into fashion. It was then that free youth was looking for a room where everyone could get together and have fun. Hippies also never had money, and they always loved to travel around a huge country - that's the situation that helped them out, allowing you to spend the night and relax for free.

squirting it

It is very important to have addresses in the list

Perhaps not everyone understands what to do on a subscription basis. After all, this is basically not an invited party (although today it is more often the case), but a forced stopover, which hippies and representatives of other youth movements similar to them do not end almost ever. Therefore, the masters keep precious notebooks in which not the last names are written in alphabetical order, but the names of cities with the addresses of those who can provide a subscription, which means the opportunity to spend the night under the roof, wash and eat.

Features of living on a subscription

vpiska photo
For a newcomer, his first appointment (you can see photos of such apartments in this article) is the entrance to a special world of free and sometimes very strange relationships. Indeed, most often the newcomers have no idea which of the colorful crowd that is located on every centimeter of the apartment is the owner. And he can’t always answer how many people (people) currently live on his territory.

And although the rules that all the guests in the house try to follow are usually dictated by the owner, how the next appointment ends will largely depend on the company that has gathered under one roof at the moment.

Typically, the conditions of stay at the entrance are far from the hotel: there are much fewer sleeping places in the apartment than those who want to sleep, so guests sleep 3-4 people in a single bed or even on the floor. If someone experienced has their own sleeping bag, then they look at him like survival masters, and they are not mistaken - this will not disappear anywhere!

And what are the sensations in the morning?

Yes, for many the word “subscription” sounds magical and romantic! What does this noisy motley company, a bunch of new acquaintances and prospects mean for a beginner? Probably a kind of initiation into a special world, unlike the boring and mundane that is observed around.

True, in the morning the bones ache from fatigue and an uncomfortable posture during sleep, which, alas, there is no way to change it, because everyone is lying like sprats in a jar! The head is aching, heavy from tobacco (and not only) smoke, through which it was necessary to examine the roommates. And the visitor to the house himself looks very shabby, because he has to sleep in clothes.

You must abide by the rules of residence

what to do on a subscription
An admission is, in spite of everything, an opportunity to feel freedom, allowing you to break loose and leave at any moment wherever your heart desires. And in order to get on the list more and more, to please experienced travelers who can give you new addresses, try to follow the generally accepted rules:

  • the owner dictates conditions that are unconditionally fulfilled by all guests (if he goes to bed early - you do the same, and if he hangs out in the morning - no sleep is expected);
  • Be polite;
  • cleanliness should be your credo (wash dishes not only for yourself and always take out the trash);
  • other people's things must not be touched;
  • A landline telephone can be used only with the permission of the owner and within the city (hardly anyone will like to pay for other people's long-distance calls);
  • bathroom and kitchen - amenities that are used only with the permission of the owner;
  • If you are going on a trip, grab some goodies with you to thank a good person for your hospitality.

Be friendly and sociable, meet your roommates - this can always come in handy.

What is useful in subscription?

If by all means you want to meet the dawn on the St. Petersburg embankment or walk along the Black Sea beach, and there is no money for it, then the entry is what you need. It will help to fulfill the dream, however, for this you need to find a person who will let you in.

what does it mean

By the way, do not think that every apartment where the practice is practiced is always something that looks like a brothel and drug barter at the same time. No, not always! After all, it is often organized by lonely people in need of communication, for whom new acquaintances are much more valuable than any monetary equivalent. This is how the subscriptions appear, which are more like hostels for those who have absolutely no means, and in the media you can read the announcements inviting those who wish to spend the night on the subscription.

Useful tips: how to arrange a subscription for yourself?

how to arrange a subscription
True, in large cities there are much more such addresses than in small ones. And the best of them experienced travelers keep in their treasured notebooks and share them only in their circle. But if you set a goal, then you can find such a subscription at any geographical point.

Remember that, having received the desired phone number, you should not delay the call: arrange in advance, because the owner may have other plans or an exorbitant number of guests at the time of your arrival.

Be sure to introduce yourself to the owner by phone and explain how you found out the number of the registration, when you arrive and for how long you want to stay. By the way, they may refuse you, without even explaining the reasons. Well, continue the search, call other numbers, someone will definitely take you. Know that if you have any acquaintances with the alleged owner (meaning those who have visited with him before), then the chance to arrange an appointment is much higher than in other cases.

Separately, remember what a friend squeak is

what is friends squeak
There are also types of lists with special names. For example, “Legion”: it is considered one of the safest, because all those gathered in the same apartment know each other and come together not only to drink alcoholic beverages, but also to communicate.

Guys, as a rule, bring girls with them, sometimes those whom they met through correspondence. This brings an element of adventure to the congregations. Although, unfortunately, after five or six meetings, the "legionnaires" are beginning to look for places on the sidelines ...

Even safer is considered to be a subscription called “Flat”. Friends and acquaintances gather there in order to do what they love, for example, listening to music, watching a match or playing a game on a computer. Incidentally, such “congresses” were especially honored by informals in the Soviet Union: dissidents gathered here.

Is it dangerous to spend the night on subscriptions?

Let's not hide, for beginners to go to strangers in a strange city - this is a rather big risk of running into a psychopath or a maniac. But to fear most of all is just not this. After all, entry is very often a place of amusing parties, with a booze and more. And only in the morning he took the excess suddenly finds himself robbed and good, if only that!

The conclusion in this case begs one: do not get involved in alcohol! Do not use suspicious potions, be careful and prudent if strangers are around you! Good luck to you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4368/

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