Largest baby at birth: height, weight, country of birth and amazing records

It is believed that the average baby is born with an increase of 50-52 centimeters and weighs in the region of three or three and a half kilograms. However, there are frequent cases when a baby is born with growth and weight much larger than this average indicator. We tell about the largest children at birth (with a photo if possible) in the material below.

When the baby is big

Everyone has different understandings of big and small, but according to officially accepted parameters, the average is considered a baby born with a weight of three to three and a half kilograms. A four- or five-kilogram child is large, the little ones with a body weight of more than five kilograms are already gigantic.

The largest in the world

As of last year (that is, 2017), the largest child at birth in the world is a young Chinese girl who is now six years old. The baby’s name is Jung Chun, he was born in 2012 in the most ordinary family - neither the mother nor the father of the child are giants. The boy is the second child of this couple.

Giant babies at birth

The daughter, who was born six years earlier, weighed four kilograms - also, of course, a lot, but children born with this weight are more than enough all over the world. What about little Jung-chun? How many kilograms allowed the baby to win the "title" of the largest child at birth? This is as many as seventeen (!) With a few kilograms! The birth passed without complications, the boy’s mother is doing well, and the doctors at the local hospital who took birth will remember such an incredible baby for a long time.

Previous record

Little Chun Chun - today the champion in weight at birth, and before him the largest weight of a child at birth was considered the weight of more than ten kilograms. That kid first saw the world in Ohio, and it happened already back in 1879. Unfortunately, a child literally a couple of hours after his birth was passed away; what caused this is not known for certain.

Third place

The third place of honor of the largest child at birth belongs to the little Italian, who saw the light in 1955. Ten kilograms of two hundred grams - such was the weight of the baby, recorded until recently as the largest in the Guinness Book of Records.

Big kids

Unfortunately, details about this child are unknown, as well as what parameters he has now.

Record country

The officially recognized superhero state, where heavy children are born, is, surprisingly, China again. Baby Chun Chun is another confirmation of this, but a few years before, in the period from 2008 to 2010, in China, three babies with a body weight of more than / about seven kilograms made the families happy with their appearance. And although none of these crumbs can be considered the largest child at birth, it was their existence that gave China the right to become a champion country.

And then, in descending order, we will tell about other children from different countries who were born with a weight of more than four kilograms.

Almost nine

That is how much - almost nine kilograms (or more precisely, 8 kilograms and 700 grams) - the largest child in Indonesia weighed at birth. The little boy was born in 2009 by cesarean section.

Heavy kids

At the age of a couple of days, he had such a body weight, which usually happens in children at 10-11 months and even a year. The name of the peanut, who is now almost ten years old, is Muhammad, and he can rightly consider himself the fourth largest child by birth in weight in the world.


But the weight of the young Brazilian Ademilton, who is now thirteen years old, although it is not the largest weight of a child at birth on the entire planet, is definitely considered as such in his native country. The boy’s mother gave birth to her eight-kilogram baby in 2005, and the doctors who took birth called him giant.

Large baby

Ademilton is the fifth child in the family, before children appeared with normal weight. Perhaps the boy received such a large body weight because of his mother’s diabetes: according to doctors, this disease directly affects the size of the unborn child.

Almost eight

A body weight of 7 kilograms and 750 grams gave Nadenka the right to be born in 2007 to become the largest child at birth in Russia. She was born in the Siberian Barnaul, and her birth is not only remarkable for the large size of the baby, but also because Nadia is the eleventh child in the family. What about the other children, that the happy parents themselves have quite standard sizes.

Seven four hundred

A kid with such a body weight made happy the most ordinary Australian family even more than half a century ago - back in 1963. A boy named Stephen, then born, is still the largest child at birth in this country. By the way, today Stephen is not particularly gigantic in size: both weight and height are quite standard.

Seven hundred

Seven kilograms and two hundred grams - weighing a little less than the aforementioned baby, four years later she was born Texan Ja Michael. The little boy, who is already seven years old, was born using Cesarean section, because parents and doctors initially knew that the baby would be big. However, no one expected it to be so big - they were supposed to see about a five- or six-kilogram peanut.


The largest child at birth in the whole United Kingdom was a small seven-kilogram British, George, who was born five years ago, in 2013. Mom gave birth to her on her own, and at birth the boy was stuck. However, in the end, everything was resolved safely for both the child and the mother. According to the parents of the peanut, they could not even think that they would have such a tiny crumb.

Almost seven

To be precise, six seven hundred and fifty - that was the birth weight of the little Samaritan in 2009. In the family, he became the third child, his eldest were also born large - four and five kilograms, but this boy broke all records - both family and Samara. By the way, the growth of the peanut turned out to be rather big - as much as 62 centimeters.

Six seven hundred

But the seven-year-old American Stefon at birth weighed almost seven kilograms, and was almost 60 centimeters tall. However, he has someone to be like that - and the boy’s parents are large, and older brothers and sisters were not born small either.

Six and a half

In 2007, a son Vladik was born into an ordinary family from the Vladimir region. His growth was 6 kilograms 450 grams. Vlad has a five-year-old sister, she was also born giant - only a kilogram less than her brother.

Six four hundred

Such birth weight belongs to the young Tomich Danilka, who is now two whole years. Danya was born and rather big - a whole sixty-one centimeters.

Big kid

Despite the fact that a year ago, another Siberian Nadyusha “surpassed” Danin’s record, everyone knows his name in Tomsk. And the baby himself is still growing large and active baby.

Six two hundred

A little smaller was born a baby named Mary of British descent. This happened in Spain - and this is noteworthy, not thanks to the operation, but in a natural way.

Large baby at birth

The birth was absolutely calm - the girl’s mother managed even without anesthesia. The small size did not surprise her - she was expecting a big child.

Six hundred

The five-year-old German girl Jaslin was born with this weight. This allowed her to become the largest child at birth in all of Germany. The girl’s mother has diabetes, which is why the baby turned out to be unusually large. By the way, she produced it on her own too.

Why are big children born

There are several reasons for the birth of babies with a weight greater than the established norm. First, as mentioned above, maternal diabetes can contribute to weight gain. Secondly, one should not forget about genetics: if parents, grandparents are large, then it is quite logical to expect the birth of a heavy baby. Thirdly, there is evidence that children in the womb are actively gaining weight as a result of the intake of various vitamins by pregnant women.

Waiting baby

This is information about babies born with a large weight. We are waiting for new records!


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