Landscaping courtyards, or What awaits us beyond the threshold of the house

Comfortable living conditions for people are created not only by comfortable apartments and cozy houses, but also by what is beyond the threshold of their dwellings - adjacent open areas between buildings. Comprehensive landscaping of courtyards in areas of multi-storey buildings is not just a tribute to modern trends in the development of communal engineering infrastructure. This is an urgent need to create quality living conditions for citizens.

Landscaping courtyards

Living in dusty, poorly landscaped, poorly maintained yards has a negative impact on people's health. An important aspect of the formation of the living environment is its adaptation to the requirements of comfort for all inhabitants of the district - a set of disjointed people united only by the neighborhood, who defend various, sometimes mutually exclusive interests. The task of designers is to find a solution that takes into account all the opinions.

Organization of transport and pedestrian areas

Complex improvement of domestic territories
Landscaping of the courtyards requires the proper organization of pedestrian and transport zones. The existing conflict between man and the car creates a certain discomfort in the courtyard space, so the creation of transport-free yards and the organization of parking and driveways outside are especially important. But if such a way to solve the problem is impossible, it is necessary to take care of the functional delimitation of the space for cars and pedestrians using elements of landscaping, geoplastics, creating decorative noise-insulating walls in the style of panels, etc.

Improvement of the territory of the yards is associated with solving the problem of the condition of the road surface. For pedestrian paths, paving with gravel chips is suitable, and for frequently used paths, paving slabs with the organization of a curb fence and drainage systems. Driveways for vehicles are covered with asphalt, the layer thickness of which depends on operating conditions and expected loads.

Gardening of courtyards

Landscaping of the yard
Landscaping of the courtyards is impossible without green spaces. Gardening has not only functional, but also aesthetic value, it should be stylish and skillfully organized. The assortment of plants should be selected taking into account their biological characteristics and climatic zoning.

Usually, landscaping the yard with greenery is carried out according to an individually developed dendrological plan, which takes into account the necessary balance between the areas occupied by trees, shrubs, flower beds and lawns. The compositional decision depends on the specific urban conditions.

Organization of sites

Landscaping of the yards will not provide comfortable living in the area of ​​multi-apartment buildings, if you do not pay enough attention to the organization of sites: sports and games, for walking dogs, for household needs, for the temporary storage of household waste and rubbish, etc.

I would like to draw special attention to the fact that when arranging children's playgrounds one should not limit themselves to their nomenclature content and simplify the arrangement, avoiding the same type of sandboxes, standard swings and slides for kids. It is necessary to pay attention to the intellectual development of the younger generation and take into account modern opportunities when equipping playgrounds for games and sports.

Landscaping courtyards

About small architectural forms

The formation of a favorable living environment requires the use of modern small architectural forms and new methods of organizing space. The installation of cozy gazebos, the installation of fountains and artificial ponds, the replacement of unattractive fences with beautiful elegant fences, the creation of competent street lighting and artistic lighting - all this should improve the lifestyle of modern people and give them confidence that the concept of "house" does not end beyond the threshold of your own home.


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