Projects of houses with a basement. Features of planning, recommendations

Projects of houses with a basement are very popular and loved by our compatriots. In the conditions of dense urban development, they can save the total area of ​​the house and significantly increase the useful.

In one-story buildings, the basement can serve to store food or store various things that are not needed at the moment.

In two-story cottages, the basement is a must. It makes it possible to unload the main rooms and remove sources of electricity and heat supply: boilers, heating boilers, etc., which leaves more space for living quarters. However, such houses are more expensive and their design is more complicated.

basement house projects

Basement Benefits

The basement can be equipped both in single-story and in two-story and multi-apartment buildings. Projects of houses with a basement are very diverse. Planning, as a rule, begins during pouring under the foundation building. The basement allows you to unload the house from utility rooms, pantries, boiler room and boiler room.

The undoubted advantage of the basement is the organization of the so-called "warm floor", especially when an independent heating system is implemented in the basement. Due to the fact that warm air rises, the floor in the house is always warm, and the structure itself is dry.

Often in the basement place a study, a billiard room. And recently, more and more often there you can find a sauna, a swimming pool.

projects of houses with a basement and an attic

Disadvantages of houses with a basement

Despite the obvious advantages, the projects of houses with a basement have one very significant drawback - they are more expensive.

Earthwork with the involvement of special equipment, the device of high-quality ventilation and waterproofing require significant costs. Therefore, it is precisely the high cost of implementing such a project that for many becomes the main reason for refusing to arrange a basement.

In addition, the construction of the basement floor is influenced by many hydrogeological factors, among which the type of soil and the level of groundwater occurrence are of no small importance.

  • If the site is with rocky soil, the development of the foundation is complicated by the mandatory involvement of special equipment. Thus, excavation work to the owner of the house will cost a good β€œpenny”.
  • If the groundwater level is higher than the depth of the foundation, the construction of the basement also incurs very significant additional costs, as the owner will have to spend money on acquiring reliable waterproofing.

projects of houses with a basement and a garage

Basement construction

Projects of one-story houses with a basement can be called the most common. The basement here is used, as a rule, for the placement of heating boilers, communication systems, etc.

During the construction of the basement, special attention should be paid to the laying of groundwater and the level of freezing of the soil itself, since it is these indicators that affect the depth of the base under the house and the depth of the basement. If these parameters are not taken into account, when raising groundwater in the basement, moisture will appear, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.

projects of two-story houses with a basement

Preparatory work

First of all, they draw up a plan of the house with a basement, which also indicates all the building materials that will be used in the construction of the building, their size and quantity.

Then prepare the site for construction, level the soil, remove the vegetation.

You can do this work:

  • using improvised tools;
  • using special equipment: bulldozer, tractor, etc.

Leveling the surface with improvised tools can only be done if the irregularities and vegetation in the area are not very large.

Special equipment is used in problem areas with uneven terrain and with a lot of vegetation.

Basement construction with foundation

During the construction of the basement, soil pressure on the walls should be taken into account. That is why their thickness should be at least 30-40 cm.

First of all, on the site they mark down the future foundation and basement. Then, using special equipment, they dig a pit and a trench for the foundation of the house.

The basement can be located both around the entire perimeter of the structure, and in a certain part of it. For the construction of a basement, a foundation pit is dug with a depth of at least 2 m. And if it is planned to equip an office, a billiard room, etc., then its depth should be at least 2.5 m.

After the foundation pit and trench are ready, they are constructing the formwork for the foundation bay and basement walls.

Today, projects of single-storey houses with a basement are very popular, and many mistakenly believe that the foundation may not be very deep, because the structure will not have significant weight.

The basement and walls of the basement are poured simultaneously. This process cannot be interrupted even for several days. During this time, the concrete can dry and monolithic pouring will not work.

The basement and walls of the basement must be sure to withstand within 15-21 days. Only then can the walls of the house be driven out.

Projects of two-story houses with a basement

Two-story buildings from one-story buildings differ not only in their size and height, but also in weight, which have a great effect on the foundation of the house itself. This is important to consider.

A two-story house can be either full-fledged or have an attic as a second floor. The choice of the type of foundation, its depth, as well as the possibility of using the basement, largely depends on this.

Recently, projects of houses with a basement and an attic are very common, because the roof area significantly increases the usable area. In buildings of this type, the basement is most often used to equip utility rooms, a pantry for storing things, products, etc. Some here have a sauna.

Two-story buildings with a basement, compared with houses with an attic, are quite heavy and, accordingly, exert more pressure on the ground and walls of the building. For this reason, a monolithic foundation is used here, which is able to withstand a large load.

projects of houses with a basement

In recent decades, house designs with a basement and a garage have also become very popular. This type of building came to us from the west, where it gained popularity due to the practicality and convenience of buildings.

projects of single-storey houses with a basement

Basement Materials

In addition to concrete for the construction of the basement, you can use more modern building materials, such as:

  • aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks;
  • brick;
  • wide building blocks;
  • other things.

Projects of houses with a basement: convenient layout

We offer to consider the layout of a simple but functional house.

basement house projects

In the basement there is a garage (7), a workshop (8), two pantries (6) and a bathroom (9). Directly in the house itself there is a living room (1), four bedrooms (2), a fairly spacious kitchen (3) with a dining room (4) and a bathroom.

Another very interesting project is a small but quite functional house with a basement. In the basement there is a garage, boiler room, sauna, greenhouse. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, a kitchen and a spacious living room. In the attic there is a bedroom and an office, if you wish, you can make two bedrooms.

Projects of houses with a basement can be very different. The assortment of materials and technologies presented by the modern construction market allows owners to implement any, even very bold decisions.


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