Unpretentious and beautiful plant - asparagus Sprenger

Decades ago, curly evergreens could be seen on almost every window. These were various types of asparagus. These plants belong to the asparagus family, which has more than three hundred species. They have significant differences both in terms of growth and in external data. All asparagus have thin and flexible stems. The leaves of these plants are absent, their role is played by cladonia - leaf-shaped shoots. Asparagus bloom in small flowers, from

asparagus sprenger
which form small red fruits. At the same time they look very decorative.

There are varieties of asparagus, the shoots of which are used for food. Such plants are called asparagus and are grown on special plantations. Shoots that have not come to the surface, or young shoots, the length of which is not more than 20 cm, are considered edible.

For indoor cultivation, only some species are suitable. The most widespread is the asparagus of Sprenger, followed by asparagus, Meyer and cirrus. Plant care is simple: it requires more or less regular watering during active growth and top-dressing every two weeks with a solution of mineral fertilizers. If the air is very dry, the plant may turn yellow and begin to lose leaves. This problem is solved by spraying.

seed asparagus
Asparagus are unpretentious plants. They can be grown both in open and in closed ground. In cold climates, some species winter well, throwing new shoots in spring. Asparagus can be used to create horizontal and vertical compositions; their shoots look great in bouquets. The plants themselves look great in any interior. Asparagus prefer bright diffused lighting. They grow well on eastern or western windows. Asparagus Sprenger prefers more lighted places. It can also be grown on the south side of the house.

Asparagus grows quickly, so every spring they are transplanted into more spacious dishes. During this procedure, you can safely shorten the overgrown root system and cut bare branches. All these actions will not harm the plant. By trimming the bare shoots, you stimulate the growth of new ones, so the plant will become even more magnificent and beautiful.

asparagus sprenger photo
It is easiest to propagate asparaguses by dividing the rhizome. Some species are propagated by cuttings, some by seeds. For example, you can grow Asparagus Sprenger from seeds, for which they are sown in pots, regularly sprayed. The optimum temperature for the emergence of seedlings is 22-25 Β° C. But nevertheless, it is easier to propagate Sprenger asparagus by simple division of the bush. The plant tolerates this procedure well, and one or three rhizomes can be obtained from one rhizome.

Asparagus Sprenger gained his popularity among flower growers due to his attractive appearance: he has long (up to 1 meter) shoots with leafy leaves of a deep green color. If the conditions and care are appropriate, then after flowering bright red fruits form that look very decorative. And in general, of the plants that can be grown at home, the most unpretentious and most attractive - Sprenger asparagus. Photos confirm this. If you are not a very experienced florist, then asparagus can serve as a good start to your "career" - they are attractive and undemanding to the conditions of detention.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4421/

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