Pate for cats: assortment, compositions, rating of the best, reviews

Cats have always been considered finicky in food. Most pets carefully choose their food and can even starve near a full bowl if they don’t like the proposed treat. Of course, the owners indulging in such habits are to blame for many, but a solution is still needed.

Today's market offers a chic assortment of cat treats, where dry feed accounts for a significant half. The latter are inexpensive, and are not picky about storage conditions. But many experts in this area recommend using another alternative to cat food - pastes.

A variety of compositions and excipients make it not only tasty, but also useful for a pet. Yes, and the packaging of the paste for cats is much more convenient, which simplifies the feeding process. The main thing is to choose the right food and not get confused in all this variety.

So, we present to your attention the rating of the best pastes for cats. The list included wet feeds popular in the domestic market, distinguished by a balanced composition and palatability attractive to pets.

The best wet food for cats (pastes):

  1. Leonardo
  2. Petreet Natura.
  3. Brit Care.
  4. Almo Nature Legend.
  5. Gourmet.
  6. Applaws.
  7. Iams.

Consider each product in more detail.


Judging by the reviews, the paste for cats "Leonardo" - this is the best that can be found in the domestic market. The product consists of fresh, and most importantly - quality meat and seafood. The basis of feed in almost all cases is chicken - from 70 to 90%.

cat food pate

Other ingredients are specific additives depending on the chosen taste: fish, offal, fish oil, etc. Leonardo's paste for cats is enriched with mineral elements and does not contain harmful substances: flavorings, preservatives, soy, and other things. The manufacturer recommends giving the product along with the dry food of the same name.

Pate Benefits:

  • an impressive amount of meat;
  • only natural ingredients in the feed;
  • excellent value for money.


  • the product is not suitable for pets with a weak digestive system due to the large amount of meat;
  • paste - a rare guest, even in specialized stores.

Petreet natura

This cat paste is made exclusively from natural ingredients without a hint of synthetic additives. The feed contains full meat and fish, and cereals and vegetables are added as auxiliary elements.

pate for cats reviews

The presence of additional components depends on the taste chosen. There may be some herbal options like asparagus, potatoes, olives, etc. or animal ingredients: liver, squid, crabs, etc. If you need a paste for cats with low fat, you can choose a product with chicken breast in a proportion from 0.4 to 1.2%.

Product Features

Judging by the reviews, this food is perfect for pets with a sedentary lifestyle. A high level of protein provides the energy necessary for animals. The level of salts in the paste is minimized, which prevents the appearance of crystals in the kidneys. And the excellent balance of omega-fatty acids supports a healthy look of hair and skin.

Pate Benefits:

  • impressive and balanced composition;
  • exclusively natural elements;
  • wide assortment of tastes;
  • There are solutions for different categories of pets.


  • rarely found on sale;
  • the cost is too high for the average consumer.

Brit care

One of the main distinguishing features of this paste is a specific combination of components. The product is suitable even for those pets who are allergic to popular types of meat - beef and chicken. Numerous owner reviews confirm this.

gourmet paste for cats reviews

The paste consists of 40% soft lumpy meat, animal fats and a small proportion of cereal bran. In addition, the product contains elements enriched with minerals and vitamins. Judging by the reviews, the periodic use of paste in food has a very positive effect on the teeth, coat and eye condition of the pet.

Feed Benefits:

  • correctly selected hypoallergenic ingredients;
  • only natural elements;
  • adequate cost;
  • convenient packaging.

No flaws were identified.

Almo nature legend

Another great wet food that has received a lot of positive feedback from users. The paste contains 1% cereals, 24% broth and 75% pure and high-quality meat (or fish). The food has a pleasant and rich smell, and pets can smell it at a great distance.

wet cat food pates

Depending on the additives, the main taste of the paste changes. There are options with cheese, cod liver and other delicious ingredients. The product is fully enriched with minerals and vitamins necessary for animals. The specific recipe for the preparation of the paste helps to preserve all the beneficial properties of natural ingredients.

Pate Benefits:

  • only natural ingredients;
  • wide range of tastes;
  • all the necessary set of minerals and vitamins;
  • convenient container for storage.


  • Not all pets will use the product as the main feed.


Reviews of pastes for Gourmet cats are mostly positive. Owners note that pets really like food. The paste contains both pure meat and its processed products. Also in the composition are fish and vegetable protein extract.

cat pastes are good

All minerals and vitamins necessary for pets are added to the feed. The manufacturer assures that the ingredients available in the paste are enough for cats, and combining the product with dry food is not necessary.

Pate Benefits:

  • wide selection of flavors;
  • there are all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • attractive cost;
  • sold in almost all specialized stores.


  • vegetable protein is present;
  • the percentage of ingredients is not specified on the packages.


The feed is available in three forms: spiders (jelly), jars and lamisters (pastes). Pet owners are very warm about this product. The composition of the paste includes 75% of natural meat cooked in its own juice. Even the most fastidious pets like this solution.

pate Applaws

Among other elements in the feed there are 3 or 4 main components: fish (boneless) or meat, broth and cereals (up to 6%). Also on sale you can find more exotic flavoring options like shrimp, cheese, etc. There were no artificial additives, judging by the reviews, in the feed.

Pate Benefits:

  • only natural ingredients;
  • high content of pure meat;
  • a wide range of tastes, including exotic;
  • several types of packaging.


  • some pets will not be suitable as the main feed.


This is a relatively inexpensive option, but this does not make it bad. Owners of cats respond well to paste and use it as the main feed. The composition of the product includes meat (about 13%), oils, fats, sugar and animal by-products.

Pate Iams

For preserving the nutrients, the permitted preservatives - antioxidants - are responsible. The feed is enriched with minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for the animal. The presence of any flavorings was not noticed.

It is also worth noting that the manufacturer offers special solutions for both young kittens and elderly pets. Separately, it is worth noting a very convenient packaging - a spider, with which you can easily dose the paste in the right amount.

Feed Benefits:

  • complete food without the need for dilution / addition;
  • nice smell;
  • convenient packaging.


  • high feed consumption;
  • small selection of flavors.


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