Why does Minecraft not start? How to start the game

Quite often, players ask why Minecraft does not start or issues various errors. Today we will try to find out what can happen in this case, how to fix the problems that arose.

why minecraft does not start

Lack of java

The first reason you might have a problem is the lack of a so-called Java add-on. It is necessary for the correct work with applications and graphics. Of course, the computer in this case itself will “tell” why Minecraft does not start, giving you the corresponding error. More precisely, a message when you try to play.

If you saw an inscription that there is no Java, then you need to install it. Download the required component (usually they simply copy it directly from the issued message and look for it), then install it and restart the computer. After that, the problem should disappear.

True, sometimes you just need to reinstall the version of Java itself. To do this, delete the previous one and "top" install a new one. If you receive a message about the impossibility of deletion, use the JavaMSIFix utility.

Black screen or incorrect display

Another reason that the Minecraft game does not start may be due to a video card crash. In this situation, a player usually has a “black screen” instead of a game. But it also happens that a toy starts up, only with huge glitches - textures and objects are displayed incorrectly. Up to the point that it becomes simply impossible to play. So the graphics card is another reason why Minecraft does not start. But how to solve it?

minecraft does not start what to do

The first option is to reinstall the driver for the video card. Download the latest available version from the manufacturer’s official website, then install it on your computer and restart the computer. Try to play Minecraft. It should work.

If, after reinstalling the drivers, Minecraft does not start, what you do not know, and Java is installed, then most likely the matter is in the video card of your computer. Try changing her. The problem with the black screen will go away by itself. Just remember to install the drivers on your PC.


Sometimes players may experience a problem in which the Minecraft server does not start. In fact, it becomes impossible to play. The game seems to be starting, but nothing can be done. How to be in such a situation?

There are several options for the development of events. The first is that your antivirus or firewall for some reason starts to block game files. In this case, it is better to disable the antivirus program and add the game to the firewall as an exception. Restart your computer and try starting up again.

The second scenario is less pleasant - the virus decided to visit you. More precisely, Minecraft competitors decided to replace the official servers with their own. This process you will see on the monitor during an attempt to start. Minecraft does not start due to this spoofing. What to do? It is best to completely remove the game, check the computer for viruses, cure it and reinstall the toy on the computer. Everything will have to earn.

Virus attack

The most unpleasant reason why Minecraft does not start are viruses. These are not the ones that competitors “send”. This is about the simplest imprisonment aimed at destroying your operating system. Thus, over time, your programs and some games may be denied work. What to do?

Minecraft server does not start

First of all, save all the important data that you have. It is better to use an external hard drive - it contains a fairly large amount of information. After that, you should check your computer for viruses. If something is found, do not rush to delete infected files immediately. Try to cure them first. In cases where this is not possible, send them to quarantine, and then delete them. After the process is complete, restart the computer. If everything went well, then it will be cured, and all programs and games will start working properly again.

True, here you need to be prepared for the fact that after treatment the system may even refuse to start. Then you will need to reinstall it. In this case, after installing all the drivers, the games and programs will work correctly.


There are a number of useful tips to help you decide why Minecraft does not start. Let's see what can be done so that this problem does not occur for you:

  1. First, make sure that there is enough free space on the computer. It is better to have 2-3 GB of free memory in stock. Quite often, games do not start just because of a lack of free space.
  2. Download the latest version of JavaScript and install it. After that, restart the computer without fail.
  3. Check your drivers for updates on time. Reinstall them if necessary.

Minecraft game does not start

In addition, try not to use third-party programs for playing Minecraft. Use only honest methods.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4410/

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