How to choose an electric heat gun (220V)? Rating

If you need to quickly warm up an unheated garage or any other room, you can use the appropriate equipment. An excellent example is a thermal electric gun (220V). How to choose such a device, you can find out if you read the article. Such units save when construction or finishing work stretched for an indefinite period, and the cold is already approaching.

If from time to time you need to warm a frozen car, then you can’t do without a heat gun at all, because quite often the car refuses to start in the cold. Given the fact that the range of such devices is truly huge, you must understand how to choose a gun. This task can be quite difficult. But if you follow certain rules and take into account important factors, then you can make a profitable purchase.

It will be possible to use the gun not only for the garage and construction needs, but also for heating the greenhouse , as well as, if necessary, drying the room after finishing work. Experts advise to determine the power of the device, design features and manufacturer.

How to make a choice based on technical specifications?

electric heat gun 220v how to choose

The first thing you should pay attention to is what parameters will be optimal for the gun. The selection should be made according to the appropriate voltage and power. As for the latter characteristic, when choosing it, you can use one of two calculation options. The simplest method, which will allow you to determine what kind of power to pick up, is as follows: for every 10 m 2 of the room you need 1 kW of power.

If you have to heat a room 4 x 6 m, then the simplest calculations will show that the power of the gun should be equal to 3 kW. You can determine this value as follows: 4 times 6, which is 24 m 2 . Based on the recommendations, it can be concluded that the power reserve is approximately 20%. The calculation will look like this: 2.4 times 1.2, which will allow you to get 2.88 kW. The closest value is 3 kW, it is with this in mind that you need to select a device for heating the garage.

Alternative power calculation

electric heat gun 220v

If you are faced with the question of how to choose a thermal electric gun (220V), then you can use another calculation option. The value in the end will be more accurate. This approach is relevant when choosing a heat gun for the home. The formula does not take into account the area, but the volume of the room, as well as the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the walls.

The formula is as follows: P = (V * dT * Kt) / 860. Here, the volume of the room is indicated by the letter V and is defined as the area that is multiplied by the height of the ceiling. The temperature difference inside and outside the room is dT. Thermal Conductivity - Kt. If the room has walls with good thermal insulation, then this value will vary from 0.6 to 1. When the equipment is selected for a room with average thermal insulation or brick walls in two rows, the coefficient will be equal to the limit from 1 to 2.

It is also necessary to select a heat gun for rooms whose walls are made of single-row brickwork. In this case, thermal insulation is usually poor, and the coefficient of thermal conductivity will reach 3, while its minimum value is 2.

When choosing a heat gun for a dilapidated hangar from a profiled sheet or boards, you should take into account the coefficient from 3 to 4. The number 860 is the number of kcal in one kilowatt. Before deciding how to choose a thermal electric gun (220V), you must understand the essence of the calculation, which can be considered with a specific example.

When it comes to choosing equipment for the garage and heating the car, you can take into account the same room volume of 4 x 6 m. And the ceiling height can be taken equal to 3 m. Inside the building, the air temperature should be +15 ° C, whereas outside -20 ° C. The difference is 35 ° C.

When the garage is well insulated, the coefficient will be 1. The calculation formula in this case is as follows: 72 x 35 x 1 = 2520 kcal / h. In order to translate this value into kilowatts, it should be divided into 860, which will allow to obtain 2.93 kW. It is important to take equipment with a power reserve, as a result, the desired parameter will be equal to 3.5 kW, which is quite enough.

For reference

electric heat gun 220v homemade

When deciding how to choose a heat electric gun (220V), you should pay attention to the fact that there is a conditional classification of equipment by power. Fan heaters are those units whose power reaches 5 kW; all above are guns.

How to make a choice based on duration and noise level: reviews

electric heat gun 220v rating

Experts advise paying attention to the duration of the gun. When heating a room, such devices should work without interruption for a rather long period. The heat electric gun (220V), reviews of which you can read below, can have a value that looks like this: 24/1 or 24/2. In these cases, the duration of the work is round-the-clock with a break of one or two hours.

In order to make the right choice according to the characteristics, consumers are advised to pay attention also to the noise level during operation, as well as the range of operating temperatures. Having familiarized yourself with the assortment of modern devices, you can understand that they are capable of operating at temperatures ranging from +5 to +40 ° C.

Selection by type of premises

heat gun electric 220v 2 kW

Another rather important criterion for choosing a heat gun is the type of room. If you want to buy a device for the home, then it must work on the principle of indirect heating. But before buying a device for a greenhouse or heating a car, it is better to pay attention to simple options that will eliminate the need to overpay.

When choosing a gun for temporary heating, you should take into account the moment that a portable case is better for these purposes. If the heater will have to be in one place for a long time, then you should choose a stationary device that allows you to fix it in a specific place in the room.

Selection by additional parameters

electric ceramic heat gun 220v

The thermal electric gun (220V) is also selected taking into account additional factors, for example, the presence of a temperature controller. Modern technology necessarily has such functionality, but if you want to save money, it is better to select a device with at least a step regulator. It will allow you to control the efficiency and productivity of the device.

It should also have a function of automatic shutdown if overheating occurs. When the case accidentally falls, and the heater overheats, a fire hazard situation arises in which the thermostat should work. When choosing a thermal electric gun (220V), you should also consider the material at the base of the case. It is better to prefer metal than composite or plastic.

The first option is more durable, in addition, in case of an accidental power outage, a heated TEN will not be able to damage the metal case. As for plastic, it can melt when overheated and cause a fire.

If one of your goals is to quickly warm up the room, then it is better to choose a cylindrical type device, because a spiral acts as their heating element. This option is great for heating a garage, which is especially important if you need to warm the car in cold weather.

What else is important to consider?

electric heat gun 220v bison

When choosing a heat electric gun (220V) for a garage, you should also consider the availability of a service center in your city, because if the equipment fails, then the repair can be very expensive. But if the gun is selected for a summer house or a private house, then it is better to purchase a rectangular design that seems more rational, because inside there is a mesh heating element that does not dry the air and is not so dangerous in terms of spontaneous combustion. The most powerful airflow can be achieved if you use equipment with a fully stamped impeller. When choosing a heater for a construction site, for example, for installing a stretch ceiling, you should prefer a device with such a fan.

Rating of electric guns by popularity: Ballu BHP-P-3. Hot sale

If we consider the assessment of customers based on the frequency of purchase, then Ballu products are one of the most popular. This heat gun has an acceptable cost - 2509 rubles. and is equipment capable of operating in one of three modes:

  • ventilation;
  • ventilation without heating;
  • partial and full heating.

The case has double walls, which eliminates strong heating. Air consumption reaches 300 cubic meters per hour. The unit weighs 4.8 kg. Its heating element has a protection in the form of a metal mesh, which eliminates the ingress of foreign objects. The body has an elongated shape, which contributes to the creation of a directed air flow.

Considering the rating of thermal electric guns (220V), you should definitely pay attention to the Ballu BHP-P-3 model, because its manufacturer is quite popular among consumers. However, this fact is not the only one that forces buyers to choose such devices. As for the described option, it has many positive features, among them:

  • body strength;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of use.

One of the leaders in popularity. Domestic representative of the rating: BISON "MASTER ZTP-2000"

In second place in popularity are the products of the Zubr company. If we consider popular models, then domestic ones are one of the common ones, because they have an acceptable cost. This equipment option costs 1800 rubles. Power is 2000 W; thermal energy - 1720 kcal / h. The unit weighs 1.9 kg and is characterized by durability. This thermal electric ceramic gun (220V) has a heating element that effectively heats an office, apartment, garage, change house or store.

Extra features

Electricity is consumed economically, while the air in the room is not dried, oxygen is not burned. You can leave the heat gun for a long time, without fear for the safety of the room. The fan rotates at a high frequency, and the heat transfer area is quite high, so the air warms up quickly.

This "Zubr" thermal electric gun (220V) has functions that are responsible for safety, for example, there is a temperature regulator and a thermal fuse, which eliminates the occurrence of emergency situations.

Popular participant in the rating: "Interskol TPE-2". Reviews

The popularity rating will not be complete unless one of the Interskol models is included in it. This device is bought less frequently than the above, so it takes only third place. When considering equipment for heating premises, according to consumers, you should definitely pay attention to the electric gun, the brand of which is mentioned in the subheading above. Its cost is 2119 rubles, and the equipment itself, according to users, can be used for rooms up to 20 m 2 .

The case has a cylindrical shape and is made of steel. Its surface has an anti-corrosion coating. The heating heater is made of fechral spirals. Air consumption reaches 240 m 3 per hour. Equipment weighs 4.5 kg. Its dimensions are 240x240x310 mm.

This thermal electric gun (2 kW, 220V) has many positive features, namely:

  • protective grill;
  • steady support;
  • bimetallic safety thermostat;
  • ease of management.

During operation, the device is able to increase the room temperature by 25 ° C.

DIY gun making

You can make a gun from thin sheet metal, which will go to the body. In the process, you will need a heating nichrome spiral and an electric motor. To fix the spiral, take care of the presence of an insulating block. It is important to include switches, terminals and wires in the design.


Home-made electric heat guns (220V) do not have the same level of security as factory models, so you need to be near when working. The spiral is mounted inside the housing using insulating blocks. Having prepared the bent halves of the metal, you can make a body out of them, which is fixed into a single unit with self-tapping screws. An axial fan is installed at the end of the resulting pipe. It and the heating element must be connected to the network through switches, after which we can assume that the electric gun is ready for operation.


Before deciding on a particular model of electric heat gun, it is necessary to evaluate all its characteristics. Among the strong, but most important, is the power, which is selected taking into account several factors. Before making a purchase, you should take into account the insulation of the room, as well as its area.


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