The best dog breeds for apartments and children

Often parents, trying to please their child, give the dog as a present. In fact, this decision should be made in an adult way. Children tend to quickly catch up on the idea of ​​acquiring a pet, not fully realizing that they will need to be properly looked after, fed and walked on.

Many experts are similar in opinion that it is not worth buying a puppy for a child under the age of seven, as he will not be able to fulfill his duties to a four-legged friend.

And what are the best dog breeds for an apartment? Photos with names and recommendations for care are posted in the article.

Important Tips

For children whose age does not exceed 13 years old, you can give a puppy of a small form. An ideal option would be a lapdog, pygmy poodle or chihuahua.

Teenagers can handle a large breed dog.

When choosing a pet in an apartment for a child, it is important to understand that fighting dogs are the only exception among many breeds. Animals were bred for protection and are characterized by a specific character, aggressiveness and endurance. This option should be immediately deleted from the list of breeds.

Dog handlers argue that large dog breeds are more lenient about kids' pranks and games. On the contrary, dogs of small breeds are more aggressive in their grasping and hugging. But then they are ideal for living in an apartment and will delight all households with their decorative appearance.

So, consider the best dog breeds for an apartment. Names, descriptions, photos - all this you will find in the article.

Pug character

This is a really good breed of dog, suitable for an apartment. Pugs are cute, kind and sociable creatures who are happy to play with children. And although they can not be classified as active dogs (more so - for lovers to take a nap), they can quite often see bursts of activity. They play and have fun at a young age.

It is worth noting that this is an ideal option for a child, since they do not require special care and upbringing, and therefore are suitable for owners without experience in keeping animals. Pug has a calm temperament and friendly nature.

Given the nature of the animal, they are easy to train. It is easy to find a common language with this small dog breed for an apartment, especially for those who are happy to give love and attention to a pet. It is worth noting that animals cannot stand loneliness, and on occasion they will show all their emotions in a stormy dance on their hind legs.

what breed of dogs to choose for an apartment

Pug Care

In the process of caring for animals, it is important to adhere to a diet. Otherwise, the pet can easily gain weight, as representatives of this breed are prone to obesity. Most dogs eat the entire portion, and often overeat, so you should carefully monitor the amount of food the animals eat.

When planning to get this small dog breed for an apartment, you need to know about the proper care of the fold on the face. It is regularly wiped with a cotton swab or a soft cloth dipped in chamomile broth or simply in boiled water. It is also good to wipe the crease with baby alcohol-free lotion. After removing all unnecessary, a layer of emollient, like petroleum jelly, is applied to the skin. If this is not done, an infection may appear on the skin. Wipe the crease is recommended at least once a week.

Oddly enough, pugs need to be constantly combed. Thus, it will be possible to get rid of wool during molting. It will not be difficult for a child to do a dog’s hairstyle, which means that the hair will not be scattered throughout the apartment.

If we talk about bathing the animal, often this should not be done. The optimal period is once a quarter.

In addition to all the above actions, the dog will need to cut its nails and wipe its ears.

When planning to go for a walk with a dog, it is important to remember that they cannot stand cold rainy weather and intense heat.


If you do not know which dog breeds are the best for an apartment, take a look at the poodle. Many children, having watched the tale of Pinocchio, dream of Malvina's friend. This is no accident, since representatives of this breed are very cute creatures, love active games and are well trained. Therefore, even a child is able to cope with training. A poodle is ideal for living in an apartment.

Poodle character

Thanks to its inexhaustible energy and cheerful nature, this breed of dog is an excellent option for living in a family. Animals are very smart, they are considered one of the most popular breeds in the world. Children who are always active will enjoy spending time with their pet, who is ready to play and have fun with his master almost 24 hours a day.

small dog breeds for an apartment

Poodle Care

The beauty of the pet depends on how well the owners look after its curly hair. The breed does not have a strong molt, but shearing should be done at least once a month.

At all times, the poodle surprised with its original haircuts. Grooming is best done in the cabin. Otherwise, the appearance of the dog and its health will suffer. If the hair is not handled properly, the animal may develop skin diseases.

Poodle Training

This is the best breed of dog for apartment and children, it is easily trained. The animal will gladly carry out commands and faithfully follow its owner. Before acquiring a poodle for a child, one should be sure that the new owner of the dog will be able to devote enough time to his pet. Otherwise, in the house all household items will be consumed due to the indefatigable energy of the animal.

Cocker Spaniel

These cute dogs also complement the list of the best dog breeds for apartments and children. The highlight of this cute pet is not its plush ears, but its heart. Perhaps this is one of the few breeds that knows how to faithfully love. There are many varieties of this breed, but in general they are divided into hunting and exhibition.

best dog breeds for apartment

Cocker Spaniel Character

In general, describing the behavior of representatives of this breed, we can focus on the mischievous nature and attractive appearance of the animal. It is distinguished by intelligence and quick wit. Even children can cope with training, since the dog is very amenable to training and gladly carries out commands.

Among the character traits, it is worth noting the sensitivity to changing the mood of the owner. In addition, these friendly four-legged friends with pleasure get along in the same territory not only with other dogs, but also with cats, and even guinea pigs. This is a great option for the dog to stay in the family. The Cocker Spaniel will always play with children, without fatigue. Despite its friendly appearance, the animal is happy to guard the house and will meet strangers with a loud bark.

Cocker Spaniel Care

For an apartment, they often take an English cocker spaniel. This breed belongs to the hunting and loves long walks. Walking is not difficult for a child.

Another issue is grooming the dog’s hair. It should be washed regularly and combed well. It is also important to carefully care for your ears. Their anatomical feature provokes the appearance in them of inflammatory processes, otitis media and other diseases. Therefore, maximum attention should be paid to the hygiene of the auricles and regularly inspected, if necessary, remove dust and dirt.

Cocker Spaniels are not picky about food. They will be happy to eat both homemade food and purchased food. Unfortunately, they are obese, and the dog's diet needs to be strictly adjusted, having thought through both the menu and the servings.


The breed was bred for hunting, but in fact it became the man’s best friend. These animals are ready to be near the owner 24 hours a day and take active actions. But they are difficult to train, although they get along well in a family with children.

best dog breeds for apartment and children

Beagle breed description

This dog will never be bored. She will run around with children everywhere and play. It is very difficult for her to be without physical exertion. The result may be gnawed household items and furniture.

Since the breed was originally bred for hunting, then, being on the street, the puppy will run after any animals. As a result, he can get under the car or in any other mess. But if you pay enough attention to the dog, even a child can raise it. A friendly dog, once in the family, becomes attached to it and is ready to serve faithfully.

Beagle Care

Beagle is very easy to care for. It does not require much attention. For molting, the dog’s hair is wiped with a clean, damp cloth. It should also be wiped after a walk on the street. Often, bathing a dog is not worth it. It is enough to carry out water procedures once every six months. The main thing is to load him with physical activity and training. Throwing a stick to the animal is unlikely to succeed, for this purpose a special slingshot with tennis balls will be more suitable, which it will bring again and again.

If we talk about nutrition, then this species is unpretentious. But you should decide in advance what to feed him. It can be natural food or dry food from the package.

Bichon Frize

These cute creatures love spending all their time with children. They need attention just like their owners. Ideal for living in an apartment with a family. In their appearance, it is not difficult to guess that in front of us is a sensitive and tender dog.

Description of Bichon Frize

Bichons belong to the category of active dogs, preferring to play with their owners all their free time. Playful moving bichons love the company of people and very simply find contact with any child. Animals are ready to walk long distances. Get along with other pets. Finding a stranger, the animal does not bark and does not show aggression.

They just learn, because the child copes with training perfectly. You need to allocate space or walk a lot with them.

dog breeds suitable for apartment

Bichon Frize Care

The attractive appearance of the dogs makes them a popular breed, but they will take a lot of time. Haircuts and combing are part of regular care. A dog with white hair needs a special shampoo. In the process of grooming, you can not use a hot stream of air, otherwise you can easily dry it. It is also important to cut your nails in time, clean your ears and wipe your eyes. This option is more suitable for adolescents who are willing to devote enough time to their pets.

It is desirable to feed Bichon with natural products. The diet should include sea fish, raw vegetables and meat. Also, the basis of the menu of dogs should be various cereals, vitamins. You can’t feed them with anything.

Bichon Frize is a decorative dog, therefore it is not necessary to train it especially. It will be enough to teach her a few major teams.

Large breeds of dogs

Despite its large size, large dog breeds are also recommended for living in an apartment and communicating with children. The main emphasis should be placed on the education and training of the pet. A well-bred dog will become a reliable friend and protection to its owner and will not harm any household.

German shepherd: description

What breed of dog to choose for the apartment? German Shepherd is ideal for homestays. More often it is purchased for a teenage child, for whom she becomes a best friend. For children of this age, communication with a dog allows you to relieve stress, anxiety during their difficult period. And how nice to walk past your friends with a beautiful dog! It is easier for a child to join the team and earn credibility.

When planning to take a puppy into the family, it is worth giving preference only to purebred “Germans”, who completely lack negative character traits. This unique animal has been serving the master all its life. It will be happy to carry out commands and help in the work, going to the military or search service.

Dogs intuitively feel the danger and can immediately protect the child on a walk. One of the best features of the animal can be called fearlessness. If necessary, the dog will stand to the end to protect the life of its owner. Raise a shepherd dog should one member of the family, she simply respects the rest.

The German really loves the children with whom he is ready to play and frolic for days on end. Clever animals are highly trained and hate loneliness. If desired, the teenager will perfectly cope with the role of a trainer, since a beloved pet by nature has a desire to learn.

dog breed for apartment and names

Shepherd Care

In this dog, proteins, i.e. meat products, should prevail in the diet. It is not recommended to eat potatoes, since it is practically not absorbed by the body. It is also impossible to feed her pasta, otherwise the dog will quickly gain excess weight.

Once every seven days, you must carefully examine the dog for the presence of disease. When caring for a pet, one should not forget about the vaccination calendar and do them on time.

Despite the fact that the German shepherd requires a lot of effort and attention, it gets along well in the apartment and will become the best friend for the family.


What breed of dog to choose for the apartment? Newfoundland can be recommended. Despite the huge size of this dog, it deserves respect and is great for families with children. The animal will be a great friend and guard for its owner.

Newfoundland has patience, complaisance and a calm disposition. They are very attached to their masters and do not tolerate loneliness. Huge animals get along well with other pets, including even small rodents.

By nature, a calm disposition allows them to be trained without problems. But very painful dogs perceive the screams and harsh punishments of their owners, therefore, in the process of training, they need to be treated affectionately. These huge animals calmly withstand the grip of small children and their active games.

A characteristic feature of the pet is their love of swimming. They also love to travel. Going to the country or on vacation, you can take your four-legged friend with you. Dogs love to walk, but often prefer a passive lifestyle.

dog breeds photo with names for the apartment

Newfoundland Care

Before you get such a dog, you should understand that she will need a lot of space. The best option would be a furnished loggia or a small room where she can retire.

Also, the dog will often need to be combed out, as it has a long coat. The teenager will be happy with the pet, but he will need to help him look after him correctly. Bathing animals are made no more than once a month. Experts recommend not always using ordinary dog ​​shampoo for bathing. A dry product will be enough to avoid flushing the animal’s natural lubrication.

Nutrition must be balanced, this breed is prone to obesity. On a hot day, you should not stay with him on the street for a long time in order to avoid heat stroke.

When planning to buy a puppy in an apartment, you should know that it is common for this breed to drool. This seems unacceptable to some people.

When buying an animal, it is worth focusing not only on its nature, but also on its internal sensations. Indeed, when choosing a friend for a child, he can become a devoted assistant and his parents.


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