Sewage pumping station: operating principle and selection tips. Installation of sewage pumping station

Currently, most industrial enterprises, as well as private residential sectors, are equipped with a sewer station. This is necessary for the forced removal of wastewater and industrial water. For example, if the bathroom is located below the main sewer pipe, then the option of gravity removal by gravity disappears by itself. Let’s take a closer look at what a sewage pumping station is and how this device works. In addition, we consider the key points of equipment installation without the involvement of specialists.

sewage pumping station

General concepts and information

Currently, three types of SPS are sold depending on the design: simple, medium and complex. If you want to organize the sewage disposal in a private house, then it hardly makes sense to you to acquire complex sewage pumping stations. Firstly, it is very, very expensive, and secondly, their productivity significantly exceeds the amount of wastewater that will accumulate in you. In most cases, the simplest SPS is sufficient, but if we are talking about a large industrial enterprise, then it makes sense to give preference to more complex structures.

Domestic sewage pumping station: construction

Depending on the manufacturer, the equipment of the SPS may be disabled. Speaking clearly and briefly, such a pumping station is a sealed tank with a fecal pump. Why do we need storage capacity, of course. Life products are collected there. The material may be different: concrete, plastic, metal. The task of the pump is to raise the wastewater to a certain level, then the outflow is realized by gravity. Often the design involves several such pumps. One worker, and the second backup, which is needed to support the KNS in working condition in case of failure of the main one. In addition, there is a piping system with valves for controlling pumps. Pipes can lead to treatment systems or divert water to a central sewer. Another integral part of the design - float switches, almost the same as in the toilet flush tanks. They work simply - when the effluents reach a certain point, the system turns on, water is pumped out.

KNS sewage pumping stations

Principle of operation

Let's take a closer look at how the device functions. Immediately it is worth noting that there is nothing complicated. When the wastewater level rises to a certain level, the float switch sends a signal to the receiving tank into which the waste is pumped. It is worth noting that there are submersible pumps. When they are turned on, then through the pressure pipe the drains are sent to the distribution chamber. By opening the gate valves, the sewage flows either to the sewage treatment plant or to the central sewer. To prevent the return of wastewater into the distribution chamber, a check valve is installed in the latter. This is how the KNS works. Sewage pumping stations are equipped with a ladder through which maintenance is carried out. The hatches of the upper part of the installation are hermetic, which prevents odors from entering the service platform.

Types depending on power

Mini-stations are a very simple device that connects directly to the toilet. Small power pump (no more than 400 W), fecal-submersible, with cutting tools. In fact, this is a good solution for a summer residence.

There are also medium CNS. Sewer pumping stations of this type are equipped with a polymer tank and a submersible pump. They are most in demand due to their high versatility. They are suitable both for a summer residence, and for use in an industrial enterprise, in contrast to small and large SPS. If the device is designed for domestic use, then most often one pump is mounted with cutting elements. For industrial use, the pumps do not have cutting elements, 2 of them are provided.

typical sewage pumping stations

As for the large SPS, they are used in large industrial enterprises and in urban sewage systems. The pumps in this case are multi-channel, without cutting tools.

A few good tips for choosing a CND

If you decide to choose a sewage pumping station, then be careful. There are several important details that you should always pay attention to. But first, clarify the following points:

  • system depth;
  • pump performance;
  • type of pump (with cutting tools, single-channel or multi-channel running wheels);
  • the material of which the casing is made;
  • case diameter.

You need to understand that today manufacturers make cases of polypropylene and fiberglass reinforced. There are also housing options made of polyethylene, concrete and steel. But the last two are more expensive. Also, the metal will corrode.

To "filling" the station served as long as possible, all its elements must be stainless. If seismic activity takes place, then the body must be heavy-duty. For the northern regions, additional warming is necessary, it may also have to increase the depth. So sewer pumping stations for the house will serve faithfully for a long time.

What is a good sewer pump station Grundfos?

domestic sewage pumping station
This manufacturer is considered the market leader in the production of modern HPS. It is worth paying your attention to a wide range of Danish products. Here you can find both mini-sewer stations and the β€œwet well” modification, etc. For example, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of about 50 years on the mini-station. This despite the fact that the installation practically does not require maintenance. In addition, you can buy the product on order.

Let's look at the technical specifications of Grandfos Integra. The installation itself is quite large, its height can be from 4.5 to 12 meters. Pneumatic cylinders provide tightness, and the tank is made of fiberglass, so it is very durable. Of course, we can safely say that the KNS from Denmark are considered one of the best. This is due not only to build quality, but also to the use of advanced technologies.

How to make a project?

Before proceeding directly to the installation of equipment, you need to calculate everything. And the first thing is water consumption. To do this, you need to take the minimum and maximum costs, as a result, get the average. Next, you need to determine the power of the pump. To do this, it is worth calculating the height of the effluent, taking into account the losses of the heating pipe and air.

But this does not end there. It is also necessary to draw up a general station work schedule, and the figure obtained as a result of the functional calculation should be slightly larger than the usual calculation. It is important to understand that there are various pumps. Some are designed to work in short periods of time under load, others vice versa. Do not forget about the occurrence of overloads, which the submersible pump must necessarily withstand. The more often they occur, the more powerful the unit is needed. At the final stage, we determine the volume of receiving tanks and can proceed directly to the installation.

construction of a sewage pumping station

Installation of sewage pumping station

Before installing the main equipment, it will be necessary to put a concrete slab to which the base is attached. Its minimum thickness should be 30 cm. Special anchors can be used for joining. Then you can proceed directly to the installation. To do this, the first thing you need to dig a pit of the appropriate depth and diameter. If groundwater appears, you will need to make a foundation. Next, you can put the station and fasten it to the stove, and then fill up the pumping station with soil.

In most cases, the installation of a sewage pumping station takes place without any problems. As noted above, for the northern regions, where soil freezing is significant, additional warming will be required. It can be polystyrene sheets or something like that. If we are talking about the installation of a mini-station, then there will be enough elementary plumbing skills. The main thing is to ensure tight connections and correctly install the submersible pump. On this installation can be considered completed.

sewage pumping stations for home

About the benefits of KNS

Of course, it is far from always advisable to install a sewage pumping station. If you have a normal central sewage system, then there is definitely no special sense in this purchase. However, most private sectors need SNA. And this is an obvious fact. Let's look at the main advantages that a sewer station has. Firstly, this kind of construction very effectively saves living space, as the equipment is located on the street. Another big plus is the complete automation of the process. After you complete the construction of a sewage pumping station, you can almost forget about this structure. Of course, the installation needs periodic maintenance. KNS is completely harmless to the environment, which is important, especially if the device is installed on an industrial site. Some models have sewage filters so that waste water can be sent directly to the ground.

Some interesting points

If you buy a complete sewage pumping station, then its installation is easier to entrust to specialists. They will conduct the pipeline for you, and they will do the necessary tests. If you decide to do everything yourself, then be prepared to do a good job. It is unlikely that you can cope in a day or even a week, especially if you have to dig a foundation pit manually. However, you can save a substantial amount and gain valuable experience. By the way, with regard to equipment prices, Sanicubic (France) with a capacity of 15 kW will cost you about $ 5,000. In this case, the sewage will be sent directly to the soil after treatment. But Homa Saniflux from Germany - the equipment is very expensive, about $ 18,000. Domestic manufacturers supply KNS at a slightly lower price.

complete sewage pumping station


So we have examined with you typical sewage pumping stations. As you can see, this is a rather expensive technique. However, in some cases this is the only way out. Although we can say that many craftsmen themselves make something like KNS, however, it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. It always makes sense to acquire a sewer station in half with a neighbor. This option is extremely relevant for a summer house or a large private sector. So you can save a significant part of the money, and installation will be easier with third-party support.


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