Pergolas: sizes. Construction of arbors: construction, shape

It would seem that arbors, the sizes of which can be different, can be built according to one’s own plan. This, of course, is true, but then it will not be possible to save as much as possible using the recommended design parameters. The first stage in the construction of a resting place is precisely the choice of its size. You should not neglect this issue for the reason that not only the capacity of the installation will depend on this parameter, but also the consumption of material, which affects the cost of the construction.

Some builders, thinking about building a gazebo, choose their own sizes, not taking into account the fact that choosing the recommended ones can save. This is due to the fact that the beam, as a rule, has a standard length and width. If you do not take into account this feature of lumber, then after the construction there may be scraps that cannot be adapted anywhere.

Layout of the parameters of the gazebo, depending on spaciousness

arbors, sizes

If you want to build a gazebo, the size of which is important for you to plan correctly, you need to choose a rectangular design with sides of the floor 3x5 m. Preferring such dimensions, you can install not only a very spacious table, but also chairs. In this case, the rest of the space will not be cluttered, there is still room for the movement of people. Such dimensions of the gazebo will be convenient for large companies, because you probably had to find yourself in rooms where it is impossible for even one person to get out so that everyone else does not have to go up from their seats.

Hexagon Arbor Size

drawing of a gazebo with dimensions

If you need a six-sided gazebo in which five people can freely sit, you need to take into account a figure whose diameter is 3 m or more. The same statement is true for the octagonal construction. Whereas if the territory of a suburban area does not have sufficient free space, you can reduce the diameter to an indicator equal to 2.2 m. However, at the same time you will not be able to install chairs, but you can replace them with a bench installed around the perimeter.

As for the minimum parameters of the gazebo, its dimensions can be different, but from experience it can be argued that if the design will have dimensions equal to 2x2 m, then in its inner space you can place a table with a couple of benches. The latter will even have vertical backs for convenience. However, people will become very crowded at the same time. For some garden areas, this decision acts as the only right one.

The choice of dimensions of the gazebo depending on the size of building materials

hex gazebo

The dimensions of the summerhouse, which is supposed to be built of wood, it is preferable to choose from the calculation of lumber. So, if there is a wooden beam at the base of the walls, it must be taken into account that its length is a multiple of 2 and 3 m. If the master decides to build a gazebo, the dimensions of which are 3x5 m, then a meter of each beam will be superfluous and will be in waste. It is for this reason that it is preferable to use dimensions of 3x3, 3x4 or 3x4 m for timber buildings. When composing a gazebo drawing with dimensions, one of which can be seen in the article, the main thing is to take into account not only possible waste after work, but also how harmonious the construction is will look on the site.

Design features of arbors

enclosed gazebos

Before proceeding with the construction, it is necessary to prepare a drawing of the arbor with dimensions. This will eliminate errors during the work. It is important to choose a gazebo design that can be closed. Such a place for recreation is suitable for constant use, even in winter, which is especially true if you install an oven in the interior and insulate the walls. Another type of gazebo on structural features is open, which is used exclusively in the summer season. Among the latter, there are several subspecies:

  • with an awning;
  • in the form of fungi;
  • pergolas.

The latter are represented by arches interconnected. Among other things, each type of arbor can have a different shape - rectangular, round, as well as hex. If you decide to do the work yourself, it is preferable to choose a gazebo that is rectangular in shape.

Preparation of materials and tools

arbors for rest

A hexagonal gazebo or any other should be built only when it is possible to prepare all the necessary materials. In the example, the construction will be considered, for the construction of which it is necessary to prepare:

  • brick;
  • sand;
  • boards;
  • cement;
  • armature;
  • steel corners;
  • crushed stone;
  • piles
  • bars;
  • nails
  • covering material;
  • electric planer;
  • hammer;
  • circular saw;
  • spanners;
  • a chisel;
  • screwdriver.

Choosing a place for the gazebo

dimensions and layout of the gazebo

Regardless of whether the arbor will open or open the master will erect, it is necessary to abandon the location of the structure in the lowland. Since this can cause decay of the structure. But the proximity to the main building can be determined independently.

Foundation construction

dimensions of the summerhouse

If there is no desire to tinker with the construction of a complex foundation for the structure, then it is worth choosing a columnar. In addition, it will be cheaper compared to everyone else. However, the gazebo can be installed on a strip or slab foundation. You can choose one of these grounds as you wish. In order to build the foundation of the tape type, you must initially mark the territory using a rope or fishing line, as well as wooden pegs. After that, you can begin excavation work, which suggests the need to rid the previously marked area of ​​the upper soil layer. It is necessary to go deep by 0.5 m, but no less. You need to dig something like a tape that will go along the perimeter of a future design. However, the foundation should be slightly larger than the gazebo.

Closed arbors have more impressive walls in weight, this indicates the need for a solid foundation. So, after the pit is ready, lay sand and gravel in layers on its bottom. The thickness of each layer should be 10 cm. Next, you can install the formwork and lay the fittings. Only after this is it permissible to proceed with the preparation of the solution.

For the manufacture of concrete, which will form the basis of the foundation, it is necessary to use sand, cement and crushed stone. The thickness of the foundation should be equal to 30 cm.

Insulation work

During the construction of the gazebo for relaxation, it is necessary to take care of insulation, for this, a roofing material is laid on the surface of the base after it hardens. At the next stage, the master should proceed with the installation of brick supports, which will be laid in 3 rows. This is done so that the wood at the base of the arbor does not come into contact with other materials that can cause rot. Another layer of roofing material is laid on top of the posts.

Frame erection

When constructing a gazebo for relaxation, it is recommended that you proceed to the construction of the frame at the next stage. In the process, it is necessary to use wooden blocks, as well as boards. When mounting the base from the boards, you need to use nails as fasteners, while in the case of supporting supports, wooden blocks must be included in their base.

The dimensions and layout of the gazebo are selected, the foundation and the frame are erected, this indicates that it is time to begin work on the casing. You can also use boards. However, if you wish, then create a truly unique design using a different material. In addition, the design may have partitions with windows, trim and wooden railings. As a decor, it is good to use a decorative grid, as well as branches from which to create wicker ornaments. Inside, you can hang your own curtains.

Roof mounting

If you choose the sizes of arbors made of metal, then you can rely only on your imagination. At the heart of this design is a pipe or corner, the length of which is completely different. This circumstance can be used when choosing products for manufacturing. No matter what size the arbor, as well as whatever material is based on it, in conclusion it is necessary to establish a roof. The multi-slope design will look great, whereas if you do not want to exert too much force during the work, it is preferable to choose a single-slope system.

If, as a covering material, it was decided to use slate, then initially it just needs to be cut to the right size, and then strengthened using the method of using nails. Mounting should be done to the lags. When using tiles at the first stage of installation, it is necessary to fix the OSB-plate, and only after this comes the turn of bituminous tiles, which lies on top.

We should not forget that any gazebo requires a serious approach at the construction stage. If you take into account all the rules, then the design can be used for a very long time, despite the bad weather and all kinds of external negative factors.


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