Cable channels for electrical wiring: sizes, types, advantages and disadvantages. Cable channel 25x16

Wiring does not like jokes. The quality of its installation depends on both the safety of the room and the serviceability of all devices that require a network connection. It is known that the most reliable option for installing an electric cable is hidden. In this case, the wires have maximum protection against any external influences, which means a long service life.

How to make wiring

In some cases, using the traditional installation method can be problematic. This applies to wooden buildings, as well as old houses with concrete walls, where during the work it will take a long time to wall the walls, which leads to the formation of a huge amount of dust. As a result, you can’t stay in the room for some time, which causes a number of inconveniences for residents and repair crews. In addition, if over time errors are found in the work, then repairing wires walled up in concrete walls will not be easy. An alternative can help out - open wiring in cable channels.

The main advantage of this option is the ease of installation. But there are also some nuances here:

  • The wire is much easier to damage.
  • Even if mechanical influences were avoided, other external factors, such as temperature and humidity changes, can degrade its characteristics in the future.
  • The size of the cable channel for wiring in some cases is quite large, it can harm the beauty and comfort of the room.

Keeping this in mind, it is necessary to correctly choose the cable channel. Fortunately, their assortment is huge both in size and shape, and in manufacturing materials.

Channel cable size for electrical wiring

Types of cable channels for electrical wiring

With all the variety of brands, shapes and sizes, this product is available in two versions:

  1. Hard cable channels. These include open and deaf structures made of metal, wire or plastic.
  2. Flexible. For their manufacture, rubber (budget option) or flexible plastic is used. Such products are more reliable and high quality, but cost more. They are corrugated pipes or sections that are connected to form structures of the desired length.

Types of cable channels for electrical wiring

Each owner engaged in repairs in the house has the opportunity to choose a cable channel that fits perfectly into the interior of the home. There are such varieties of this product:

  • Mini box. Their width and height is just over 1 cm. They are designed for telephone and Internet communication cables, as well as for wires of household electrical appliances, such as a computer, TV, etc.
  • Designs for decorating skirting boards. They are one of the most advantageous for residential premises. In addition to adequate protection of the wires, they also originally decorate the room, in particular, the plinth. Thanks to this, an optimal balance of beauty and practicality is created.
  • Cable channel in the form of a parapet. It is appropriate to mount in institutions and offices. They are rarely used for houses and apartments, because the appearance of the walls is somewhat burdensome. However, with the appropriate design, you can give preference to it, because it is reliable enough, has sufficient capacity for a large number of wires, has built-in niches for sockets and switches.
  • Floor boxes. They have a rounded shape, they can give originality to the appearance of the room, but they are not particularly popular.
  • Ceiling structures. They have a triangular shape. One part is attached to the ceiling, the other to the wall.
  • Flexible channels. This is ideal for uneven surfaces.
Flexible cable channel

Materials used for manufacturing

It has already been noted above that metal or plastic is used to manufacture these devices. It remains only to decide what to give preference to. The key to the right choice is knowledge of the characteristics of these materials.

Plastic cable channels

Many people give preference to them, because the price for them is quite affordable, installation is also not very difficult. The material itself is quite resistant to temperature extremes and other influences. Suitable for homes, apartments and offices, but for industrial premises with powerful electrical equipment, they are not recommended. In this case, with a short circuit, the temperature will be too high and too strong for the plastic.


They are characterized by high strength and durability, resistant to fire. However, they are rarely used for the house, only if the design is decorated in the style of techno. However, they are ideal for industrial premises. Their installation requires skills and experience, as well as the availability of special tools.


You should pay attention to them if you need to purchase a non-combustible cable channel for electrical wiring, which will not disturb the interior with its appearance. These devices are universal, suitable for rooms of any purpose, have an additional coating based on zinc, which protects them from any influences. They differ in a variety of design solutions, so you can choose to your liking.

Different cable channels


How to choose the size of the cable channel for wiring? This question rarely causes difficulties, since there are a lot of options on sale.

The sizes of cable channels for electrical wiring are selected so that all the wires that need to be laid fill the structure by about half. If we are talking about a three-wire wire where grounding is used, then there must be a distance between its elements. In this case, the 25x16 cable channel is suitable. Do not stack in an oversized box. It will accumulate more air, which reduces fire safety. Some of these devices already have special recesses for wires of various sections.

Surface preparation for installation

Regardless of whether it is a floor, walls or ceiling, if wires are attached to them, then they should be pre-aligned. Mounting the cable on a curved surface can disrupt the harmonious appearance of the room. In this case, the boxes will be skewed in different directions, and their lock will not be able to fulfill its function.

The next stage is marking in accordance with the design of the electrical system. Its compilation is a responsible matter. It is necessary to accurately calculate the amount of material, choose a location so that the boxes fit as naturally as possible into the interior.

Installation of electrical wiring in the cable channel

Necessary fixtures and tools

To complete the work you will need:

  • Cable channels must be equipped with plugs that are installed in the corners and in other places of connection of their elements.
  • Hammer and drill.
  • Dowels, screws or liquid nails.
  • Special knife for plastic.
  • Building level.
  • Junction boxes, RCDs, sockets, switches and other electrical accessories.

Mounting the cable duct on the wall

For its fastening, dowels, screws or liquid nails are used. The first option is suitable for concrete and brick walls. The use of self-tapping screws is appropriate on wooden and plasterboard surfaces. As for fixing with liquid nails, this method is more suitable to give additional structural strength. It should be taken as a basis only in exceptional cases, as a temporary option. If the size of the cable channel for wiring is very large, it is better not to use glue at all.

Work begins with the layout of future holes for drilling on the duct and walls. It must be carried out taking into account the fact that the walls have irregularities. In these places, the distance between the fasteners should be reduced to about 6 cm.

When everything is planned out and the holes are drilled, you can begin to install the cable channel. Separately, it is worth mentioning the length of dowels and screws. It should be at least 5 cm.

Next, you need to lay the wires. It is good if the boxes already have special recesses and cells for cable elements. If they are not, then the wires intended for the switches should be placed a little higher than those that go to the sockets, making sure that they are laid evenly and do not touch the cable channel cover.

Types of cable channels for electrical wiring

Installation of floor cable duct

The greatest popularity was gained by devices in the form of skirting boards with an integrated duct box. They can be found in a variety of colors. This allows them to fit into any interior, creating a harmonious combination with the floor and walls. There is no need to level the surface. The price for them is not very high.

Although this cable channel is considered outdoor, but it is fixed to the wall.

To calculate the material, you need to know the perimeter of the room. Installation takes place similarly to the previous version. It is only necessary to take into account that the fixing devices for skirting boards are located at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Installation in a wooden house

The wiring in the cable channel in the apartments has not received widespread use. However, for wooden buildings, it is an ideal option. Why? Because wood is heat sensitive material. The location of the conductive lines inside the wooden walls is expensive. This requires the installation of additional layers of non-combustible materials. Between them and wires should be placed. Only highly qualified electricians can carry out such work qualitatively.

Cable channel 25x16

Even if everything is done correctly, hidden wiring can be dangerous for a wooden house. You must admit that it is almost impossible to notice the slightest disturbances in the operation of a system hidden in a wall. Conducting open wiring in cable channels allows you to keep everything under control. There is no need to be afraid of violating the beauty of the interior, because the boxes can be found in any color. Moreover, now there is even a cable channel for wiring under a tree, which not only does not spoil the beauty, but also turns out to be a successful addition to the design solution. Pay attention to the choice of power cable. It should be with insulation that does not support combustion, for example, VVGNG.

Cable channels in the bathroom

Life dictates its own rules. Every year, there are more and more electrical appliances, including those that are most appropriate to place in the bathroom. So, you need an additional outlet. Please note that wiring in cable ducts in rooms with high humidity is allowed only as a temporary option. The presence of grounding in this case is necessary, because the danger of electric shock increases several times. All sockets must be equipped with a special spring cover that protects against splashes, they should be placed at a considerable distance from the bathtub and sink. All joints and crevices, if necessary, can be additionally fixed with sealant. In this case, a plastic cable channel is installed. Metal boxes are strictly prohibited in such rooms.

Sizes cable channels for electrical wiring

Useful Tips

Experienced craftsmen advise:

  • Replacing the wiring is best done simultaneously in all rooms. This will make the job cheaper because fewer additional accessories, including terminal blocks, are required.
  • It should be remembered that a high-quality product cannot be cheap, therefore it is recommended to forget about saving. Electricity may not forgive this.
  • It is better to buy wires, cable channels, and other accessories for installation with a margin in order to be insured against unpleasant surprises.
  • When placing cables in one junction box, you must know that it is forbidden to connect copper and aluminum wires together.
  • Choosing a cable is better than one that is designed for power above the average for a house or apartment. In this case, he will not be subject to premature decline in quality.
  • The size of the cable channel for wiring should be as follows. so that the wires are freely located in it, but without excess reserve.
  • Cable trimming should be done only after laying to avoid inaccuracies in the calculations.
  • Cable channel 25x16 is ideal if you want to place only one wire.


Modern life requires speed and ease. Not spared is the work of installing electrical wiring. There was an opportunity to avoid unnecessary time-consuming work associated with the shredding of walls and ceilings. Installation of wiring in the cable channel makes it possible to save time and money. There are several ways. We talked about them above. Do not forget about those places where this method of wiring is not recommended. We are talking about rooms with high humidity. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of cable channels, you can make the right choice.


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