Battery-powered LED lamps: purpose, types, selection tips

The life of the modern world is moving forward rapidly. Sometimes a person does not have time to keep track of all the trends of technological breakthrough. In the constant pursuit of the blisses of this bustling world, we simply skip events that could affect our lives for the better. We all strive for high cost, forgetting that in some cases you can save a lot by buying a seemingly straightforward thing, but advanced in terms of technology. This is also the case with battery -powered LED lamps , which will be discussed later.

The history of LED lamps

The history of LED lamps began its report back in the last century, when the first semiconductor devices were invented, namely: diodes, transistors and other devices. If anyone does not know, then a semiconductor device is two crystals connected together that have different conductivity of the electric current. Back in 1923, during the revolution in our country, the famous physicist Losev first noticed the glow of semiconductors.

The history of LED lamps

However, the appearance of the first real LED was still far away. And only after 50 years, it was possible to invent LEDs that shone in different colors. But at that time, such devices were still very expensive, and in 1990 a Japanese inventor named Suji Nakamura managed to significantly reduce the cost of the entire manufacturing process of LED lamps. So the LEDs have firmly entered our lives.

The principle of operation and device

All LEDs operate using the same principle. The crystal from which they are made is placed on the base, and direct current is supplied to its terminals. It, in turn, is converted from AC due to the rectifier, which, together with the LED, is mounted on the board. Depending on the lamp power, the number of LEDs on the board may be different.

lamp circuit

When the entire board is assembled, then it, together with the ballast, is placed in a flask with a base. This is how most LED lamps are made.

Varieties of lamps

Currently, LED lamps are widely used in society. Due to the different sizes of the socles used, the spectrum of their use is very wide: from domestic use, to street lighting and advertising. Also in wearable versions, they are used in various flashlights, and thanks to the presence of a battery, LED lights won great love among cyclists.

But not only cyclists are happy with this invention, housewives also appreciated this innovation. Due to their compact size, quick installation, durability, these devices enjoy their increasing authority. Used LED lamps on batteries and in the kitchen. Many of them are equipped with vacuum suction cups and magnets, so that they can be fixed even in the most inaccessible places: above the stove, above the sink or placed in a kitchen cabinet.

Lighted bridge arch

For those who spend evenings at the computer, a battery-powered LED desk lamp may come in handy. Depending on the design, it can either be simply mounted on a table or mounted on a monitor. It gives little light and will not interfere with others during your work. Such lights are very economical, and the power of such lamps can be taken directly from the USB port of the system unit or laptop, or the built-in battery is used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all other household appliances, battery-powered LED lamps have their advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages include their high cost. Yes, now the market is filled with cheap Chinese lanterns, but they are several times inferior in quality and durability. So, to get a really high-quality product, you need to pay a good amount.

Varieties of LED lamps

Another disadvantage of such fixtures is the low battery life. Any batteries have their own life, after which they will have to be replaced. In addition, as described above, there are a lot of cheap fakes. It may happen that after buying new batteries, they will last only a couple of days. LED lamps are far from suitable for all rooms. They can not stand the heat, and therefore they are not suitable for baths and saunas.

The advantages of LED batteries on batteries include their longevity. The average life of LED lamps can be 5-7 years. This is a lot. The service life of a conventional incandescent lamp with continuous use is only a couple of months. Another advantage that can be called is the breadth of application. Together with the built-in motion sensors, they can be used as LED lamps on batteries for summer houses and utility rooms. Even in the gazebo, you can install such a lamp, and for many years it will delight the eye.

Selection tips

Choosing the right LED lamp is also an art. What sellers in stores offer may not always be suitable. First of all, you need to decide on the method of attachment. They are: ceiling, wall, hanging, table, floor. It is clear that a lamp with a ceiling mount cannot be mounted on a wall. Although there are lamps with universal mounting, which can be installed on the walls and ceiling.

LED Wall Light

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the power of the lamp. Although the LED lamps on batteries do not consume much energy, you should know that the more powerful the lamp, the more often you will have to change the batteries in it. Therefore, you do not need to buy a powerful lamp for use, for example, in a kitchen cabinet.


Battery-powered LED lamps are a truly cost-effective solution for cottages, gazebos, garages and other utility rooms. Wherever there is no wiring and no stationary lighting, these small and efficient helpers can come in handy. But in the end I want to warn: beware of fakes! For LED lights to last a long time, you need to buy them only from trusted sellers and always with a guarantee. She will protect you from unnecessary expenses.


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